Reborn embroidered girl

Chapter 794 Doubt

Chapter 794 Doubt ([-])
Kang Ya's lowered gaze landed on the water glass held in both hands, her eyes flickering slightly.

Chu Feng didn't rush her, but just waited patiently.

She remained silent for four or five minutes before finally making up her mind to speak.

"I think Qi Gang is very wrong these days, so I want to ask about his situation in the team these days."

Last night, Wang Qigang was late for more than 50 minutes from the time the two of them had agreed in advance, and then he insisted on taking her home.

Originally, she wanted to be quiet by herself, but his attitude was very firm.

The two found a manpower tricycle.

Sitting on the tricycle, she suddenly smelled a faint fragrance from his body.

It's not the smell of perfume, it's shampoo, but Wang Qigang never uses scented shampoo.

At that time her heart sank to the bottom.

Confirm with him again why he came late.

Wang Qigang killed him and said it was because of something in the team.

There is something in the team, but there is a smell of shampoo for women on his body.

He is lying.

She didn't expose him then.

I didn't say a word along the way, and when I arrived at the door, I paid the tricycle driver and went home directly.

Didn't sleep almost all night.

She wanted to trust Wang Qigang, but thinking of his abnormality and the scent on his body these days, that trust seemed to be not so sure all of a sudden.

So early this morning, she made up her mind to come here to find out.

As soon as Kang Ya said the words, Chu Feng's expression suddenly became serious.

Even if she said that, there is only one possibility, and that is that there is indeed something wrong with Wang Qigang.

"Why did Kang Ya say that all of a sudden? Are you at odds with Qi Gang again?"

Before there was any definite "evidence", Chu Feng still chose to side with Wang Qigang temporarily.

After all, he has seen with his own eyes how many twists and turns the two of them have gone through from loathing each other to now truly loving each other.

Now I can only "play stupid".

"No. Chu Feng, if you still consider me your friend, then please tell me the truth, when did Wang Qigang leave the base yesterday?"

All Kang Ya wants now is the truth.

Chu Feng raised his eyebrows slightly.

Quickly judging in her mind, she asked the purpose of this sentence.

"Kangya, I don't know. I was in a meeting yesterday afternoon and I didn't come back until seven."

It's true to go to a meeting, and it's true that you don't come back until seven o'clock.

But after he came back, the monkey came over.

Tell him that Wang Qigang left the base at two o'clock in the afternoon.

Kang Ya stared at him with probing eyes.

She was judging whether his words were true or not.

After all, his relationship with Wang Qigang is really good, and it is entirely possible to help him hide something.

"If you don't believe me, you can ask your father. There was a meeting yesterday, and Leader Kang was there."

Kang Ya finally dispelled her doubts about Chu Feng a little bit.

"I got better with Qi Gang yesterday. We met at the hospital at five o'clock, but he was five or ten minutes late."

There was no complaint in Kang Ya's suppressed voice, as if she was just stating the fact to Chu Feng.

Chu Feng scolded Wang Qigang dozens of times in his heart.

"Maybe I went out late, maybe I was delayed by something on the way..."

"This is not the first time, but the third time."

Chu Feng was only halfway through explaining for Wang Qigang before being interrupted by Kang Ya.

When he heard her say it was the third time, his face became completely gloomy...

(End of this chapter)

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