Chapter 246 He Has Less Than One Year
"I don't want to hear sorry, Song Tingyue, I hate you, I've hated you all my life!"

The feeling of falling out of love, Meng Yinyin never wants to try again in her life.

Can't eat, can't sleep.

It seems that life is meaningless.

Whether she opened her eyes or closed her eyes, Song Tingyue was always on her mind, and he had already taken root in her mind.

Meng Yinyin is not a girl who loves to cry.

At this moment, the tears couldn't be held back and kept falling.

Song Tingyue's shirt was wet a lot.

Stick it on the skin, it's ice-cold.

Song Tingyue's hand stopped in mid-air and slowly retracted.

Maybe he shouldn't have approached her in the first place.

Let alone arrange her future life presumptuously.

She has her own dreams, her own future, her own life, and these have nothing to do with him.

He is just a passer-by in her life.

Come in a hurry, go in a hurry, she will not belong to him after all.

It was because of his selfishness that he hurt her.

Song Tingyue pursed his thin lips and stood up abruptly.

This time, Song Tingyue really left, and his back was as determined as a farewell.

"Song Tingyue, stop...stop..."

She hasn't beaten enough or scolded enough!
No matter how Meng Yinyin yelled, Song Tingyue didn't stop.

He left without looking back.

"Song Tingyue, you bastard!"

Meng Yinyin grabbed the half bottle of red wine on the table and smashed it hard on the floor.

The wine bottle shattered, and the red wine glass shards spilled all over the floor.


Meng Yinyin shuffled back home, locked herself in the room, ate nothing, only drank water and slept.

She ignored Mr. Meng's knock on the door.

"Yinyin, open the door, okay?"

"Did you quarrel with Ruisen?"

"Yinyin, say something."

Jiang Ruisen came every day, but Meng Yinyin refused to see him.

She locked herself in the room for seven whole days. Mr. Meng was really worried and asked Jiang Ruisen to go in through the window to have a look.

Jiang Ruisen was taken aback when he saw the haggard Meng Yinyin.

He had no idea that she had fallen so deep.

She had lost a lot of weight, her plump bun face was sunken, and her big eyes were dull.

"Yinyin." Jiang Ruisen held her hand distressedly: "Stop humiliating yourself, Ting Yue will not look back."

"Don't mention him!"

Meng Yinyin's voice was hoarse.

There were tears in the dry eyes again.

She thought her tears had dried up, but unexpectedly, there were still tears.

Jiang Ruisen gently gathered the hair scattered on the side of her face behind her ears: "Eat something, don't worry Grandpa Meng."

"I do not want to eat."

Meng Yinyin used to be a foodie, but now, food doesn't interest her anymore.

She is a walking dead.

Unable to bear to see Meng Yinyin in such pain, Jiang Ruisen was silent for a moment before saying, "Yinyin, it's actually good for you and him to separate from Ting Yue..."

"I said don't mention him!"

Meng Yinyin roared out of control, and the next second, tears fell down.

Even without mentioning Song Tingyue, he has already taken root in her heart.

Jiang Ruisen held Meng Yinyin's hand tightly, and said affectionately: "Yinyin, give me a chance, and I will definitely take good care of you. I will never leave you forever, and love you."

Jiang Ruisen's confession did not stir up waves in Meng Yinyin's heart.

She numbly withdrew her hand and covered her head with the quilt.

"Get out and don't bother me."

Jiang Ruisen put his hand on Meng Yinyin's head through the quilt.

He sighed: "Tingyue has Tingyue's difficulties, he only has less than a year!"


(End of this chapter)

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