Chapter 453 S.H.I.E.L.D. 【76 More】

"Obaday Stan actually got the Mark 1 design drawings?" Tony Stark said in astonishment.

"Yes, and he also manufactured an enhanced version of the Mark 1 weapon. I believe that these weapons will soon be equipped for the terrorists of the Ten Rings Gang." Ling Yi analyzed.

"Brother Yi, you mean to say that Obaday Stan is a member of the Ten Rings Gang?"


Although it was not clearly stated in the first movie of "Iron Man", in the Marvel Universe, Iron Man's greatest enemy is the Mandarin's Ten Rings Gang.

The Mandarin has always wanted to rule the entire world, and Stark Industries is the best tool for the Mandarin to realize their ambitions.

Therefore, Obaday Stan is likely to be a man who is loyal to the Mandarin!

This is actually beyond the plot of the movie, but the survival game is not exactly the plot of the movie, but it has been artistically processed.

In the first movie of "Iron Man", Obaday Stan assassinated Tony Stark for his inflated ambitions.

But in fact, this is a little bit unreasonable.

First of all, Tony Stark is a typical playboy, the world's top prodigal son. Tony Stark's biggest hobby is picking up girls, and then he makes some weird gadgets.

With Tony Stark's "no ambition" character, Obaday Stein can completely control the board of directors, but use economically common means to kick Tony Stark out of Stark Industries' management Yes, there is no need to kill him at all.

Secondly, if Obaday Stein really wants to kill Tony Stark, he can do it every day for ten years, there is no need to wait until now.

Therefore, killing Tony Stark may not be Obaday Stan's own idea, but it should be the master behind the scenes, the master of the Ten Rings Gang, and the Mandarin.

As for why the Mandarin wanted to kill Tony Stark at this time?

Ling Yi speculates that it is likely that the Mandarin has insight into the future and knows that Iron Man will be the biggest obstacle to his world domination, so he decides to kill Tony Stark in the cradle before he grows up.

However, this actually promoted Tony Stark to become the real Iron Man.

Can Mandarin see the future?
It seems that it really can.

There are not many introductions to the Mandarin in the movie, but in fact, this Mandarin is quite a powerful existence in the Marvel Universe.

According to rumors, this Mandarin was born in 1920 at the end of the Qing Dynasty. He was a descendant of a Mongolian prince and his mother was a British aristocrat.

He is proficient in Chinese Kung Fu and is a world-class fighting master. In order to cultivate his physical body, he traveled all over the world to find powerful enemies. When he was 20 years old, he discovered a land of Dragon Valley. With his super fighting power, he He killed the evil dragon guarding the Dragon Valley, but his own hands were also corroded by the dragon's venom.

In anger, he cut off the dragon's claw and transplanted it on his own arm, which greatly increased his strength.

However, his human genes are completely incompatible with dragon genes, and after he put on dragon claws, he no longer suffers from severe torture every moment.

However, Mandarin is not only a master of fighting, but also an excellent scientist.

He used his own knowledge and the power of the dragon clan in the Dragon Valley to create ten power rings for himself, and put them on his left and right dragon claws to suppress the pain caused by the dragon claws. .

His power knows no bounds, but so does his pain.

Later, he founded the Ten Commandments Gang, and people who believed in his power spread all over the world.

In the past 50 years, the scale of the Ten Rings Gang has gradually expanded, but no one has ever seen a real Mandarin.

Many people even think that the Mandarin is dead.

But judging from the current situation, the Mandarin just kept a low profile behind the scenes, slowly cultivating influence, and waiting for the best opportunity to make a move.

If Obaday Stein really obeys the Mandarin, then the real big boss of this game is probably not Obaday Stein, but the strength of the Mandarin.

If you want to protect Tony Stark well, you have to completely defeat the Mandarin.

"Brother Yi, what should we do now? Should we contact the military?" Tony Stark asked cautiously.

Just as Ling Yi was about to speak, he heard Jarvis say, "Boss, there is a visitor outside the door."

"Who?" Tony Stark asked alertly.

"The person here claims to be an agent of the Strategic Logistics Bureau, Cole Coulson."

"Strategic Logistics Agency? I haven't heard of it, see you!" Tony Stark frowned.

"and many more!"

Cole Coulson!

The next Director of S.H.I.E.L.D.!
During the first part of Iron Man, the director of SHIELD was still Nick Fury. In "Captain America 2", SHIELD was infiltrated and destroyed by Hydra organization. After that, Nick Fury appointed Cole Cole Mori as the new Director of S.H.I.E.L.D.!
What does S.H.I.E.L.D. do?


The full name is "National Strategic Defense Attack and Logistic Support Bureau", which is a special force that specializes in dealing with various strange events!
Just like Iron Man's sworn enemy is Mandarin, S.H.I.E.L.D.'s sworn enemy is Hydra!
In the entire Marvel universe, almost all superheroes are directly or indirectly related to S.H.I.E.L.D., even Thor!
Hawkeye and Black Widow are both important agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
Including the Avengers, they were all summoned by S.H.I.E.L.D.!
If S.H.I.E.L.D. wants to say that it is not awesome, then no organization in the entire Marvel world would dare to say that it is awesome.

Unexpectedly, in the plot game of Iron Man, you can still meet people from SHIELD!

From this perspective, "Iron Man" really deserves to be the start of the Marvel Universe!
If you don't get through the plot of Iron Man 1 first, the subsequent plots of the Marvel world will not be able to unfold!

"You have to see this person." Ling Yiyu said earnestly.

"Really? She's a woman?" Tony Stark's eyes lit up.

"No, but he has a beautiful woman under his command." Ling Yi was talking about the Black Widow.

Natasha Romanov, the Black Widow, is one of the top ten beauties in the Marvel Universe. She was originally a killer trained by the former Soviet Union and later joined S.H.I.E.L.D.

She has fierce shots and a calm mind. She is a strong woman who combines beauty and combat effectiveness.

For some reason, when thinking of the Black Widow, Ling Yi couldn't help thinking of Chen Lanlan in the real world.

"Okay, since there is a beautiful woman under his command, then I'll meet him." Tony Stark shrugged indifferently: "Jarvis, open the door and let them wait for us in the living room."

"Yes, boss."

Tony Stark simply put on a piece of clothing to block the arc reactor on his chest, and then walked out of the studio with Ling Yi.

(End of this chapter)

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