Chapter 633
"My subordinates found out that there were as many as 5 soldiers in that barracks, and they were indeed conscripted from the local area of ​​Shuozhou! When my subordinates visited those whose families were going to serve as soldiers, they all told them that they were regular soldiers! Even the government thought it was a soldier. regular army!"

Huangfu Jinyu nodded, he can basically put everything together!

"Since ancient times, the army has been directly controlled by the Ministry of War in the capital. If there is anything to do, it will be reported directly to the emperor! Even the monthly silver of all soldiers in the world will go to the Ministry of War! It will not be distributed by the local government.

For the emperor, the last thing he wants to see is that there are military generals and civil officials mixed together, so it makes sense for the local officials not to know that the military camp is fake!

They each guard their own territory and do not mix with each other!When it's time for conscription, the prince must have Wu Kezhang secretly stamp him from the Ministry of War and everything will be ready!
And the local officials will not deliberately post a booklet to ask whether the conscription regulations are true or not, so it is not good that this trick is useless! "

Everyone fell silent!If they hadn't deliberately investigated the prince, this matter would not have been found out!
Li Jixuan was silent for a while and said:

"We all know the prince's nature very well! How could he come up with such a far-sighted idea with a simple mind and a rough temper? It's obviously not something he can come up with!
I still remember the serial framing in the hunting ground before, and even knowing my Li family's back then made us suffer so much that we can't tell!Could this be something that simple-minded guy like the prince could have figured out! ?There must be someone behind him! "

Huangfu Jinyu nodded in agreement!Ever since the accident happened in the Li family, he has paid special attention to the people around the prince. Basically, he already has a target, but it hasn't been confirmed yet, so he hasn't said anything yet!

"He does have expert advice by his side, and I already know who it is! It's just that that person lives in seclusion and stays in the Prince's Mansion all the time, so it's very difficult to do it! We can only look for opportunities!"

Li Jixuan was also very curious about that person:
"who is it?"

"It was a Juren who didn't pass the exam many years ago, so he went to the Prince's Mansion to recommend himself as a counselor! I knew this person back then, but he was not mentioned much later. I thought he had already left the Prince's Mansion! Unexpectedly, he Been acting in secret."

Although he is an enemy, Li Jixuan also admires him:
"It's really not comparable to ordinary people to have such interlocking schemes. It's just that you can't act in an aboveboard manner! Otherwise, it will be a rare talent to recruit our subordinates in the future!"

Huangfu Jinyu shook his head:
"The people who can do this kind of dirty trick will definitely not be much better. Naturally, such a person can't be wanted!" After finishing speaking, he laughed to himself:

"However, he was able to find the eldest brother, which also shows that this person is proud of his talent and feels that his talent will not be reused, so he found someone like the prince to support him.
In the future, if the crown prince really ascends to the throne, it will be more obvious that he is capable, won't he? !He's just a little bit of talent! "

After a few words, Hai Wenchang and the two went on to talk about business. Li Jixuan thought about the evidence he had now and said:
"Now that we have the evidence of weapons in our hands, the tiger gang is also trying to scare the snake away, and then we can catch Jinzhou by surprise!
It's just that Shuozhou can move the whole body with a single hair, and Wu Kezhang's housekeeper can't catch him. Ruomao hastily told the emperor that the prince has a private army of [-] in Shuozhou. Will the emperor believe it? "

"We handed over the Jinzhou private mine matter and the weapons to the father, and he will definitely believe the Shuozhou matter together!"

Huangfu Jinyu still has this confidence!Since ancient times, whenever the emperor has doubts, he will definitely investigate, not to mention the things that endanger the throne such as private weapons and private troops!
What happened in Jinzhou is true!The weapon evidence is also true!So who can use privately made weapons?Is it so hard to believe the private army?

This time, the prince must be speechless!

The prince thought he finally had something to control the life and death of the Li family. After waiting for a few days and thinking that his father should calm down about the prime minister, he changed his clothes and hurried into the palace.

Although the emperor was angry with the Wang family and the crown prince, he did not expressly say that he would not allow the crown prince to see him, but when Huangfu Xuanhong heard the eunuchs outside the palace report that the crown prince begged to see him, he still had a gloomy face and said in a deep voice:
"What is the prince doing here? Just say that I am busy and let him go!"

The little eunuch was very hesitant, if he went out to answer like this, the prince would definitely beat him, why not tell him the purpose of the prince's visit!

"Your Majesty! His Highness the Crown Prince said that he has something very important to report, which is related to the great affairs of the family and the country!"

Huangfu Xuanhong's hand holding the vermilion pen paused for a moment, and drew a streak of vermilion ink conspicuously on the notebook, and threw the vermilion pen aside in agitation, raised his eyelids and hummed.

"Hmph! What important family and country affairs can he have?!" Either he repaired a temple and almost killed the queen mother, or he ran an errand and made a lot of mistakes.

As the prince's uncle's family, the Wang family has put him in a lot of trouble over the years!snort!He has not yet abolished his position as the crown prince, and there is only a little father-son relationship left to support him!
As soon as An Houlu rolled his eyes, he stepped forward and said:
"Your Majesty! Why don't Prince Xuan come in and ask! Maybe there's something really important?"

"Apart from being angry with me, what big things can he do!" Huangfu Xuanhong obviously hadn't lost much of his anger, but the papers had been approved for a long time, and it was time for him to relax when he came in:

"Okay, let him in!"

The little eunuch got the correct answer and hurried out to invite the prince in, as if he was in such a hurry that he was afraid that the emperor would regret it!
"My son bows to the father! The father is blessed and safe!"

Huangfu Xuanhong lazily leaned back on the dragon chair behind him, took two mouthfuls of tea from An Houlu to quench his thirst, then raised his eyelids to look at the kneeling prince and said:

"You can make me less angry, and I will be blessed!"

Huangfu knelt down on his stomach, buried his face in the shadows, angrily thinking about his father's injustice, how could he be worse than the second child?It's like this when you see him, hey, let's bear it for now!
"My son is terrified! Don't dare! If my son is inappropriate, please ask my father to teach me!"

Huangfu Xuanhong thought angrily: Still training? !Can I say that you embarrass the prime minister by pleading for mercy?snort!How dare you shut his mouth with these words!Although the Wang family is a thorn in his side, he doesn't want others to say that he is ruthless and cruel as the emperor.
"Cough! Have you visited the prime minister in prison?"

Huangfu hurriedly knelt down more straightly, lowered his head a little more, thinking in his heart that Hai Wenchang was really good at predicting things, he could even guess what his father asked him!According to what Wenchang taught before coming to Haihai:
"My son didn't go to the prison to visit Tu Yao's sinners! Wang Angxiong did such a thing to harm the students all over the world, this is my father and the imperial court's disregard!
(End of this chapter)

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