Chapter 369
This is clearly a child spoiled by his parents.

The little boy's mother looked at Jin Tian with a troubled expression on her face. She didn't directly teach the little boy not to take other people's things casually, but was hesitating whether to ask Jin Tian to bring the phone over for the child to play with for a while.

Jin Tian pressed the headset, without changing his face, his slender fingers moved handsomely on the game console, moving coquettishly and domineeringly, and ignored them.

Children are the most impatient, but within a few seconds they sat on the ground and screamed madly, their faces twisted, "I want to play with my mobile phone, I want to play, mom, please ask him to give it to me! Mobile phone! Woohoo! Ah..." His face was mixed with tears, sweat, nose, and saliva, looking dirty and a bit disgusting.

Seeing the child like this, the mother panicked, but she couldn't speak to Jin Tian, ​​so she blamed Jin Tian for the crime, and gave Jin Tian a vicious look.

The little boy's cries became louder and shriller, which attracted many people at the airport.

Some people avoid it, some people are puzzled, some people are irritable, and some people feel sorry for this little boy and stand up for him...

Just like now, a rough aunt who thinks she has a strong sense of justice came over cursing, looked at Jin Tian who was sitting on the seat and had nothing to do with herself, and sprayed directly, "Who are they all now! Such a bird Well! Playing with your mobile phone for other people’s children won’t break it for you! Such a grown-up person doesn’t know how to give way to a small one, it’s really uneducated!” Her Mandarin is not standard, with a strong accent, obviously It is a combination of Mandarin and her native dialect.

Some people have already stopped to watch the fun and point their fingers. The brim of Jin Tian's hat is pressed down very low, so no one can see her appearance. In the eyes of others, she is a handsome and fashionable young guy.

The aunt carried a bag made of a cloth bag, and took out an elderly machine from her loose trousers. Although it can't play any big games, it is still no problem for cards, Tetris, and so on.

The aunt took out her mobile phone and handed it to the little boy with a smile, while saying in a rough accent: "Come on, little boy, I'll let you play with me."

Compared with the game console in Jin Tian's hands, this mobile phone has two extreme gaps. The little boy obviously didn't buy it. After taking it, he threw it on the ground and shouted: "I don't like this! I want that..."

What she thought was a good intention was thrown to the ground by the little boy. The aunt was embarrassed for a while, and her face was very ugly. She wanted to help the little boy get ahead. Now that the little boy made a mistake, she couldn't scold him...

The aunt was trembling with anger, she was holding back with tension on the surface, and bent over to pick up the broken old phone. She was used to living frugally and was reluctant to buy a new mobile phone. This old phone had been used for five or six years, and suddenly Just fell like this...

It takes so much money to change a mobile phone, it hurts a lot just thinking about my aunt.

There were more and more people watching the excitement around, and they gradually formed a circle. The voices of the discussion were neither high nor low, but the embarrassment of the aunt became more and more intense, and finally she walked towards Jin Tian angrily!

Yes, she blamed Jin Tian for all her faults!
If it weren't for the young man not playing with the phone for the little kid, he wouldn't have made such a move, causing her phone to break!

The airliner that the little national treasure took.

At this time, a professional-sounding female voice is being played...

"Dear ladies and gentlemen..."

(End of this chapter)

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