Chapter 574 Wang Aofu is going to catch the rape

I will never treat the elderly who come here badly, they must be the highest paid in the industry! "

Four or five people is indeed not enough, it seems that I can only go to Shunzi's dental shop to ask if there are any embroiderers and mistresses who are looking for work!

The staff is more or less settled, but other things should also be prepared, such as tailoring tools and so on!

March has ideas for this shop!
She designed and decorated the shop into such a high-end shop, so naturally she has to take into account both high-end and low-end!First floor: You can sell some Jiangnan materials and little things that my daughter likes!
Ready-to-wear can be displayed on three walls, and even the two wood-carved clothes rack models, the effect of wearing the clothes with modern elements designed by her must be amazing!
The second floor: it focuses on high-quality goods and leather products!In addition to the fur capes, hand warmers, and fur vests that are common in this world, Sanyue also plans to use rabbit fur to make some novel, beautiful and cute things!

Clothing such as a small vest with a modern waist design!Rabbit fur boots!Accessories are made of fur scarves!shawl!Gloves, cute hats, and more!Meet the needs of ladies of different ages!
Small items such as rabbit fur balls can be worn as headgear or decorated!There are also cute fur bags and, if possible, realistic animals!Cute bunnies, puppies, kittens and more!
She is not worried about not being able to sell!Because there is no girl who does not like beautiful things!Especially the ladies who are not short of money!She can already imagine how much her things should be priced when things are rare and expensive!Woohoo!

Wang Aofu was finally full after eating two cages of siu mai and drinking three bowls of shredded chicken porridge!

Satisfied burp!Asked about the return of the Meizhu said:
"How? Where is Wu Shizu now?"

Meizhu bowed her head and replied:

"My servant followed Mr. Wu all the way to Changsheng Street! Seeing that he entered a cloth shop and never came out, my servant hurried back to report the news!"

Wang Aofu seemed to think of something and her face turned black!mockingly scolded:
"Hmph Wu, if you can't get in, you must be a beautiful woman who sells cloth inside! Maybe she kisses me inside! What a vile and shameless thing! No, I'm going to arrest them right now!"

Seeing that the young lady hadn't given up looking for someone, Meizhu quickly stepped forward and knelt down to block the way:

"Miss, think twice! You are going to marry Mr. Wu in three days! If you let your wife and the Prime Minister know about your going like this, they will be angry!"

Wu Aofu was so angry that she couldn't listen to her and persuade her!Originally, I was ashamed to marry him like a flower, like a jade, and a country, and a city!

Ask your parents how Wu Shizu's character is!Parents faltered and refused to tell the truth, and said that the empress concubine bestowed the marriage, and their reputation would be damaged, so they had to marry if they didn't marry!

Who knew that when I inquired behind my parents' back, I turned out to be a slut who couldn't support the wall with mud!Still a romantic!

Her life can only be like this!Can't defy my aunt!But if you don't give the other party some color at this time, let's see when it will be better?After getting married, it will be too late to give the other party a blow!
This dead girl can't help but think for her master now, and dare to stop her!
"You damn girl dare to fight against me! If you don't beat you for a few days, you won't know who your master is!" Cursing, she stretched out her thick legs and kicked on Meizhu's chest, with a muffled sound!Before Meizhu could cry out in pain, she passed out!

I was so useless when I saw someone that I hadn't hit him enough to get dizzy, so I don't bother to care about her anymore!When I stepped in front of Meizhu and went out, I wanted to call Meiyu to come and serve me, only to realize that her butt was blooming and she couldn't walk!

"Bah, every one of them is greedy and slippery! When it really comes in handy, none of them are useful!" What should we do now?She goes by herself?

But she herself...she has no guts.
Looking back unwillingly, she looked at the dead body of Meizhu on the ground, went into the room, picked up the teapot and poured a pot of herbal tea on Meizhu's body!
"Get up! Don't pretend to be dead!"

Mei Zhu slowly opened her eyes with a sigh, and just as she was about to move her chest, there was a stabbing pain in her chest. When she opened her eyes and saw the lady staring at her sullenly, she realized what happened to her just now.

She was kicked unconscious by Xiaodie!

As a servant girl, she has no human rights, no matter how painful she is, she has to bear it!Seeing the young lady getting more and more impatient, Meizhu pressed her chest hard with one hand, and propped herself up with the other. After standing up, she had to obey the young lady's orders without any resentment.

Ever since Wang Aofu gained weight, she has become more fond of torturing her maids. Maybe she has low self-esteem and can't say that she can only twist her mind to harm them, especially now that she sees Meizhu's pitiful and pitiful appearance, which makes men feel distressed, even more annoyed!

"What are you still doing standing there? You don't want to change your clothes yet, so I want Miss Ben to stand and wait for you like this?"

Meizhu shivered reflexively when she heard the young lady's voice, and said in a trembling voice:
"I'm sorry, miss! I'm going now, servant girl!" After speaking, she turned around in embarrassment and ran out. Maybe she was too nervous and afraid that when she crossed the threshold, she stumbled and fell out!

But even so, she didn't dare to stay, she just got up and ran!
She was afraid that the young lady would come out to chase and beat her if she stayed behind, and sure enough, sister Meiyu was right!The scariest thing is not Madam, but Miss!

Meiyu saw Meizhu coming in with injuries all over her body, and looked at her with sore eyes, but Meizhu didn't even have time to say a word of grievance, she opened the closet and took off the rotten clothes, changed into a clean body and looked at Meiyu with tears in her eyes again. ran away.

Back and forth just like this!Meiyu lost the mood she had just now, and looked sadly at the sunlight outside the window, maybe she can take another look!He might die someday!
In order to stop Wu Shizu, a prodigal son, Wang Aofu kept urging the driver to hurry up!Fortunately, there are few people on the street at noon, otherwise I would have to bump into people!
At the intersection of Changsheng Street, Wang Aofu got out of the car and said to the driver:

"If my mother asks, just say I'm out to pull some cloth! Do you understand?"

The coachman knew how unruly the young lady was, so he dared not answer.

"Miss, don't worry! That little one is gone!"

Wang Aofu looked at this street, it was no different from other streets!I don't know how many times she has been here since she was a child!With no interest, she turned her eyes back and asked Meizhu:
"Where is that cloth shop?"

Meizhu hurried forward to lead the way!
"It's right in the middle of the street! Miss and maidservant come!"

Wu Shizu was bored, knocking on melon seeds and looking at the opposite house while sipping tea. If the dead woman didn't come out, he would have to wait for sores on his buttocks.

It would be great if there is a beauty to accompany him to rest!Even if you can't do anything, it's good to touch the little hands and talk about your heart!The thought of marrying a pig three days later made my already depressed mood even more annoying!
Or go to the nearest brothel and find two women to accompany him?With this idea, Wu Shizu felt that he was really smart!
(End of this chapter)

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