Chapter 609
But he. Forget it!If you are not ruthless, it is difficult to achieve great things, and if you don't do it for yourself, heaven and earth will destroy it!Even if he didn't bite out the second uncle, he would have to bite himself out when his father forced him to question him. Rather than the two of them hugging each other to death, it would be better to die alone.
"Go back and tell Hai Wenchang that this king knows!"

Suixi shivered slightly and said, "It's His Royal Highness the Crown Prince!"

A person who even his own uncle can weigh the pros and cons before giving up, these slaves are even more worthless!Not sure one day will also be headed in a different place.
Imperial study room!
Huangfu Xuanhong grabbed the Pixiu paperweight used to press the rice paper angrily and threw it at the prince.

Although the prince knew that if he didn't hide from the injury, his father would probably feel distressed!But he thought very well not to hide, but he still dodged reflexively in his bones.

Seeing that the anger on his father's face became even worse, the prince quickly knelt down and apologized first:
"Father, calm down! My son is guilty!"

Huangfu Xuanhong walked out from behind the case angrily, stepped forward and kicked the prince on the shoulder.

"You bastard! I thought it would save me some trouble if you changed it, but what kind of bastard did you do? Withholding money for repairing the temple caused the temple to collapse and almost killed your grandmother, you know? Even if I beat you to death Not too much."

Huangfu was kicked hard by his father in a rage, trembling but he didn't dare to hide, he had to step forward and hug his father's leg to beg for mercy.

"Father, son, and son are guilty! Father, don't get mad because of son, son! Even if son dies, he cannot escape the blame."

"You really deserve death! Now I'm going to give you one last chance. It's best to tell me exactly how much money you've been greedy for? How many taels of silver were used to repair the temple? Otherwise, what's the matter with the new main beam?" It can collapse and almost kill people.”

Huangfu looked at his father, who was staring at him, and wanted to blurt out the truth for a moment, but he, who was attached to the crown prince and had expectations for the throne, had to swallow the truth no matter what.

Climbing two steps forward, he hugged his father's leg desperately and pleaded guilty, and every word he said would absolve himself of the crime.

"Father and son are indeed guilty! You should not easily believe that son's uncle can change his ways! But the uncle cried and begged son to earn him a job.
Erchen is also soft-hearted because he is Erchen's real uncle!Now...I didn't expect this kind of thing to happen, Erchen really deserves to die,

Father, please give your son another chance!My son will definitely check out how much money my uncle has embezzled, and my father will give me a chance to redeem my sins."

Huangfu Xuanhong has been enduring all these years, and he is still enduring the power of the Wang family until now!But how can he give Wang Angjie another chance now,

He knew exactly what the truth was, he couldn't punish and kill his son, he could only rush to the Wang family according to the reason given by the prince!

Even if Wang Angjie took the blame for the prince this time, his death was not wronged.

"Preach my will! Find Wang Angjie and execute him on the spot! The wife and children of Wang Angjie's family, the man is a slave and daughter! No one else can help! No redemption!"

Eunuch An knew that the emperor had endured the fire for so many years, so he took the opportunity to release it!Energized, he stepped forward and bowed to accept the order and went down to announce the decree.

After hearing his father's will, Huangfu Qianqian let go of his father's legs in fear, thinking in a daze that luckily he didn't plead guilty, otherwise his crown prince would really be over.
Huangfu Xuanhong looked down at the hopeless prince, eyes full of disappointment and alienation, and said coldly:
"Although the crown prince did not directly participate, he is also guilty of negligence of supervision! When the queen mother and others were in danger, he disregarded my will and left his post to seek flowers and ask willows.
Double crime!I ordered the prince's mansion to contemplate behind closed doors, and no one is allowed to enter the mansion without my will!Anyone who violates the order will be punished without mercy! "

Huangfu Mangan stammered in shock:

"Father, father, this..." Is this imprisoning him in the palace?Also cut off all ties with the outside world. What does this mean.
Huangfu Xuanhong squinted dangerously at the prince on the ground, and asked in an unquestionable voice:
"The prince has any objections to my will?"

Huangfu was unwilling to do so, but now is really not a good time to argue, so he had to bow his head and accept his fate.

"My son. Take orders."

The imperial physician had to say that he still had two brushes, guessing that the imperial concubine Jin Jin would wake up in the afternoon, and she really opened her eyes in the afternoon when she was wiping at dusk.

Huangfu Jinyu has been guarding her mother and concubine every step of the way, and she is both surprised and happy to see her mother wake up.

"Mother Concubine...Mother Concubine, how do you feel?"

The noble concubine Jinjin felt the pain when she regained her senses. She struggled to look around before she realized that she had returned to the palace. Seeing her son guarding her nervously and worriedly, Jinjin suddenly felt that the pain on her body was much lighter.

"I'm fine! I just got hit by a piece of wood! By the way, where's the Queen Mother?"

The queen mother had just drank the medicine in the outer hall and was helped by the nanny and walked in. Seeing that Jin Jin had opened her eyes, she hurriedly stepped forward and said with concern:

"Wake up! Hurry up and come over to Imperial Physician Xuan! Don't get up and lie down on your stomach! You can't move around!"

Jin Jin tried to get up and salute, but other than being able to move his neck, it was like being run over by a big stone!I had no choice but to plead guilty.

"Mother, forgive me! The concubine can't get up to pay her respects!"

The Empress Dowager's face became more and more loving, and she covered the quilt that was struggling for Jin Jin and said:

"You have suffered for the Ai family, and it is too late for the Ai family to thank you! How can I pick you up! Lie down and wait for the imperial doctor to come over and take your pulse. Just take the medicine and you will be fine!"

"The concubine thanked the queen mother!"

The empress dowager personally guarded the imperial physician who was giving the imperial concubine Jin Jin a pulse and prescribing the medicine, and then watched her drink it, only then was she exhausted and persuaded by the nuns beside her to go to the side hall to rest.

Huangfu Jinyu was the only one left in the palace who was watching and talking beside the concubine mother, handing her water and being taken care of by the horns.

Jin Jin knew that her son was afraid of something wrong with her, so she was very grateful for her son's caring care. Similarly, she was also very scared when she thought about the situation at that time. She was afraid that she would really be buried in that temple. to son!

Fortunately, those are all in the past!They are all fine now!

In the following days, the imperial concubine Jin Jin was unable to move due to back injuries and internal heart and lung injuries, so she was recuperating in the empress dowager's bedroom.

The second prince would come to accompany his concubine mother whenever he was free, and the emperor would also come over to pay his respects to his concubine whenever he was free, and take care of his concubine's injury by the way!

It can be said that the life of the Queen Mother was saved because of Concubine Jin Jin!The momentum in the harem is unparalleled!Although Yan Jin couldn't leave the queen mother's bedroom, she didn't know it yet!

However, the decree of conferring the imperial concubine Jinjin as the imperial concubine was still issued step by step!

(End of this chapter)

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