Chapter 643
"Young Madam, the two shops are right next to each other. I won't tell you how our business is. You know it well. Isn't this the last time the master told me to dispose of those stocks, so he sold the shop! So come and ask the Young Madam. Are you interested!"

"Give me the shop?" Sanyue was so funny! "Does your master know?" According to Wu Shizu, how could he ask himself to buy his shop? !
"This." Shopkeeper Huang was a little embarrassed! "Our master does know! In fact, Young Madam, you also know that this shop in the capital is easy to sell, hehe, it's just that we are all in the same business, so it's more suitable for you to buy than others."

Sanyue lowered her eyelids and reached out to take the tea bowl, casually said:
"Shopkeeper Huang also said it! They are all in the same industry! So I really know the business method of Buzhuang very well, and the shop is very easy to sell!

But you didn't sell it but came to find my opponent, how could I not know what you didn't say?If you have no sincerity in coming here, there is no need for me to buy the right shop at a disadvantage! "

Shopkeeper Huang wiped his sweat and he knew that Mrs. Li Shao was not easy to fool, otherwise he wouldn't make them like this. Originally, he wanted a high price to let her suffer, but now
"Then Huang, let's just say it straight! This shop is indeed fine! Even... Even you know that our young master is not a material for doing business, and he doesn't do anything impulsively!

So there is still a lot of stock in this shop. There are indeed many people who come to visit the shop these days!It's not that I want to switch to other businesses and don't want those stocks,
It’s just that it’s not worthwhile to have too much inventory!I thought to say that having this strength and this silver means that it is far away in the sky and right in front of my eyes, so I came here to ask the young lady if she wants to buy it! "

Sanyue hooked her lips into a chuckle, and she knew that either there was a problem with the shop or something else. If she really didn't know anything about how much money people wanted, she would give it herself. In the end, she would have a headache to death when she saw the backlog of cloth Bar!
"It's true that I have money and need to buy a shop. It's not that I can't buy your shop, but I'll talk about it after seeing the shop! I don't want to suffer because I'm a businessman!"

"You deserve it!" Shopkeeper Huang saw that he refused without saying a word, so he gave him hope, and hurriedly nodded in agreement!But I also knew that I had to hurry up, so I immediately asked:

"Then young lady, when do you have time? Let's visit the shop early so we can make plans!" If you want to buy it after seeing it, hurry up, if you don't want to buy it, you can find another shop right away, no one will be delayed!

Sanyue put down her cup, adjusted her cuffs and said in a bored way:
"Since shopkeeper Huang is in a hurry because I'm idle right now, there's no harm in going to see it now!"

"Hey! That's really great, Mrs. Li, please! The shop is just opposite, so it's convenient for you to walk this way!" Shopkeeper Huang hurriedly got up and replied, afraid that he might change his mind if he was too late.

The warehouse at the back of Wujiabuzhuang is much larger than the shop here in March, a typical one with Qiankun inside!It's a pity that the shopkeeper Huang and that idiot Wu Shizu can't decorate the shop properly. It's a waste.

However, Sanyue didn't spend much time on the layout of the store now. Looking at the inventory in front of him, Sanyue realized how understated the inventory problem that shopkeeper Huang said.

There are two full warehouses of fabrics!There are dozens of piles of what kind of fabrics, some of which have been out of date for a long time!

The corner of Sanyue's mouth twitched as she looked at the cloth piled up to the roof, her eyes hurt and she asked speechlessly:
"How did shopkeeper Huang pile up so many second-hand goods? How many hands did you buy for one kind of fabric?" (The few fingers are technical terms! How many pieces mean).

Shopkeeper Huang sincerely wanted to buy it for Sanyue so as not to let the owner smash the shop into his hands, so he didn't dare to hide anything from the shrewd Mrs. Li Shao.

"Hehe...Young Madam also knows about our young master, so he orders the amount of goods, but he really has limited vision.
No matter how hard I try to manage, I can't sell out this outdated material. This has become the case over time.
Madam Li Shao is now a leader in our cloth business, if you can transfer the shop, Mrs. Huang would be very grateful! "

Looking at the cloth in the room, Sanyue naturally has her thoughts. She can't help Wu Shizu just because the other party praises her. She doesn't have a lot of money and nothing to do.

But a while ago, I did have the intention of buying his shop, not to mention that it's a pity to see the layout of the shop today is so good, she has to let the other party bleed to buy it to her heart's content, isn't it?

"Business is business! Leaving aside the private affairs of the two families, the layout of this shop is really good! I also intend to buy a shop!"

Shopkeeper Huang laughed even brighter after hearing this, and was about to praise the other party for his vision when he was interrupted by a wave of San Yue.

"This shop is not bad, but shopkeeper Huang also knows that your room full of fabrics can almost catch up with the money of this shop. If I buy it, I can not deal with it. If I also throw it in my hand, then I will buy it." Wouldn’t it be worth the candle to buy this shop?!

Shopkeeper Huang's smile faded a bit after hearing this, but he is not a fool and knew that the other party meant to lower the price, but who would let him beg him now!
"What Mrs. Li said is true! If it weren't for the stock, we wouldn't be able to ask Mrs. Li, right! It's just that we want to make it easier for Mrs. Li, and it's not good for you to make us suffer too much."

March came forward and randomly took a piece of cloth from the shelf, unfolded it to have a look, and asked while stroking the material:
"Then I don't know how much money your young master plans to sell to me?" The color is also plain, and the noble and generous style can't be done. Some Xiaojiabiyu's dresses with some Chinese styles should be very popular!
Shopkeeper Huang didn't know that Sanyue was already thinking about how to use the fabric. Seeing the other party expressionlessly caressing the raw material, fearing that the other party would change his mind, he lowered the price for export by another [-]% in his heart!

"Madam Li Shao also knows that this shop is in a prosperous area. The shop is new or redecorated! As long as there are some materials, I, Mrs. Huang, will sincerely ask Madam Li to buy it. Then we will buy it for 300 taels of silver! How about it? "

Sanyue's hand touching the material was a meal. The price of one shop plus two rooms of material is really not much, but it doesn't mean that they will suffer. Since I can hold down more, why have to buy it at an expensive price.

"300 taels? Huang Zhangui, I don't think you are in a hurry to sell the shop! Otherwise, how could you say such a dishonest price!"

Shopkeeper Huang knew that Mrs. Li Shao was not easy to talk to, but he has dropped a lot, okay?
Xiaodie has followed the young lady for so long and naturally knows that the young lady does not want to buy but wants to lower the price, so she also sang and said:

(End of this chapter)

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