Reborn embroidered girl

Chapter 376 Calculating

Chapter 376 Calculating ([-])

"Big sister, why don't you visit Feng Lin's house?"

A group of women booed behind Fang Minglan.

Fang Minglan's whole head is exploding now, and there is only one thought left, which is to get out of here as soon as possible.

"Sister Lan..."

Chu Jiale trotted behind her.

She didn't know what happened, but judging by Fang Minglan's expression now, something must be wrong.

Fang Minglan's heart skipped a beat, and she ran out of the school gate in one breath.

"What is Fang Minglan doing in such a hurry? Aren't you looking for me?"

A cool voice sounded, and Chu Xia walked out slowly from the entrance of the school alley.

Fang Minglan staggered, her face turned red.

At this moment, she even wanted to subconsciously cover her face.

I have imagined countless times what kind of posture she will use to reappear in front of Chu Xia.

That would be the day she stomped her hard, not like this.

"Chu Xia, are you okay? That's great!"

Chu Jiale couldn't help shouting, and there was a hint of relaxation in the high-pitched voice.

Although she hated her, it wasn't that vicious.

Chu Xia's indifferent eyes swept across Chu Jiale's body.

She's here too, which makes sense!
"You got the wrong person!"

Fang Minglan only knew that everything was wrong now, even she was stunned after saying this sentence.

"Sister Lan..."

Chu Jiale really didn't understand why Fang Minglan had such a reaction after seeing Chu Xia.

In her anger, she even saw a trace of unbearable and fear.

Chu Xia giggled, the laughter was melodious, but creepy.

"Fang Minglan, why don't you even dare to admit your name now?"

Fang Minglan's hands hanging by her sides were tightly clenched into fists, her nails dug deep into her palms, bleeding from pinching.

"Fang Minglan, to be honest, I never thought it would be you."

"What are you talking about? I don't understand!"

Fang Minglan looked away guiltily, but her chin was raised high.

Chu Xia squinted her eyes, looking at Fang Minglan who was dressed in well-tailored clothes.

"It seems that you have had a good half a year?"

Chu Xia asked casually as if he was a friend whom he hadn't seen for a long time.

But her words distorted Fang Minglan's whole being.

She looked at her eyes as if poisoned, wishing to swallow her alive!
Others don't know, but this bitch knows exactly what happened that day!
"Chu Xia, you will have retribution!"

She gritted her teeth and cursed.

"Retribution? I never do anything wrong, where does the retribution come from?
But you, the retribution seems to come very fast! "

Chu Xia said sarcastic remarks with a look of contempt on her face.

"Chu, Xia!"

"Fang Minglan sent you a word, you will die if you do too much unrighteousness. Since you are here today, don't leave in a hurry!"

"What do you mean?"

Fang Minglan's heart skipped a beat, and she sank to the bottom.

Chu Xia turned slightly sideways.

The village head of Xinghua Village, and Feng Lin, who was supposed to be in the office, came out from behind her.

The village chief looked serious.

Feng Lin was so depressed that he lowered his head almost to his chest.

The moment Fang Minglan saw Feng Lin, her face completely darkened.

Did he betray her?
The last figure that appeared in her eyes at this moment, the fear and uneasiness that had been suppressed in her heart suddenly exploded!

Wang Cheng walked to Feng Lin's side, his sharp gaze was fixed on her body...

(End of this chapter)

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