Chapter 505 Lord Xiao was stimulated early in the morning
Don't mention how emotional this kiss was, because the position of the kiss was very close to Jin Tian's eyes, so Jin Tian closed his eyes subconsciously. Close your eyes and kiss.

When Helian Xiaoxi moved away from her body, Jin Tianyan's eyelashes trembled slightly, and then she opened her eyes. She involuntarily caressed Qiongliang who was being kissed. This gesture was very handsome and cool to her. The sleeves of the hooded sweater were raised, covering most of her magnificent face. Coupled with her dazed expression at the moment, there was a screaming contrast.

This defenseless and innocent appearance, but Helian Xiaoxie's heart is sure to hit, and he is really cute. How can this little devil be so cute?So foul?
The body responded honestly, and Helian Xiaoxi gently pinched Jin Tian's face with his outstretched hand. It was white and smooth to the touch, like suet warm jade. Generally pinch and pinch, completely forget to let go.

His expression was still stern and paralyzed, and he was doing an idiotic gesture of mopping up his face indifferently. No matter how he looked at him, he looked sanctimonious and dressed like a beast.

Jin Tian grabbed Helian Xiaoxie's hand, her cheeks were pinched and bulging, she was extremely patient, her eyes flickered, and suddenly she had some fun, she pouted and said: "Brother Jing, Your ears are red."

Hearing this, Helian Xiaoxi froze.

Immediately afterwards, I heard Jin Tian's clear and bright voice, provocative like a cello, "Brother Jing, are you shy?"

Helian Xiaoxi let go of Jin Tian's face, and held the steering wheel with both hands. His face was handsome and indifferent, he didn't speak, and his attitude was ambiguous.

Jin Tian hooked the corner of his mouth evilly, pretending to be a little surprised, "Is it just a good morning to kiss brother Jing and you are shy? Brother Jing is really thin-skinned..."

Hearing the teasing words, Helian Xiaoxie squinted over and took a deep look at Jin Tian, ​​which was full of beastly plunder.

However, Jin Tian didn't care much, she was acting like a monster, and was frantically probing on the verge of death, she threw herself on Helian Xiaoxie's lap, looked up at the person above her head with a smile.

Helian Xiaoxi's face became more tense from the cold face she looked at, like an iceberg that was more unkind, but the earrings and helixes became redder and hotter, as if they had been ironed by fire.

Suppressing some kind of boiling, Helian Xiaoxi said in a hoarse and sexy voice: "Sit down, I'm going to drive."

Jin Tian lay on his lap, even using his leg as a pillow, propped his face lazily, and looked at him, "Go, I have always believed in Brother Jing's "driving skills", it's great... "She took the word "driving skills" seriously, and the last compliment was even more ambiguous.

Helian Xiaoxi's throat was itchy by what she said, and he couldn't control it and wanted to roll and soak it.

After Jin Tian finished speaking, she became more arrogant and reckless. She still held the milk jug in her free hand, and she just drank the milk "sizzling" like this, feeling very comfortable.

Because he drank so hard, some overflowed from the corner of his mouth, slipped down his chin, and ticked Xiao Xiao Xie's body through Little Brother Jing's trousers.

Of course, because it was black trousers, it quickly disappeared, and it didn't make much difference.

However, as soon as Helian Xiaoxi lowered his eyes, he was irritated by this scene, and his hot eyes were full of darkness.

(End of this chapter)

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