Chapter 656 I Treat You To Live
Xiaoyin paused for a moment, as if recalling the scene when he was attacked by an assassin last time, the deep and visible scars were still fresh in his memory.

He shook his head and said firmly: "Godmother, Xiaoyin has grown up and become stronger, and can already protect you and your sister. This time, I will never let such a person hurt you again."

He is very confident in himself, because he is the Dragon Clan, the most powerful beast clan in the sky and the earth, and he is also the prince of the Dragon Clan, the future Dragon King, and no one can hurt the people he wants to protect.

Mu Mu was moved and sniffled. Even though she knew Xiaoyin's strength, she still preferred to let Xiaoyin be an ordinary child. "Our little silver is very powerful, but if you are in danger, let the godmother protect you, you know? The godmother can be resurrected in less than a minute after death. It is too long for you to go away once. The godmother doesn't want to be separated from you again. .”

"Then, I will protect myself and my sister, and then use sacrifice next time, okay?" Xiaoyin said cautiously, for fear that Mu Mu would refuse.

He was also very sad when he was separated from Mu Mu. Liu Yan has been sleeping, but he has been dreaming.The battle with the assassin was always in his dream, and he would repeat the scene almost every day, to experience the deep-rooted scar once.

Only by deeply remembering the pain can he stimulate his potential and succeed in advancing.

"Sacrifice is not allowed in this lifetime, neither you nor Liuyan, you know!" Mu Mu looked at Xiaoyin and Liuyan seriously, his eyes full of determination.

Liu Yan nodded obediently, and secretly complained that she was useless, she also used sacrifice, her brother grew up, but she was still that trash.

Xiaoyin also nodded, he didn't want to experience separation anymore.

Seeing that both of them nodded obediently, Mu Mu introduced Jiao Yalan and the others to them. After a while, Jiao Yalan sent many shiny diamonds to Liuyan and Xiaoyin. They chatted late into the night until they went offline Still a little unsatisfactory.

After the game was over, Su Mokai sent Mu Mu to Lin Xier's house, gave her official leave, and asked her to take care of Lin Xier, without deducting her salary or full attendance, and even bought a bunch of vegetables for her He mentioned the upstairs with the snacks, and after making sure that the two little women had food and drink upstairs, Su Mokai drove away.

Mu Mu and Lin Xi'er stayed at home all morning, and when they wanted to accompany Lin Xi'er to the newspaper office to take work-related leave in the afternoon, Liu Lu unexpectedly called.

Lin Xi'er coughed, and said in a muffled voice, "Here comes the troublemaker. If she dares to blame me for not going to work today or being injured and having to ask for leave, I will dare to scold her!"

Mu Mu nodded her head, and said very seriously: "If she treats you badly, you can scold her well and vent your anger. At worst, you can resign and go home. I'll treat you to a good life."

"Having a boyfriend is different. I have enough confidence. Then I really rely on you~" Lin Xi'er chuckled before answering the phone, "Chief editor, are you looking for me?
"Xi'er, I heard from Ah Qiang that you sprained your ankle, how are you doing now? Is it better, did you go to the hospital?" Liu Lu's enthusiastic voice came over, and Lin Xi'er's hairs stood on end. Woke up.

"I, feel better, editor-in-chief, what's wrong with you?"

"I'm fine, I'm just very guilty. I shouldn't have sent you to the mountains at the beginning. I thought you were young, physically strong, and more flexible than us old people, so you couldn't get hurt. But now... well, it's all my fault. You have suffered so much."

(End of this chapter)

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