Chapter 343

The water slide is very large and very high. It is the kind of water slide that is common in water parks, but it is built on the seaside, and the place where it falls is on the sea surface and the depth of the water is less than one meter.

When Mu Mu saw it, she immediately became interested. She always liked to play with these exciting things, not to mention Su Mokai was by her side.

She took Su Mokai by the arm and walked to the water slide to line up.During the queue, some people stared at Su Mokai, so Mu Mu never let go of Su Mokai's hand. After about ten minutes, Mu Mu and Su Mokai arrived.

"Do you two want to skate together? Just go up after buying the ticket from me." The staff handed Su Mokai a key, locked the valuables in the small cabinet, and Mu Mucai and Su Mokai went up.

The water slide doesn't look particularly high, but it's a bit scary to go up and look down, and the sea breeze is much stronger than the ground.

Mu Mu and Su Mokai chose the highest orbit, falling almost vertically.

There were also staff waiting on the slide, and when they saw Mu Mu and Su Mokai coming up together, they said, "Are you two going to slide together? We can slide together here."

"Then let's skate together."

Mu Mu agreed before Su Mokai.She thought that if two people skated together, they would slide down in that kind of small motorboat, but the staff said: "Then you two can choose a comfortable position and go straight down. It is recommended that men be below, but we recommend that you slide down directly with a hug, so that you will not be injured, and men can also protect women."

"Hug..." Mu Mu was slightly stunned, "Don't you have motorboats or air cushions here?"

"No, isn't it good to slide down the hug? That can also promote the relationship." The staff smiled ambiguously at Mu Mu, and Mu Mu was speechless in an instant.

That's right, it's better without the motorboat, she can have a close hug with the BOSS.

"Then, let's skate." Mu Mu gritted his teeth and said to Su Mokai: "There are still people queuing up below, so let's skate now. Well, you have to protect me."

Does that excited look need his protection?Obviously looking forward to it.

Su Mokai raised his eyebrows, and there was a hint of doting helplessness in his eyes.He reached out and hugged Mu Mu, walked to the slide and sat down. After confirming with the staff, Su Mokai lowered his head and said to Mu Mu, "Are you afraid?"

Mu Mu shook her head, her head was empty, and she didn't know what she was thinking. She could only feel the strength of Su Mokai's arms around her. Her hands rested on Su Mokai's chest, and her strong chest muscles made her heart beat faster. come faster.

It seems that in Su Mokai's arms, she doesn't have to worry about anything, and she doesn't have to be afraid of anything.

"Then I'll count to three, then slide down, one." Su Mokai tightened his arms, and held Mu Mu tighter in his arms.

"Two, three."

The low voice rang in Mu Mu's ears with Su Mokai's unique hoarseness. After three counts, Mu Mu only felt a sense of weightlessness, and they had already slid down.

Lying in Su Mokai's arms, Mu Mu couldn't feel anything except the warm sea water and the strong sense of weightlessness. She seemed to be held in Su Mokai's arms, and no part of her body touched the track. The body would be aching from the track, but this time Mu Mu didn't feel anything.

When he was about to slide to the surface of the sea, Mu Mu suddenly felt something touching him on his arms, two thin, belt-like things.And the tight feeling in his chest suddenly disappeared.

Mu Mu couldn't help but panic, could it be... the swimsuit was on?

The swimsuit was already small, but under the impact of sea water... the straps opened...

(End of this chapter)

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