This year's great god is getting more and more soothing

Chapter 453 Supplementary Honeymoon Trip

Chapter 453 Supplementary Honeymoon Trip
Mu Mu prefers this kind of exciting game. The last time I went to the Mingfeng Clan, Su Mokai carried her and flew over like this. At that time, she was still a trumpet who was not at the full level, and she was not afraid of such things. Now Mu Mu has At the full level, don't be afraid.

The two hugged each other tightly and flew quickly towards the cliff below the extreme cliff. Mu Mu was still looking around with his eyes open.

Different from the cliffs that are generally recognized, the cliffs under the extreme cliffs are shining. Looking carefully, there are small flowers growing on the cliffs. The flowers are very small, only about one centimeter, and the petals of each flower are shallow. of white light clusters.

The more it flies down, the brighter the white light cluster on the little flower becomes.And the cliff is very deep, it is simply a bottomless abyss.

Su Mokai kept flying down with Mu Mu in his arms. He also met many people along the way. After flying for more than an hour, Su Mokai still had no intention of stopping. Mu Mu couldn't help asking: "Where are we going?"

"Don't you like the little mermaid in your friend's store very much, let's catch it."

"Catch the Little Mermaid? The Little Mermaid is down here?" Mu Mu looked down excitedly, and was so far away that he could see a super big and super bright light ball.

The ball of light was about a hundred meters long, and it was so bright that it hurt people to keep their eyes open.

Mu Mu blocked the bright light with his hands, and wanted to take a closer look at what was behind the light ball, but found that the player flying in front of them disappeared the moment they approached the light ball.

"Great God, is that light group a teleportation array?"

"Well, all the ornamental monsters are caught there. It's a small dungeon, and it's only open for one day a month. If you don't go in today, you'll have to wait for next month."

"...So you said that if you let me play the game and have a gift for me, you just bring me here to catch the Little Mermaid?" Mu Mu thought of the cuteness of the Little Mermaid, and decided to forgive Su Mokai for taking her bed and forcing her to play the game up.

"Well, the scenery in this dungeon is very wonderful. We can look at the scenery while catching monsters, and it's as compensation for our honeymoon trip." Su Mokai's eyes fell on Mu Mu's face meaningfully, and her picture was darker than in reality. Her delicate and delicate face was extremely fair under the strong light, making people want to take a bite.

"Honeymoon trip..." Mu Mu opened her mouth and secretly revealed a sweet smile.

On the second day of their wedding, the Great God took her to the Mingfeng Clan without even letting her change her clothes. There was no honeymoon or anything, it could only be said to be a fantasy trip.Unexpectedly, he still remembered this incident, and even offered her a honeymoon trip, Mu Mu smiled sweetly.

Flying into the light cluster is like entering another world, and there are three layers of space neatly floating in front of them.The three-story space seems to be housed in a huge transparent glass cabinet. Each space is neatly divided. The first floor looks like only the sky, the first floor only has the ground, and the other floor only has the ocean.

Su Mokai explained in a low voice: "Ornamental monsters can be divided into three types: water, land and air. Which one do you want to catch first?"

"In the water! I want Sister Pao's mermaid."

"Then go to the water first. There are not only mermaids in the water, but also other monsters. If you like, we will catch them all." Su Mokai took Mu Mu's hand and flew into the space where there was only the ocean.

It seems that the space separated by glass is actually very soft. Mu Mu only felt that the flying speed slowed down a little, and they appeared in the ocean.

Eyes are full of sea water, and the entire space is composed of sea water.

(End of this chapter)

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