Chapter 739 Brother Jing Wants to Completely Conquer Jin Xiaotian

Speaking of Lin Xiba passed them, and as she was walking, there were still small laughter overflowing, she stepped into the library, and soon she went upstairs and disappeared around the corner.

Many people from Class Nine also accompanied Lin Xiba to visit the college. At this time, they froze for a while, and when they realized it, they immediately chased into the library.

As soon as they entered a quiet place like the library, they subconsciously lowered their voices and footsteps.

Li Duowen's face darkened slightly, she gritted her teeth secretly, Lin Xiba...

Naturally, she and Lin Xiba recognized each other. After all, they went abroad almost at the same time, and they returned within a few days of each other. Both at home and abroad are the same academy.

On the surface, they don't interfere with each other, but in fact, the two of them can be regarded as competitors in all aspects of their studies.

Although Lin Xiba is a few years behind her and looks immature, but her ability is very strong, and she has skipped grades all the way abroad. She is a famous figure in the academy. In the end, they are still in the same class. being compared to...

Now that this opponent saw the joke, Li Duowen was in a very bad mood, and her face could hardly be tensed.

Principal Wei felt some kind of subtly oppressed, with a little sweat on his forehead, he tentatively said: "Miss Li, in front is the college's gymnasium, with complete entertainment facilities, why don't we go visit it now?"

Li Duowen's face was blue, but she still responded, "Yes."


Walking on the spacious avenue of the college, the trees on both sides are half bare and bleak, and the weather is still very cold. From time to time, there will be a cool wind blowing over, piercing the biting cold into the body.

Helian Xiaoxi changed from hugging Jin Tian's shoulders to hugging Jin Tian's waist, tightly protecting him in his arms and arms.

Jin Tian raised his head and teased, "Brother Xie, look at how determined he is, he won't stop until he pesters you."

Helian Xiaoxi didn't want to talk about irrelevant people when he was with Jin Tian.

His powerful arms tightened, and he domineeringly pressed Jin Tianban into his arms, and said in a low voice, "What about you, are you absolutely determined to me?"

With a smile on his face, Jin Tian picked the chin of the person above his head with his finger in a teasing manner, and blinked mischievously and playfully: "Then it depends on your charm and ability, Brother Jing."

"Then I don't just want to conquer you emotionally, but also in bed..." Helian Xiaoxi paused, "Conquer you." He stared at Jin Tian's eyes with beastly eyes, which were full of possessiveness. lust and obsession.

"Let you pretend to be me from inside to outside, from body to heart..."

The tips of Jin Tian's ears were reddish, and when she sensed something big against her, she laughed innocently, "Brother Jing, I just said a few words, and you reacted again."

"Patience like this over and over again, and taking cold showers over and over again, Brother Jing, you won't be holding back any trouble, right?" Jin Tian raised his eyebrows, with a playful smirk in his eyes.

She didn't say that to tell Little Brother Jing not to hold back...

He Lian Xiaoxie narrowed his eyes, his eyes were filled with deep enthusiasm and danger of aggression, "Jin Xiaotian, don't say something cryptic in front of your man, otherwise you will be very dangerous..."

Knowing that she is really dangerous to talk about, there is no guarantee that in broad daylight, little brother Mou Jing will come and prey on hungry wolves.

With one side of Jin Tian's cheek, he slyly changed the subject, "Li Duowen wants your private phone number." Speaking of this, Jin Tian was very puzzled.

(End of this chapter)

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