Chapter 660 Who are the three young sisters? 【Add more 13 for Dragon God】

Ling Yi's eyes immediately turned purple-black, and his original laughing expression instantly became ferocious.

Zilan, Zhang Beichen and others all exclaimed.

They had never seen such a dark side of Ling Yi, and they didn't expect it to be so terrifying.

Just one look can make them fall into the abyss!
"Kill them, kill everyone!" Loki said with a sinister smile.

"Yes! Your Highness Loki." Ling Yi responded gloomyly, and then walked towards Zilan.

Zilan immediately showed her sniper rifle of the policewoman in Hexpi City, "Ling Yi! Don't come here again! Ling Yi!"

She could shoot clearly, and knew that Ling Yi had been blackened, but she just couldn't do it.

In her heart, she always held a trace of fantasy, imagining that all this was just a joke.

But how could the Mind Stone be a joke?

When the mind gem touches any target, it can become confused, blackened, and obey the owner of the gem, that is, Loki!
And at this moment, a dark shadow "flickered" to Dr. Silvig's side, "Thank you, Doctor!"

Dr. Silvig was stunned for a moment, and before he had time to ask Xie, the cosmic magic in his hand was taken away by the shadow.

Dr. Silvig is just a mere scholar, and he can't guard against it at all!

After Sombra took the Cosmic Rubik's Cube, he immediately showed a dazzling ion saber!
Scorpio Beam Saber!

The sword light illuminated Sombra's face!

That's right, it's Ling Yi!
Loki gasped in astonishment, "What's going on? Uh! Clone!"

What was controlled by Luo Ji was Ling Yi's avatar!

Ling Yi deliberately went up to let Loki control the split body, and his own body took the opportunity to seize the Cosmic Rubik's Cube!
Loki waved his spiritual scepter angrily, "Ling Yi, how dare you play with me? I have to accept you as my younger brother today!"

Ling Yi laughed, "Jimei, you should surrender obediently and let me make you my younger brother!"

Loki's scepter suddenly slashed over. Ling Yi's Scorpio beam saber absorbed the arc energy of the Rubik's Cube, raised it up, and slashed fiercely at Loki's scepter.

Two forces representing the energy of two infinite gemstones collided, and the entire space was about to be torn apart.

Loki was taken aback, "Ling Yi, when did you become so powerful?"

"Is this considered powerful? There are even more powerful ones."

Ling Yi still has three chances to summon Bohr. If he summons Bohr, coupled with the arc energy of the Rubik's Cube, the entire Washington area may be razed to the ground in an instant.

Of course, this kind of move is too powerful. If it is used in this place, not only can Loki be killed, but even his own people will be killed.

What's more, the ultimate task of this game is to defeat Loki and destroy the Chitauri.

So, Loki can't die yet.

Ling Yi once again absorbed the energy of the Cosmic Rubik's Cube, and before Loki could make a second move, Ling Yi directly struck God with one move!
Loki fled back in fear, finally avoiding Ling Yi's attack.

"You actually...know Heimdall's God-Slaying Strike?"

"Speaking of it, you may not believe it. Heimdall's God-slashing Strike was learned from Odin, and Odin's God-slaying Strike was taught by me, so Heimdall's God-slashing Strike is also my own. If I teach him, then if I learn Heimdall's God-slaying Strike, it's like learning from myself." Ling Yi said with a grin.

"What a mess!" Loki said angrily, "Ling Yi, are you really unwilling to cooperate with me? If you are willing to cooperate with me, any of the nine enchantments except Asgard's Asgard You can choose an enchantment!"

While absorbing the power of the Cosmic Rubik's Cube, Ling Yi smiled and said, "I'm not interested in the Nine Barriers at all."

"Then, what about the three youthful sisters!" Loki held the scepter nervously, and said eagerly, "Have you forgotten? Last time you went to find me, you even guessed for the three youthful sisters that men have longer legs and women have longer legs." Here comes the riddle! The three youthful sisters like you very much!"

"What?!" Zilan raised her eyebrows immediately.

Ling Yi hurriedly slashed at Luo Ji, "I rely on Ji Mei! What three young sisters!? Don't blame me! I'm a decent person!"

Loki wanted to say something more, but Ling Yi's Scorpio Beam Saber rained down on Loki.

As Loki's status as a god, he is naturally not afraid of any mortals, but Ling Yi is the only exception.

Ling Yi is really too strong.

Ling Yi can even kill the Frost King Laufey, so what is he, Loki?
Although Loki has a spiritual scepter this time, his strength has been strengthened a lot, and he may even confront his brother Sol head-on, but facing Ling Yi, he still has no temper at all.

"That's enough! Ling Yi! I won't fight you anymore! I'm here to complete the great task of Lord Thanos, not to chat with you! Hawkeye, Dr. Silvig, let's go!"

Loki waved his green cloak, and he, Hawkeye, and Dr. Silverig quickly disappeared.

"Fortunately, the Rubik's Cube is still there." Ling Yi breathed a sigh of relief.

Without the Rubik's Cube, Loki cannot implement the next stage of the plan, and the Chitauri cannot attack the earth.

The Cosmic Rubik's Cube is in Ling Yi's hands, and Ling Yi can even turn it around, gather the Avenger heroes, teleport it to the star field of the Chitauri Legion, and destroy the entire Chitauri Legion.

Doing so, is not quite a big deal.

However, there must be a lot of rewards, maybe, this time the team power points and personal points can be doubled!

While thinking about it, Ling Yi giggled.

"Ling Yi!" Zilan walked over angrily, "I ask you, what happened to the three youthful sisters?"

Ling Yi shivered suddenly, and the Rubik's Cube in his hand almost fell to the ground.

"Well, I can't believe what Loki said." Ling Yi said with a smile.

"What does it mean for a man to have long legs?"

"It's just...the legs are very long..." Ling Yi said with a wry smile.

"How long are women's legs?"

"It's because women have long legs."

"You want to die, don't you?" Zilan squeezed her fist angrily.

"Don't, don't, Zilan, if you have something to say, let's talk alone, okay? On this occasion, especially when I just defeated a powerful god, it should be a time of great admiration, and you did it like this How shameless I am."

Zilan gave Ling Yi a blank look, "Okay, I'll write down what happened this time first, and we'll settle the score later! Also! Next time you use the avatar, remember to tell me secretly, it made me almost...almost , Almost wasted a bullet!"

Ling Yi chuckled, "All right, all right, I will definitely tell you in advance next time."

At this time, Nick Fury came over with a grateful face, "Ling Yi, we owe you one more time, thank you for helping us defend the Rubik's Cube, now, please return the Rubik's Cube to us!"

(End of this chapter)

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