Chapter 407 It's not wrong to kick! 【30 more】

Only then did Yang Yifei come back to her senses, raised a khaki CS/LR18 assault rifle with trembling arms, and fired a row of bullets forward.

"Ah!" Yang Yifei exclaimed as soon as the bullet was fired.

This gun is really easy to use, easy to use, excellent accuracy, low recoil, but powerful!
"What kind of gun is this?"

"CS/LR18, the gun of our Zhongzhou Special Forces." Ling Yi said proudly while shooting at the Night Snake mercenaries who were outflanking them.

In the firearms family, Zhongzhou domain's firearms have always been very famous for their durability and cheapness.

But it is precisely because the quality of the firearms produced by Zhongzhouyu is so good that they have been used for many years without any problems, so the replacement is relatively slow.

It is often a firearm that is modified and modified again, and then magically modified, and it will be used for 30 to [-] years.

In some armies, the so-called Bayi-bar assault rifle is still used, and the Bayi-bar was produced in 1981.

Later, there were Type 95 and Type 05, both of which are of high quality and not bad for a hundred exercises.

The CS/LR18 gun can be said to be a special gun for special forces. It is compatible with various types of bullets, because it is extremely suitable for use abroad. Its accuracy and power far exceed M16A1. It is an absolutely good gun!
Yang Yifei has lived abroad all year round, where has she seen such a good-looking gun with such a powerful lethality?Immediately some were fascinated.

"I can't tell, do you still like guns?" Ling Yi glanced at Yang Yifei.

Yang Yifei quickly said: "It's just for playing once in a while——Ling Yi, don't rush forward, the whole basilisk island is besieging us now, we can't get the data with the firepower of 3000 people! Let's find those support first Let’s talk about our Zhongzhou special forces.”

Ling Yi chuckled, "How do you know there will be special forces to meet us?"

Yang Yifei was stunned, "This should be common sense, you can't really be the only one to save me, right? You should have some means to call for help? It's a very dangerous time now, so use any means quickly .”

Ling Yi threw away the lighted CS/LR18 in his hand, took out an armor-piercing bazooka, blasted it, and blew up another bunker in the distance.

Then, he turned around and shrugged to Yang Yifei and said, "Sorry, there is no rescue."

"No?" Yang Yifei was horrified.

Ling Yi ignored it and continued to fight.

Rescue, of course, is there.

But now is not the time to call.

For one thing, Ling Yi's mission has not been completed yet, he only rescued Yang Yifei, and has not obtained the very important chip data, so he must not evacuate now.

Secondly, when Ling Yi entered Basilisk Island, he secretly observed the fortifications of Basilisk Island—a total of nine defense circles, including three automatic response close-in defense guns, and six artificially controlled defenses Wire.

Moreover, these are only on the surface. Ling Yi doesn't know if there are more sophisticated defensive weapons hidden below.

If Gu Yu and the others were rashly summoned at this time, then it would undoubtedly be to harm Gu Yu's team!

Ling Yi would never do such a thing.

As for why he didn't explain to Yang Yifei, it was because Ling Yi felt that Dr. Yang Yifei seemed to cherish his life too much.

Commander Long Yan said that Yang Yifei took the initiative to board the Basilisk Island in order to preserve the data, but now she wants to escape, regardless of the data?

Ling Yi had some doubts about this.

However, considering that Yang Yifei had never experienced such a life-and-death battle after all, it was understandable that she changed her original intention because of inner fear.

"Ling Yi! Ling Yi! There are tanks ahead! Tanks!" Yang Yifei shouted in horror.

Four huge Night Snake tanks blocked the front of the position, and their long muzzles aimed at the second-tier armored vehicles.

Bang bang bang!
A round of armor-piercing shells blasted out from the muzzle of the main battle tank, and the entire Basilisk Island trembled!

Ling Yi hurriedly reversed the steering wheel, using the mobility of the second-tier armored vehicle to dodge.

Shells exploded around the armored vehicle, as if the whole world had been turned upside down.

The huge shock wave of the shell blasted the rear wheels of the heavy armored vehicle into the air, but Ling Yi regained the balance of the armored vehicle with his calm driving skills!
Tier [-] armored vehicles are really durable!

Six pairs of road wheels, two pairs were blown up, but they can still be driven!

Ling Yi laughed wildly, like a complete lunatic, slammed on the accelerator, bypassed the front of the Night Snake main battle tank, and walked along the winding path towards the back of the mountain.

It is difficult to gain an advantage against the four Night Snake main battle tanks.

And once they are restrained by the main battle tank, the Night Snake mercenaries behind will soon regroup to encircle them.

Therefore, Ling Yi must not stop, and must always maintain the rhythm of mobile warfare.

Once this rhythm is disrupted, it is very dangerous.

"Mr. Ling Yi, you are really crazy! After this, do you still want to continue to grab data?" Yang Yifei asked loudly.

"Dr. Yang, there is a piece of grass ahead, and it happens to be stuck in the blind spot of the Night Snake mercenaries. Let's jump in front."

"Jump? Are you crazy? I won't jump!" Yang Yifei said firmly.

"Are you sure you don't want to jump?"

"Never jump!"

"Alright then." Ling Yi shrugged, raised one leg, and kicked Yang Yifei out of the armored vehicle.

Yang Yifei let out a cry of surprise and rolled on the soft grass for tens of meters, feeling dizzy and unable to get up.

Pity Xiangxiyu?


At least in this case, it's completely non-existent.

Life and death are at stake, if you don't listen to Lao Tzu's words and jump off the car, just like you are beautiful and have a high status, Lao Tzu will also kick you!
After kicking Yang Yifei off, Ling Yi immediately activated the automatic driving mode of the second-tier armored vehicle, and then jumped out of the vehicle himself.

The second-tier armored vehicle has been damaged in many places, especially the power system and armored reactor have problems, and they cannot withstand the next round of firepower from the main battle tank.

Therefore, it is the best choice to abandon the vehicle at this time and use the Tier [-] armored vehicle to continue to attract the attention of the Night Snake mercenaries.

As for the Tier [-] armored vehicle itself, even if it is blown into parts in reality, as long as you spend some points in the mental projection room to repair it, you can continue to use it next time.

"Ling Yi! You bastard!" Yang Yifei cursed loudly.

Ling Yi picked up Yang Yifei and pushed her into the grass on the hillside beside her. He pressed her tightly with his body and covered her mouth with his big hand.

Soon, a group of Night Snake mercenaries passed by and hurriedly chased in the direction of the second-tier armored vehicle.

After all the mercenaries rushed over, Ling Yi slowly let go of Yang Yifei.

Yang Yifei didn't say a word, but stared at Ling Yi with angry eyes, gasping for breath with her small mouth.

"Night Snake Headquarters should be on the cliff, I'll climb up from here, you can wait for me here." Ling Yi said firmly.

"No, only I know the authenticity of the data, I have to go with you." Yang Yifei said firmly.

Ling Yi thought for a while, "That's okay, I'll crawl behind your back, but you have to obey my orders completely, otherwise, I will really leave you alone."

Yang Yifei raised her chin proudly, "I don't need you to worry about it."

(End of this chapter)

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