Chapter 641 Taking Over the Barracks
The villain Qingyun had almost done, Huangfu Jinyu answered:
"The purpose of this king's visit this time is to take over the barracks. You can ignore the past as if nothing happened, but from now on, this barracks will be incorporated into the imperial military department and become a regular army!
Naturally, your positions will not be retained. If you want to continue to serve the court, you will naturally welcome it. Then obediently start as a soldier.
People with real skills, this king is also willing to give a chance, as long as you can climb up, this king is willing to have more talents in the court!If you don't want to stay in the barracks
Then after the matter in the capital is over, the king will let you go! "

Removing them from office?What's the difference between this and killing them! ?Even if you are the second prince, you have to look at the boundaries!They are a military camp of 5 people!
You three 400 people want to come here to talk about the emperor!There is no way to remove them from official positions!Don't blame them for making trouble!
If there is a real riot, can the second prince still be so arrogant?
How many people look at me and look at you, and they all have this meaning in their eyes. They will not be accepted outside, and want to remove them from office?If you have the ability, wait until you get them to the capital!
"His Royal Highness the Second Prince! The officials are also appointed by the Crown Prince himself. Although the Second Prince is a prince, His Royal Highness still has the final say!"

"That's right! Just relying on the second prince to talk about it, you will be dismissed from my official position! This is not very appropriate~"

"Our subordinates each command thousands of troops, and they are also the official positions conferred by the prince's insight into heroes! Your Highness, Second Prince, you are so afraid that we will not agree to the soldiers who respect us if we promise it!"

This is so close to saying that if you dare to smack our official position, we dare to make our soldiers rebel!Anyway, let's see who dares to provoke whom in this territory!

The second prince's face gradually turned cold, and Qingyun was also full of sarcasm, this time even the generals sent behind them to take over the barracks couldn't stand it anymore.

The generals who fought with the emperor were naturally not comparable to those weaklings in this barracks. The sound of shouting and shouting as they stepped forward two steps towards that station was like a bell, which made people's ears hurt.

"How dare you speak such disrespectful words to His Royal Highness the Second Prince! Can't you plan to rebel?" Seeing that the other party's people were shocked by him, he looked at the Second Prince with a slightly stern look and said:

"Your Highness, the Second Prince! These traitors say disrespectful words, they are like traitors! I implore Your Highness, the Second Prince, let me kill them!"

As he said that, without waiting for His Royal Highness the Second Prince's consent, he pulled out his double ax from his waist and stared fiercely at the opponent's chickens, as if he would rush forward with the gleaming big ax just waiting for an order .

The person who provoked at the beginning was so frightened that he hid back and said in a trembling voice:
"You still want to commit murder in the barracks! The soldiers in our barracks are not vegetarians. We are outnumbered and you can't leave!"

Before he finished speaking, a big silver ax flew towards him with a sinister air, and it hit the front door squarely, splitting his head in half from the middle.

Everyone fell silent for a moment!You can hear a needle drop on the ground!

The general with the ax snorted angrily and wanted to go up and take back his beloved thing, but just as he took a step forward, he realized that he was abrupt, and hurriedly withdrew his feet and said angrily to the second prince:

"Your Majesty is being reckless! Your Highness, Second Prince, forgive me!"

Huangfu Jinyu admired his recklessness very much, chuckled lightly and said:

"Go and get the ax back!"

"Yes!" Then Pidianpidian bent forward and pulled out the axe, and wiped the blood on the axe on the dead man.
Those military commanders were terrified when they saw how violent this savage, rough-and-ready guy was!Now that he was still walking over to take back his axe, everyone took a step back in fear, with an unbearable fear in their eyes!

But Qingyun smiled and stepped forward to pat him on the shoulder and said:

"It's good to reach out! How about following us to the border town in the future?"

Huangfu Jinyu couldn't laugh or cry when he saw Qingyun gouging the wall so grandiosely!Getting down to business now!Can you also respect those people across from you? !

What was even more amusing was that the general put the ax back into his belt and touched his head, and after a moment of serious thinking, he said with a tangled expression:

"But Your Highness told me to work here. How do I get to the border?" Oh, it's so embarrassing~
Qingyun thought to encourage him twice, if they sent him to the border town, they would be even more powerful!

It's a pity that he was interrupted by the second prince before he could speak!
"Okay! You are not serious every day! Don't provoke him! It's important to do business first!"

Qingyun hurriedly put his arm off the opponent's shoulder!Closer to home.

He straightened his face and said:

"Now the road is before you, if you really want to be a traitor, then be prepared to become like them!"

Seeing such kung fu, several generals on the other side died two and injured one!In particular, the death of one was extremely miserable!Their guts are about to burst, how can they persist!

Kneeling down and clasping fists to Putong, who took a look at the resolute one, he said:
"I am willing to follow the emperor! Follow His Royal Highness the Second Prince!"

Huangfu Jinyu breathed a sigh of relief!It's finally over!The next thing will be much easier to handle!
All the soldiers were summoned to the martial arts arena, and Li Jixuan and Qing Yun stood on the high platform and read out the imperial decree:

"Fengtian Chengyun Emperor ordered that all soldiers are still training hard under the scorching sun. I was deeply moved when I learned about it, and the special imperial envoy rewarded me! The firewood salary and silver will be doubled in the next month!
In addition, Guo Dalong was appointed as the supreme commander of the Sentinel Army, and he took the post of commander!The former king Mingda was exempted from the position of commander due to dozens of crimes such as neglect of duty and privately withholding military pay, and he was beheaded in accordance with military orders to show the public!
The rest of the rank and file officials failed to play the role of admonishing the generals, and they will be revoked from their official positions and incorporated into the barracks to enjoy the salary of the soldiers!This! "

Generally speaking, I told the soldiers two things. One is that you have changed generals, and the emperor knows that you have worked so hard, so he specially issued double salaries.
The second is that the original General Wang Mingda was beheaded by the emperor's order, and the rest of the officials were also demoted!

Although this is a private army collected by the prince in the name of the court, these ordinary soldiers don't know about it, so the second prince and the emperor mean not to tell them, just hand over them from black households to regular troops!
After the imperial decree was finished, the soldiers didn't react much to the change of generals. Whoever took care of them would take care of them, but it would be great to be able to pay firewood and silver for an extra month!

All of them came from poor families to serve as soldiers, and they hoped that they could bring money home with less personal rations, so this is the best thing!

However, some soldiers knew what happened at the gate of the barracks.
(End of this chapter)

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