Chapter 770 The mutual market is open!

Li Jixuan recalled that the agreement was successfully signed, and he smiled and said:

"You don't know how much the people of the two countries are looking forward to. I want to wait for you to come, but I guess the people will not agree hahaha. When you leave, take the agreement to the emperor and keep it!"

"Well! I'll save it!" Bo Yangshu nodded and continued to talk about the next task:
"The emperor sent me here to bring the agreement back, and the most important task is to have a face-to-face meeting with Hulu's new king Khan!

Firstly, it shows that the emperor attaches great importance to the good relations between Tuhuan, Hulu and Lu, and secondly, he also visits the opening of the market in person, observes the living conditions of the people in the border towns, and by the way, tells the emperor about the results and prosperity after the opening of the market! "

While listening to Bo Yangshu talking about the purpose of this trip, Li Jixuan said that he had finished reading the emperor's handbook. What was said in the handbook was actually not much different from what Boyangshu dictated!

"Don't worry, this trip will definitely make your trip worthwhile!"

When the lights first came on, Lu E finally recovered from the daze, she didn't even know that there were three more people in the room!

Xia Yu saw that Lv'e had come back to her senses, and said with a smile on her needle and thread:

"Lui E, you've come back to your senses! ~ Those who don't know, thought that the spell was fixed! Hehe"

Seeing Xia Yu and the others, Lv'e reminisced about the old days. After sitting down separately, Lv'e thought for a moment and made up his mind, and said to March:

"Young Madam, I've figured it out! I"

"Have you figured it out?! That's good! No matter whether it's success or score, you shouldn't tell me! Those who really want to hear it have been waiting outside! It's time to give someone an explanation after so many years~" Sanyue pointed out her mouth and gestured for Lv Er to look at it!
Lu E was startled when he heard the words, turned his head and saw a familiar shadow against the wall of the tent under the light of the candle, standing there motionless, waiting for him! ~
This is the life I yearn for!There was a person who waited for him to go home after a busy day. Lv Er sniffed his nose to suppress the sour feeling, and cursed with resentment and resentment:

"What an idiot!" After cursing, he bowed his head and ran out quickly!
Seeing this, the three maids and an unscrupulous master laughed and made noises. They didn't need to follow to see that Lu'e had figured it out!

Lv'e's marriage has settled down, and Sanyue clicked her lips and said:
"Tsk tsk, the feeling of being a matchmaker is so good! The three of you look at Lu Er, and you have solved the important affairs of your life by yourself!

Look at you three!I, the master, have to worry about it!Hehe, good things come in pairs, and I'll find you a husband's house too~"

After Sanyue finished speaking, he patrolled the circle of Chunfeng and the three of them with a wretched face. After hearing what Sanyue said, the three of Chunfeng's bodies became stiff!

Chunfeng, who was afraid that the young lady's idea would hit him, hurriedly said:
"Cough young lady, don't be in a hurry! Xia Yu's marriage should really be settled! Two days ago, my servant saw Qingyun jumping up and down like a monkey in a hurry.

If the young lady really wants to marry the slaves, she can first settle Xia Yu and Qingyun's major life issues~"

Xia Yu's face immediately turned pale like a pig's liver when he heard this!scolded:
"Chunfeng~you are talking nonsense~ whoever wants to marry that guy who is not upright! I think Qingzhi is a good match for you! The purse I gave you last time is pretty tight, don't think I didn't see it~"

"Why are you peeking~ Well...that's just a thank you gift from me for helping him! How could you say that?" Chunfeng argued with gritted teeth.

Sanyue was happy to hear that, even the soup that she usually drank to vomit was delicious, and she drank half a bowl more than usual!

How worry-free her maids are~ I took care of the important things in life~~
"It's really a girl who doesn't want to stay~ tsk tsk"

Chunfeng Xiayu bit her lips and looked at Sanyue resentfully: "Young Madam~!~~"

Xiaodie looked left and right at the hairy Chunfeng Xiayu who was teased by the young lady, fortunately she was still young!No hurry no hurry!
When Lv Er came back, there was an unconcealable joy on his face.

Seeing her like this in March, she knew her decision! :
"How did you make it clear to Lord Boyang?"

"Yeah!" Lu E nodded with unprecedented ease, it turned out that letting go of attachments can be so happy:

"Make it clear! We'll get married when we go back. I was the one who was too extreme before! Thank you, Young Madam!"

Sanyue and Chunfeng were also happy for Lv'e when they heard the words, and congratulated each other:

"Then congratulations~ We won't be able to drink the wedding wine for the time being, but we can make up for it when we have a chance~"

"Definitely!" Lv'e hurriedly nodded and agreed one by one!Even if you don't invite anyone, you should thank the young lady!The benefactor in her life!correct!

"Hey~! I'm taking care of myself! I almost forgot the business!" Lv'e said, hastily unbuttoning his outer shirt and pulling out a thick cloth bag-like thing from inside.

Handed it to Sanyue and said, "Young Madam!"

Sanyue took it in confusion and took a look, it was quite tightly packed!After dismantling layer by layer, what was finally revealed made the girls stare blankly!

"This is." This is clearly a brand new bank note without any wrinkles, which shows how carefully the person carrying it is keeping it!
Lv Ejin put on his clothes and tied the laces and said:
"This is the revenue from last winter to last month. The listening building and the revenue from the Champs Elysees clothing store are all brought in together, and they are all here!

A total of more than 11 taels!I didn't bring a fraction of the money, so I brought a whole number!Young Madam, check to see if there is any discrepancy! "

If you don't believe in Lu'er in March, who else can you trust?He randomly flipped through the banknotes and put them aside when they were neatly stacked.

"You can't go wrong with bringing it yourself! Seeing that the child is about to give birth to you, this is life-saving money haha, otherwise I would not even have money to buy milk powder for the child!" Didn't all her money go to the exchange market!

The compensation money given to her by the imperial court is still in operation, and she is really in a tight spot!
"Young Madam, what is milk powder money?!"

"Forehead cough cough" March [-] was bald again!Seeing a few girls staring at him, he could only cover his stomach:
"Hey boy kick me!"

"Ah! I'm kicking you! I'll touch it!" "I want to touch it too."

Li Jixuan circled around outside, seeing that the excitement in the tent couldn't stop, he could only resign himself to his fate and go to the military camp!Hey, it's rare for my daughter-in-law to be so happy. Let her chat more~
A few days ago, when the mutual market agreement was signed, the scene was very lively. Even if the opening of the market this time seems to be officially open, it will naturally be held in a lively and grand manner.

Li Jixuan didn't know where Li Ergou found two groups of lion dancers. The vivid lion head of the bright red lion made people happy at first sight!

Two groups of lion dancers started from the east and west ends of the market and went around the market, attracting groups of people to watch!

Different from last time's bustling, the most important thing for the people this time is to do business, and those who have surplus things at home will bring them here.

First, take things around the market and look for things you want to barter for. When you see that you don’t have what you want, you will take up space in the empty gear and wait for others to exchange your things!

(End of this chapter)

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