Chapter 630 Let's Don't Make Trouble

Xiaoxiao's side is renovating the grand theater and rehearsing the show, and Yang Ming's side is not idle either, brightening up the darts, receiving the darts, and running the darts.

Both of them were extremely busy, and unknowingly, they were delayed in Lin County for almost ten days. During this period, Han Yongsheng invited him many times, but because the two of them were too busy, they politely refused, but in order to appease Han Yongsheng, I also promised to visit next month.

It has been more than half a month since I left home, and I don't know what is going on at home or how the fish pond is being dug, so Xiao Xiao and Yang Ming decided to go home first.

The two found a carriage, took gifts to help the family choose, and rushed back to the city.

Xiaoxiao didn't sit in the carriage this time, but sat in the driver's seat with Yang Ming.

Xiaoxiao sang a song in a good mood, but suddenly a startled horse passed by their carriage.

Their horses were also frightened, so Yang Ming quickly grabbed the reins of the horses, "Huh!"

This made their carriage stable.

Xiao Xiao also grabbed Yang Ming's arm in fright, she closed her eyes and didn't dare to look at it, but when she opened her eyes again, she saw a horrifying scene. She vaguely saw a person falling from the back of the horse that had just passed in front of her.

"Husband, what should I do?"

"Don't be afraid, I'll go and have a look."

Xiaoxiao grabbed Yang Ming's arm, feeling a little scared, "Honey, don't go, let's not cause trouble."

"It's okay, otherwise we have to go through the road ahead."

Xiaoxiao thought about it too, this is the only way to go to such a secluded place, so she had to go with Yang Ming.

At this time, the frightened horse had already run a long way, and Yang Ming drove the car to the person who fell down.

"Honey, wait for me in the car."

"No, let's go and see together."

The two got out of the carriage like this, and went to see the person who fell down. The person arched his waist as if holding something in his arms, with his back to them, Xiaoxiao asked worriedly, "Husband, will he die?" gone."

"Don't be afraid, let me see."

As Yang Ming said, he put his hand on the other person's head and lowered it. Xiao Xiao was a little scared and didn't dare to look at it. She grabbed Yang Ming's arm, turned her head over, and asked anxiously, "How is it, are you dead? "

"Hey, I'm dead." Yang Ming said regretfully.

"What?" Xiaoxiao turned her head around, pulled Yang Ming, and said worriedly, "Honey, let's get out of here quickly."

The farther away this kind of thing is, the better. One more thing is worse than one less thing. What if the family members of this person rely on them? In modern times, there are many people who touch porcelain. The government's investigative skills here are so poor, she is not afraid of anything. But being wronged is the most useless thing.

But Xiaoxiao didn't pull Yang Ming, "wife."

"..." Xiaoxiao was a little speechless for Yang Ming's eyes now, and she asked tentatively, "Honey, you don't mean to send him to the government, do you?"

Yang Ming didn't answer, but he didn't deny it either.

Xiaoxiao suddenly shouted, "No, this is absolutely not possible, let's go."

Xiao Xiao pulled Yang Ming firmly, hoping that the two of them would leave quickly, but Yang Ming refused to leave, Xiao Xiao angrily roared, "If you dare to meddle in other people's business, I will make peace with you, and I will do what I say. .”

Seeing his daughter-in-law like that, he was really angry, so Yang Ming had no choice but to follow his daughter-in-law into the carriage. The daughter-in-law's concerns were right, they had better not meddle in their own business.

But just as the carriage was about to leave, there seemed to be a voice coming over, "Wife, listen, what's the voice?"

(End of this chapter)

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