This year's great god is getting more and more soothing

Chapter 448 Boss, Please Respect Yourself

Chapter 448 Boss, Please Respect Yourself

Chapter 452 "The last time I went home, my mother saw my computer with your picture on it, and she kept asking who I was, so I told her. This time for a medical examination, my mother I've always wanted to meet you, but didn't you say you wanted to wait for a while to meet again? So I rejected her."

Su Mokai pursed his lips, and his voice was full of helplessness, "Who knows that my mother can't see you, so he must listen to your voice. I didn't expect you to... This thing is done by me and my mother." No, Mu Mu, don't be angry, okay?"

Su Mokai's deep voice kept coming, and Mu Mu's small mouth opened wider as he heard it, until finally all the worry on his face turned into surprise.

She coughed and said in a low voice, "Aunt... how did you say it?"

"She said that you are very cheerful and you are just right to be with me. My mother has a very good personality and will not be prejudiced against you because of this kind of thing, so...don't be angry, okay?" Su Mokai didn't have the nerve to say that he My mother has always been a sullen child who can't find a girlfriend. Since he was in college, he has been disgusted by his mother on the excuse of not being able to find a girlfriend. After five years of disgust, he finally found a girlfriend. His mother is so happy Burned incense for three days.

But Su Mokai would not tell Mu Mu about this kind of thing, if he did, he would definitely have no image in Mu Mu's heart.

"Sorry, boss, please wait for me first, my phone is out of battery, I will call you back later." Mu Mu hung up the phone in a hurry, the astonishment on her little face turned into joy.

"So Su Mokai didn't come to break up with me? Auntie didn't look down on me? She even said that I am cheerful and suitable to be with BOSS, ahhhhhhhhh! I was so nervous all day?!"

Mu Mu patted her chest, her eyes were full of joy, she murmured to herself in a low voice: "Boss thought I was angry, so I didn't play the game, so should I be angry, so that I have been nervous for nothing today?" How about some relief?"

Saying that, Mu Mu's bright eyes were full of cunning, her BOSS was right, it was him and his aunt who were at fault, who asked them to listen to her without authorization?So don't blame her for this kind of thing, blame him!

Mu Mu chuckled, coughed, and called Su Mokai pretending to be angry, "Okay, the phone is charged."

On the call again, Mu Mu's voice was obviously much colder than last time, as if he was angry.

Su Mokai frowned slightly, wondering why Mu Mu didn't seem angry before he explained, but Mu Mu seemed even more angry after the explanation? "Are you still angry?"

"What do you say?"

"Don't be angry, okay? I prepared a gift for you in "Overlord and Kingship", come up and have a look?"

"No, I'm tired and I'm going to bed today." Mu Mu hummed, feeling very refreshed.The opportunity to lose her temper with the BOSS like this is a unique opportunity, and she has to grasp it well.

On the other side, Su Mokai's eyes darkened, and he sighed helplessly. "I'll go find you, can I explain to you face to face?"

"It's too late, Mr. Boss, please respect yourself. And I'm already going to bed, I can't entertain you old man, you go play games by yourself."

"Mu Mu, don't do this, can I admit my mistake? I'll see you right now."

"I won't see you even when you come. You'd better play the game. It's late at night, lonely and widowed, and you're not afraid of something inappropriate for children when you come?" Mu Mu snorted, her nose almost pointing up to the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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