Chapter 656 I bought this specially for you
As soon as he entered the room, Han Yongsheng took out an exquisite box from his pocket and handed it to Wang Xianger, "Here, for you."

Wang Xianger's eyes widened, what is he doing?It can't be serious, she really wants to pursue herself, her face is very gloomy, "Sorry, I can't accept it."

Han Yongsheng was not annoyed by Wang Xiang'er's attitude. He opened the box and took out the contents. It was a jade bracelet, crystal clear, and it looked like a high-quality item.

The moment Wang Xianger was looking at the bracelet, Han Yongsheng grabbed her left hand, and Wang Xianger screamed in fright, "What are you doing?"

Wang Xiang'er wanted to break free, but her hand was firmly grasped, so Han Yongsheng said, "I bought this specially for you, take it with you, it can just help you cover your scar."

"..." Wang Xiang'er was speechless. Although his original intention was good, she was not moved by his actions at all. She continued to shout, "Let go of me, I don't need it."

Han Yongsheng continued, as if he hadn't heard her, "I'll bring it for you."

Wang Xianger was very disgusted by his imposing behavior on others. Seeing him trying to put the bracelet on his hand, but couldn't put it on, Wang Xianger sneered, "Look, the size of the bracelet is not suitable, which means that we are not Not suitable."

Seeing that the bracelet couldn't be worn, Han Yongsheng had no choice but to let go, put the bracelet back in the box, put the box on his body again, and said a little embarrassedly, "Sorry, I didn't know the size of the bracelet, I'll put it down." I will buy other gifts for you this time."

"..." Wang Xiang'er felt that this Han Yongsheng didn't listen to him at all, the problem wasn't about the gift at all, okay?

Wang Xiang'er shook her head, expressing her helplessness. She tried her best to control her furious emotions, and said lightly, "Mr. Han, let's talk."

"Okay, I just have something to tell you."

"..." He still has something to say, so listen to what he has to say first, "Then you speak first."

"Miss Wang, I went back and thought about it. It's really inappropriate for me to propose marriage rashly when we are not familiar. I'm sorry for causing trouble to you."

"..." Has he figured it out?No, what he did just now didn't look like he had figured it out at all.

Sure enough, I heard Han Yongsheng continue to say, "So I withdrew the marriage proposal team, and I decided that the two of us should get to know each other first and get along with each other. What do you think?"

"..." Wang Xiang'er was so angry that she vomited blood. She just said, how could he figure it out, "It's not good, we don't need to understand each other."

"I think it's necessary to get to know each other. You have another choice. What if you think I'm fine too?"

"..." Hehe, there is nothing wrong with this person, he is such a stalker, she can't see how good he is now, "Mr. Han, for me to snatch the blood jade and ruin your marriage, I will I apologize to you again, I really didn't mean it, so just let me go."

Han Yongsheng suppressed the smile on his face, let it go?She actually used such serious words, and he didn't do anything.

The marriage-seeking team has already withdrawn. In order for the two to get to know each other, he didn't even bring Ah Da with him, and he even specially bought a gift for her. How do you know there is such a thing as size when you buy women's gifts?

(End of this chapter)

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