Chapter 224 Gungun headshot! 【6 more】

"Hmph, that kid is able to fight against our British special forces until now, he really has two brushes. But..."

The captain of the special forces smiled sinisterly, "However, this is not a one-on-one fight, but a battlefield that pays attention to tactics and tactics! The hiding place he chose is really not good at all. If it were me, I would choose him opposite That taller building, in this way, at least it can prevent snipers from occupying a favorable position."

"It's a pity, he doesn't understand at all! Once our sniper is in position, as long as he shows up, he will definitely die! Hahahaha——"

A dull anti-personnel mine exploded, and the glass windows of the opposite building were shattered several floors in an instant!

The special forces captain who was still smiling just now widened his eyes in astonishment, "What, what's going on? How come there are our anti-personnel landmines here? Sniper! Sniper? Call back!"

The other party's walkie-talkie buzzed electronically.

Obviously, the sniper was blown to pieces by anti-personnel mines before he could use his strengths.

The captain of the special forces trembled all over, and his originally proud expression became extremely ferocious, and there was a trace of fear in his sinister eyes: "This kid, this kid is so insidious and cunning! Ground troops, give me Assault! Assault!"


"The firepower on the helicopter is fully fired, I don't care if these missiles are aimed at tanks or aircraft, I will blast them all out! We must not let this kid live any longer!"


In order to launch missiles, the Havoc gunship had to turn from the sideways position and point the direction of the cab to Ling Yi's direction.

The pilot quickly moved the joystick, and the Havoc gunship slowly turned around——

good chance!
Ling Yi suddenly turned over from behind the bunker, holding an MP5A1 submachine gun in each of his left and right hands, and walked in the direction of the Havoc armed helicopter, shooting fiercely as he walked!
Copper-colored bullets splashed down from his arm, and the barrel of the gun turned hot red!

Meet on a narrow road, the brave wins!

The pilot of the Havoc helicopter gunship has never encountered such a "ruthless" opponent, who dared to face the missile!

The pilot panicked and pressed the missile launch button, and two AT-6 anti-tank missiles whizzed past Ling Yi's body!

The mentality of the pilot has completely collapsed!
He just wanted to pull up the armed helicopter as soon as possible to avoid being shot to death by Ling Yi's random guns.

"What are you doing? Who asked you to be promoted! Continue to bombard him!" The special forces captain shouted angrily.

Dangdang Dangdang!
Several bullets penetrated the thick windshield and entered the driver's head.

The pilot immediately fell over, and the Havoc gunship fell towards the building uncontrollably.

"No!" The special forces captain yelled in horror.

Standing on the ruined platform, Ling Yi watched helplessly as the Havoc armed helicopter fell.

He saw the special forces captain about to jump off the plane, and immediately opened fire on the special forces captain.

However, both MP5A1 submachine guns were out of bullets.

The Havoc armed helicopter slammed into the building heavily, shaking the building, and then the helicopter fell vertically. There was an extremely powerful shock wave on the ground, and then it exploded and burned.

And the captain of the special forces, at the moment of the crash and collision, took advantage of the opportunity to jump into the floor of the building like a tiger leaping across a stream.

It appears that the battle is not over yet.

However, after this battle, the situation has completely reversed.

Ling Yi took a breath, threw away the MP5A1 in his hand, turned around and walked towards Mu Yuxi.

At this time, the three special forces in charge of the ground raid came up from the stairs.

Mu Yuxi had just loaded an MP5A1 with bullets, and when she saw three enemies, she immediately screamed.

The three of them also spotted her immediately, and they raised their submachine guns and were about to shoot her.

"Functional marksmanship!" Ling Yi shouted loudly.

Mu Yuxi closed her eyes, screamed, and fired at random with the MP5A1 pistol in her hand.

When the special soldiers who were about to shoot saw it, they all shrank back immediately.

Ling Yi quickly rushed over from the other side, pulled out a military dagger, and stabbed the first special soldier in the heart.

The remaining two quickly turned their guns and were about to shoot Ling Yi. Ling Yi reached out and grabbed one of the guns, and at the same time raised his foot to kick the other gun away.

Immediately afterwards, he turned around and shot the elbow, directly blasting the bridge of the nose of the special soldier beside him, and took his MP5A1.

Da da da!Da da da!

Simply neat!

In less than a minute, the three special forces in charge of the ground raid were all killed!

Ling Yi let out a long sigh of relief, and walked up the stairs.

Bang bang bang!
Mu Yuxi had already switched to a different gun, but she still closed her eyes, screaming and firing wildly.

"Stop! Stop! Xi'er, it's me!" Ling Yi yelled with a wry smile.

If facing professional special forces with eyes open, Ling Yi might not be afraid, but facing Mu Yuxi who was shooting with eyes closed, Ling Yi didn't dare to show his head at all.

Where can Mu Yuxi hear it?

It wasn't until the shuttle ran out of bullets that Ling Yi finally jumped out and snatched the hot submachine gun from Mu Yuxi's hand.

"Ling, Ling Yi!" Mu Yuxi was trembling all over, her nerves stretched to the limit: "I, did I kill them?"

Ling Yi chuckled, "Well, I killed it."

"Really, really? Reflexive marksmanship, it's really powerful!" Mu Yuxi was surprised and delighted, her body twitched continuously, her hair was soaked in sweat, and it was stuck to her forehead in locks. We are all going to collapse.

Ling Yi hurriedly helped her sit down, "You were so nervous just now that your adrenaline soared, but now it's the sequelae of adrenaline fading, and your body will calm down in about ten minutes. Here's your survival backpack, You can eat and drink whatever you want to relieve yourself."

"Then, what about you?"

Seeing that Ling Yi was about to leave, Mu Yuxi eagerly grabbed Ling Yi's sleeve.

"There is another captain, I have to get rid of him." Ling Yi grabbed a handful of MP5A1 and took two magazines with him.

"Ling Yi! I'm scared! Don't leave me behind!" Mu Yuxi said tearfully.

Ling Yi reached out to wipe off the stains on Mu Yuxi's face, and said with a smile, "Wait for me, I will be back."

"you promise?"

"Well, I promise."

Ling Yi pinched Mu Yuxi's collagen-covered face lightly, and then jumped down the steps without looking back.

That special forces captain must die!Otherwise, there will be endless troubles!

Holding the MP5A1 submachine gun, Ling Yi cautiously searched downwards.

After crossing the fifth floor, he heard slight footsteps in the passage.

Ling Yi immediately chased after him.

The captain of the British Special Forces also spotted him, and shot him three times in a row.

Ling Yi hurriedly circled behind the pillar, and continued to chase after the special forces captain stopped shooting!

Before, it was cat and mouse.

Now, it's the tiger attacking the sheep!

(End of this chapter)

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