Chapter 218 Divorce Procedures

Although Song Tingyue didn't say anything, Shen Menglan was a woman, and her sixth sense was very accurate. Young Master Ting must have had a fight with his little wife.

The little girl knew that being noisy would not only be of no help in her career, but also cause problems in her life.

Not worthy of Ting Shao at all.

Shen Menglan put the hair hanging around her face behind her ears, and smiled charmingly at Song Tingyue: "Young Master Ting, you haven't closed your eyes for three days and three nights, go to sleep for a while, or your body won't be able to take it."

Shen Menglan knows very well that a man needs a woman's love most when he is frustrated.

This time is her chance to perform.

Song Tingyue took a sip of his coffee and stared at the computer without even looking at Shen Menglan: "Go out!"

"Young Master Ting..."

Shen Menglan wanted to persuade her, but Song Tingyue interrupted her: "Get out!"

There was already impatience in his tone.

"Yes!" Shen Menglan pursed her lips aggrievedly, turned gracefully, and left the presidential suite.

She, Song Tingyue's assistant and several other executives lived on the next floor.

Song Tingyue was the only one in the huge presidential suite.

He is not lonely, she is lonely for him.

Not even a single person to talk to.

When Shen Menglan walked out of the presidential suite, she saw Song Tingyue's assistant answering the phone in the corridor outside.

"Already boarded the plane? Okay, okay, I will tell young master Ting, and let me know as soon as possible, thanks for your hard work."

The assistant hung up the phone, looked back at Shen Menglan, and nodded politely: "Manager Shen."

"Who's on the plane?"

Shen Menglan asked curiously.

Intuition told her that he was someone very important to Song Tingyue.

Who is it?
Is it...

Thinking of that pretty face, Shen Menglan was in a bad mood.

The assistant still kept smiling: "Manager Shen, is Young Master Ting in the room?"


"Thank you." The assistant opened the door and walked in.

"Assistant Zhou, let me ask you a question, who got on the plane? You haven't told me yet."

Shen Menglan grabbed the door that was about to close and frowned.

"No comment!"

The assistant pushed her hand away and closed the door of the presidential suite.

Shen Menglan gritted her teeth angrily.

Mysterious, what the hell are you doing?

The more the assistant kept silent, the more Shen Menglan wanted to know.

The person who can let Song Tingyue intervene in person must be of unusual status.

She has to pay close attention so that no one can snatch her Young Master Ting away.

From the moment she arrived at the airport, Meng Yinyin always felt that someone was staring at her.

But I looked around and saw no one I knew.

Strange, is she nervous?

Meng Yinyin told Haina that Haina carefully observed the people around her and found nothing suspicious.

"Don't be suspicious, no one recognizes us at all." Hana is also wearing a hat and sunglasses today, unless she is very familiar, otherwise she will not be recognized at all.

"Maybe I'm thinking too much."

Meng Yinyin shrugged, took out her phone, and saw that Jiang Ruisen had sent her another message.

Jiang Ruisen returned to the United States the day before yesterday.

After returning to the United States, he sent her a lot of messages whenever he was free, including text, audio, and video.

Meng Yinyin didn't click Jiang Ruisen, but found Song Tingyue in the friend list.

It's been a long time since he sent her a message.

She even suspected that he didn't use WeChat at all.

Simply delete it, out of sight is out of mind.

Just as Meng Yinyin was about to delete Song Tingyue, Song Tingyue sent her a message: [When I return to China, go through the divorce procedures! 】

(If Ting Shao gets divorced, does anyone still want it? Vote for Xia Xia quickly, and Xia Xia will give Ting Shao to her!)

(End of this chapter)

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