Chapter 1252 It is well known that master is a high-risk occupation
The door closed automatically, separating the two of them.

Put on the blue crown on Jin Tian's finger again, noble and dazzling.

He Lian Xiaoxi stood outside, panicked in his heart, because the sound insulation effect here is excellent, he didn't know the specific situation inside, even if he had the ability to see Jin Xiaotian and hear her voice, he didn't dare to do so ...

Covering half of his face with his fingers together, Helian Xiaoxi took a deep breath with red eyes.

When he remembered, all the things flooded into his mind at that moment, clear and profound.

In this world, he is Helian Xiaoxie, the quasi-heir of the Helian family, and the youngest commander of the Hermo Empire.

However, he has another layer of identity, the identity that makes the gods worship him.

The ruling god, Bahmes.

Perhaps because of the memory of the body, a base called Bahmes was also set up in the Hermo Empire, which is a myth of the empire.

And why he appeared in this world was for Jin Xiaotian from the very beginning.

He came for her...

He fell in love with Jin Xiaotian for countless long years.

She is the backbone of the twelve domain masters, and she could have become the ruler logically, but at such a peak period, she resolutely chose to cultivate him who came as the son of god.

She took a fancy to his powerful and fierce blood, and spent a lot of time and energy pushing him to the throne.

If you count the time the two spend together, it may be longer than Bai Yao Aristu.

He was trained by a certain brat, there is no doubt that Jin Xiaotian is his master.

Yes, he is an ambitious wolf with ulterior motives and treason, because he wants to touch her, he does everything possible, he has been dormant for a long time, and what is surging in the secret is madness and longing.

He is ruled by the gods, and Jin Xiaotian is his god.

As a master, Jin Tian is absolutely dedicated to cultivating him, but when it comes to other aspects, she is also absolutely ruthless.

There is a reason why she is so cold-hearted and heartless.

Helian Xiaoxi hadn't seen it, but he had also heard about Jin Tian's path to becoming a god.

She was born as the Son of God, and she must experience the tempering of eternity.

In every world, she stands at the pinnacle of the strong, and is admired and pursued by people all over the world.

But all the endings are the same, she was brutally betrayed, and everyone wanted to kill her.

Finally, in her last life, when she was abandoned and betrayed by the whole world, she held the blood sword in her hand and chose to kill the world.

I chose that I would rather let the world down, and I would never teach the world to blame me.

She does not spare any living beings in the world.

The bones of the world's bones and mountains, the sorrows turn nine, and the blood flows into a river.

She was originally the only god who could be crowned by herself, but she lost her mind because of the heavy killing in her last life, and she will also become a peerless Shura.

After all, she is the most beloved son of God in the matrilineal family, and she can't bear to go down such a bloody road.

The matriarchy took the shot.

Since then, Jin Tian has become the god of law enforcement.

Leading by example, restraint, and cultivating nature, this is the reason why matriarchy makes Jin Tian a law enforcement officer.

However, Jin Tian, ​​who had just become a law enforcement officer, still carried the bloodthirsty coldness of the last life in his bones.

When Jin Tian was cultivating Helian Xiaoxie, he could be expected to be ruthless.

She wanted Helian Xiaoxi to sit on the ruling position alone, a strong man with no love, no relatives, no friends.

Jin Tian's absolute power leads to her unimaginably strong influence. The fact that gods should not have emotions has almost penetrated into the blood of the gods.

(End of this chapter)

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