Chapter 307 Torn skin, third brother and fourth brother

"The person who framed me got zero points and was banned from the exam for life, tsk... she's still a young girl, what a pity." Shen Yu sighed softly as if feeling emotional.

Shen Ru didn't answer, or rather, didn't know how to answer.

"It was she who told me that someone ordered me, and that person is your secretary, Li Wenjin, eldest sister!"

Shen Ru's complexion suddenly sank: "You can eat indiscriminately, but you can't talk indiscriminately. You keep saying that Wen Jin ordered people to frame you. Where is the evidence?"

"Elder sister, why are you so excited?" Shen Wei tilted his head and smiled, "Li Wenjin is Li Wenjin, you are you, how can it distinction between each other, it's like a family. Do you share the same hatred? It stands to reason that I am your sister , Don’t you believe what I say, both emotionally and rationally? Could it be that a secretary is more important to you than a relative?”

Shen Ru's eyes changed slightly.

"It seems that this Secretary Li is really...unusual!" It was very meaningful.

"What nonsense are you talking about?!"

"Look, are you excited again?"

Shen Ru: "..."

"As for the evidence you want, you might as well ask Secretary Li yourself, after all, I have spoken with him."

Shen Ru frowned. The phone ran out of battery in the afternoon and turned off automatically. Presumably, she missed Wen Jin's call.

She still doesn't know how much inside story Shen Yu knows and how much evidence she has. It's too much to say, so she can only speak cautiously.

" there some misunderstanding?"

Shen Wei raised her eyebrows: "What a 'misunderstanding'. Killing and stealing money can be called a 'misunderstanding', crimes can be called a 'misunderstanding', and now even planting and framing can also be a 'misunderstanding'. These two words are really versatile."

"If you have something to say, you don't need to be weird." Shen Ru's eyes turned cold.

"In that case, then I'll say it." Shen Wei stared at her with a pair of dark eyes, "Does the elder sister know about this matter, or does she not know about it?"


"To put it in a simpler way, did you ask Li Wenjin to do this?!"

"Heh... are you so eager to pour dirty water on me?" Shen Ru sneered, "Since you came to this house, I asked myself that I have never treated you harshly, and even stood up to help you speak out many times, but you just reciprocated like this I?"

"Elder sister's meaning, can it be understood as repaying favors?"

"You!" Shen Ru gritted his teeth, "It's just so unreasonable!"

Shen Yu said in a calm manner, "So, this matter has nothing to do with the eldest sister, and it is Secretary Li's own decision?"

Shen Ru didn't speak, but raised his chin slightly, showing a bit of arrogance, upright and high-spirited.

As if by default.

Shen Yu looked puzzled: "That's strange. I have no grievances with Secretary Li. Why did he do this? Does it have anything to do with him if I fail the exam?"

Shen Ru's eyes froze.

"I see! Although it has nothing to do with him, it has something to do with you, eldest sister!"

"What does it have to do with me?!" At this time, he still didn't give up, and wanted to drag her into the water!Shen Ru gritted her teeth with hatred, but could only hold back, a burst of resentment made her internal organs ache!
"Of course it's related. I heard from my father that the elder sister also studied in Qihang C class, but she failed the exam the first time, and barely got online the second time. Secretary Li is eager to protect the master, and he is afraid that I will pass the exam once and hit the elder sister." Self-esteem, that's why I tried my best to get me out of the ranking, it's really well-intentioned... If you don't know, you think he is your elder sister!" Shen Yu covered her lips with a coquettish smile, and her delicate facial features suddenly came alive, bringing out a different kind of feeling Style, ignoring age, it has a bit of the sense of sight of the warlord concubine in the TV series.

"There are not many men like Secretary Li who are so heart-pounding and caring. Sister, you are so lucky. Even the victim like me is envious..."

"Shut up!" Shen Ru's complexion changed drastically, "Do you know what you are talking about?!"

Shen Yu stopped laughing instantly, a layer of gloom appeared in his eyes, revealing a sense of evil.

Speak clearly, word for word:
"Let me tell you, you're working hand in hand with Secretary Li. Do you know what 'rape' is? It doesn't just refer to evil, but also the indescribable things between men and women..."

"Shen Wei! You, bloody spit!" After shedding the awe-inspiring disguise, the tall, cold and proud goddess also has a side of anger.

If Shen Ru was still suppressing the anger and panic in his heart before, then he has already lost control now, like a wild horse running wild or a volcano erupting.

"It's the first time," Shen Yu continued smiling, "It's really rare to see my eldest sister get angry."

Shen Ru's facial expression froze for a while, and then became more undisguised.

She lowered her voice and leaned closer to Shen Yu's ear: "So what if it's me? You are just the illegitimate daughter brought back by your father, a stranger who lives in this house. Even if your father feels pity for you, your eldest brother will be temporarily deceived by you." , but when it comes time to make a decision, do you think they will give up on me and choose you?"

Shen Yu didn't speak, and Shen Ru didn't need her answer, so he continued to speak on his own: "No. Because, whether a child born to a mistress is married or manages a company, the value it can bring is far less than The eldest lady of the Shen family is well-known, so you are destined to be abandoned."

Shen Yu half-closed his eyes.

Shen Ru smiled even more, with a sense of carelessness and viciousness, "So, I advise you, don't forget your identity before doing anything. Those born by mistresses will always be born by mistresses, and they will never be on the stage. Smart People should keep a low profile, only idiots can overestimate themselves. If you don’t believe me, you can give it a try and see who can have the last laugh, me or you.”

So what if there is evidence?

Isn't it the same that there is no way to take her?

Shen Ru suddenly felt refreshed all over. It turns out that being a bad person is much happier than being a good person.

In the end, he said "It's good to do it for yourself", turned and left, with his back straight and his head held high, like a victorious hen, calm and elegant.


"Wow! It turns out that this is the real appearance of the eldest sister-a goddess turned into a witch, an ugly soul worse than ordinary people, but hypocrisy and hypocrisy are the real face, disgusting to the extreme..."

Shen Ru's back froze, and then returned to normal, as if she didn't care.

Shen Yu raised her eyebrows, is this going to be broken?

"I can let you go, but someone must pay the price for this matter. Let Li Wenjin leave Mingda in three days, otherwise..."

Shen Ru turned around and stared at her like a fool: "Otherwise what? Who do you think you are, and what right do you have to order me?"

Shen Hou smiled, her black pupils were deep and dark, and there was a strange light, which made her become coquettish and evil, as if she might turn into a murderous ghost at any time, killing her with just a frown and a smile.

Then we'll see...

In one conversation, the two sisters were completely torn apart.

But this didn't affect Shen Hou and Quan Hanting's mood for eating the next day in the slightest.

"Tsk, you two are finally here!" Shao Anheng folded his arms and chuckled.

Shen Yu looked up and saw that besides a few familiar faces that he often saw in the villa, there were also two unfamiliar faces.

One is thin and the other is tall.

The two are about the same age, but the thin one has a reserved smile and shrewd eyes. He looks like a businessman, and his brows and eyes vaguely resemble another person she knows.

The burly one has a hearty smile, looking at her eyes as if looking at some rare animal, and almost took a magnifying glass to study her carefully, inside and out, but it didn't make people feel bored or disgusted, on the contrary, there was a kind of expressiveness enthusiasm.

Shen Yu's observation was only a glance, but only for a few seconds.

Quan Hanting led her to a seat, then pointed to the two of them, and introduced to her——

"This is the third brother, and this is the fourth brother."

Hu Zhibei grinned his big teeth, "It's better to be famous than to meet each other. I finally met my siblings! You don't know, before that, I almost bald my head because of the important event in my life. I found a little daughter-in-law by myself, hehe..." As he spoke, he gave Quan Hanting a look of "Amazing", with the comfort of an old mother.

Shen Yu smiled and called out "Third Brother" generously.

"Okay! I just like the boldness of my younger siblings. How about a drink?"

Shen Yu picked up the wine glass in front of him, and under Quan Hanting's disapproving gaze, said loudly: "To the third brother!"

Hu Zhibei raised his head and drank it all in one gulp.

Shen Hou also imitated everything, not a single drop was left.

Quan Hanting: "..." How courageous!

Hu Zhibei laughed out loud, like Wu Song in the storybook, who can't pass three bowls, he is strong, but he is also handsome!Masculine and handsome, exuding a strong hormonal atmosphere, quite attractive.

He Hongye quit, "Siblings and sisters can't treat each other more favorably than others. They called me the third child, so they should call me now, right?"

"Fourth brother."


(End of this chapter)

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