Chapter 456 You Are The Love Of My Life

In the empty house, without the presence or voice of his wife, Yang Ming's heart sank to the bottom of the valley. The heart-piercing pain made it difficult for him to breathe several times throughout the day.

A few days ago, they were still so sweet, but they never thought that they would bear the pain of parting so soon, which made Yang Ming feel depressed for a long time.

Suddenly, Yang Ming raised his head, his empty eyes became clear, he figured it out, even if his wife was snatched away, even if she was going to die, he would rush over and stay by her side, No one can deprive him of his right to be a gentleman.

He hurriedly walked towards the door, but as soon as his hand was on the doorknob, he folded back.

It suddenly occurred to him that the daughter-in-law brought all the clothes from her father-in-law's house when she was a girl, and the daughter-in-law didn't have a change of clothes when she went back. He wanted to help her take some clothes there.

He got on the kang, opened the cabinet, and saw the veils, paper cranes and heart shapes that he hastily sifted into the cabinet.

Inside that heart shape was a message left for him by his daughter-in-law.

Maybe he will go with his wife this time, he wants to know what the words his wife left him, and he wants to leave with these words.

He hastily opened the remaining heart shapes, and saw many love words written by his wife.

"Honey, I want to grow old slowly with you."

"Husband, I miss you every day."

"Honey, I want to give birth to a monkey for you."

"Honey, I want to love you even across time and space."


Yang Ming's emotions got out of control again, how could he have so much love from his daughter-in-law, he should have said this to his daughter-in-law first.

With trembling hands, he opened the last heart shape. This heart shape is very special because it is bigger than the other heart shapes.

After opening it, Yang Ming's eyes widened. It was a letter written in charcoal. The characters were small and slightly blurred, but they were still legible.


Please forgive me for telling you my identity in this form, because I really can't say it. If you find this letter, it means that it is God's will.

In fact, I am just a ray of soul, and for some unknown reason, I attached to your wife on the day of the bridal chamber.

The words I say that you don’t understand, and the things I do that you think are great, actually come from my hometown.

In fact, in my hometown, I am just an ordinary person who knows nothing.

When I first came to this strange place, I was very helpless, and I didn't want to stay here, because my hometown is much more advanced than here.

But, I met you, you are very good, I fell in love with you deeply, I even started to thank God, it must be God wants us to love each other, so God sent me here.

I want to go on with you, forever and ever.

But I'm just a wisp of soul, I don't know when I will fly away.

I am afraid that you will stay away from me if you learn that I am a ray of soul, so I can't say it.

If one day, you find that I am gone, don't be sad, it must be that I have returned to my hometown, and you must live strong.

I will always bless you in my hometown.

Husband, I love you, I love you very much, you are the love of my life. "

At this time, Yang Ming could not cry. It turned out that his wife knew that he might leave at any time. It turned out that there was a helpless heart under such a lively appearance. He only hated himself for not being with her all the time.

(End of this chapter)

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