Chapter 577 Helian Xiaoxi said: "Your future engagement banquet will be tens of thousands of times higher than this level."

It would be better for the knight to bite him to death.

Make Jin Tian embarrassing in public!

He was a waste from the beginning, why not be a waste honestly?


Inside the vast ranch, there is a luxurious and graceful banquet hall. From the outside, it looks like a rich warm golden tone and a white rectangular carved column.

In front of the hall is a large green flower garden in the shape of rhombus and inverted triangle, with three specially designed flat concrete aisles, in the middle and on both sides.

In front of the revolving glass door in the lobby, there were six waitresses in uniform.

There are several bodyguards patrolling around the banquet hall.

Looking at the battle, Jin Tian raised his eyebrows. The engagement banquet seemed to be held in a grand manner.

Helian Xiaoxi has been paying attention to the changes in Jin Tian's expression and eyes, not letting go of a single bit.

He suddenly leaned over and said in a deep and sexy voice, "Your future engagement banquet will be tens of thousands of times higher than this level."

Jin Tian blinked, but didn't speak.

When entering, the waiters on both sides bowed at ninety degrees tacitly, with sweet and correct voices.

Entering the banquet hall, the atmosphere suddenly changed, the lively style, Jin Tian's gaze caught on to the happy people talking and laughing.

The men are all dressed in suits and leather shoes, their hair is meticulously styled, and they look like gentlemen.

The women are all beautiful and eye-catching, with jewelry, dresses and high heels, and everyone has his own merits.

The waiters in overalls carried champagne, red wine, pudding cake, fruit salad, etc., and they shuttled through the crowd to meet the needs of all VIPs.

Huge crystal chandeliers in the shape of spinning tops hang from the retro-patterned ceiling, exuding a non-glare white-gold light.

There are dozens of European-style tables and chairs, and uniform lilies are placed on the tables. Each space is very spacious, which is convenient for girls and gentlemen to talk, walk, or dance.

There is a sofa area specially for resting, and on the left side are musicians, playing a gentle and gentle symphony at the moment.

The style of the banquet hall is rather gorgeous and elegant.

Jin Tian and Helian Xiaoxie arrived later, and when they appeared, they were particularly eye-catching.

Leaving aside the fact that appearance can be found in the crowd at a glance, Helian Xiaoxie's incomparably domineering aura and Jin Tian's innate aristocratic temperament alone make it impossible to ignore their existence.

You can't ignore it either!

This one is the crown prince of the Jin family, and the other is the chairman of the Shijing chaebol.

When the two appeared together, everyone looked at them one after another, and they were amazed. At the same time, they were even more convinced that the relationship between the two brothers was very good.

Seeing the two of them, not a few bigwigs from all walks of life rushed over, and what they said was nothing more than some polite words. After the polite words, it became a commercial topic...

Of course, Ye Xiaoxi was not married, and many women hungrily stared at Young Mistress Ye's position, trying every means to chat and laugh with Helian Xiaoxi.

Helian Xiaoxie himself was as cold as ice, ruthless and cruel, so the rich and famous ladies who came to his door naturally couldn't please him.

Losing face at Hanmo Bingshan, his ideas naturally hit Jin Tian, ​​wanting to use Jin Tian's relationship to get close to Helian Xiaoxie.

Jin Tian had special preferential treatment for good-looking girls, but he really couldn't handle it all at once, and he didn't like the atmosphere, so he made an excuse and went to the bathroom.

As soon as Jin Tian left, Helian Xiaoxi seemed to be the target surrounded by most people...

(End of this chapter)

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