This year's great god is getting more and more soothing

Chapter 1385 Is there someone who flirts with men like this?

Chapter 1385 Is there someone who flirts with men like this?


Dressed in a vest, shorts and slippers, is it fashionable?

Is this what a designer can say?Or the designer who is hailed as the most potential...

Xu Yang looked at Gu Mengmeng, suppressed the complaints in his heart, and blushed.

Han Youqian's ears turned red slowly, and under Gu Mengmeng's provocative scorching gaze, he couldn't help rubbing his shoulders.

He is a big man, wearing clothes, why does he feel like he is being seen naked?

He also said that he gave selflessly... Is there anyone who flirts with men like this?
Round [-]: Han Youqian lost miserably.

After changing his clothes, Han Youqian's complexion slowly returned to normal. Gu Mengmeng also sat at the design table and started drawing seriously. He thought for a while, turned on the Bluetooth speaker, and not only played a happy song, but also sang along loudly.

Gu Mengmeng frowned slightly, but had no choice but to put down the brush and looked at Han Youqian.

A smug flash of pride flashed in Han Youqian's heart, hehe, he doesn't care about the feelings of the people around him, is he very unqualified?Angry?disappointed?Tired of him?Then leave now.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot that Designer Gu is a creative person and needs a quiet environment to work, why don't I keep my voice down?" Han Youqian had a provocative look on his face, obviously just talking, no Really turn down the volume.

Gu Mengmeng shook her head, and suddenly smiled, her bright smile almost dazzled Han Youqian. "No, I usually like to draw while listening to songs, don't delay me."

"Then look at me..."

"Well, I think you sing so well, I want to listen carefully."


Round [-]: Han Youqian lost.

Two tricks in a row, not only didn't make Gu Mengmeng hate him, but was even molested by her. Han Youqian felt that he had met the most difficult test in his life.

So he opened the wine cabinet, mixed several glasses of wine in a row, thinking about the next battle plan while drinking.

Gu Mengmeng walked up to him and said in a low voice, "Isn't it good to drink during working hours?"

Han Youqian's eyes lit up, is it his negative work attitude that bored her?
He pretended to be indifferent and said, "I don't have anything to do anyway. If you don't drink, you can stay here. Life is boring."

Look, he is such a passive sabotage person who has no dreams, hate him!

Gu Mengmeng thought about it, took an empty glass and put it in front of Han Youqian, "Make me a drink too."


"I also think life is boring, for the sake of boring life, let's have a drink together?"

"Gu Mengmeng, what exactly do you want to do?" Han Youqian put down his wine glass, knowing that his method was useless to her, and finally made it clear: "We can't, why do you keep pestering me."

Silence, long silence... Gu Mengmeng didn't tease Han Youqian anymore, but looked at him quietly.Those gentle eyes were full of sadness, even the eyes were cautious, as if afraid of looking too bluntly and making Han Youqian hate her.

Facing such gazes, Han Youqian couldn't say a single serious word.He sighed, turned and left.

In the next few days, Gu Mengmeng and Han Youqian didn't say a word, and the design draft was drawn one after another. Han Youqian and Xu Yang were very satisfied, but they were all rejected by Gu Mengmeng with various minor flaws.

A week later, Han Youqian finally couldn't bear it and said, "Shall we talk?"

Gu Mengmeng nodded, and sat beside Han Youqian, "Speak, I'll listen."

"We can't be together."


"I will never fall in love with anyone else in my life."


"Give up on me, we have no results."

"But...why?" Gu Mengmeng looked at Han Youqian, her eyes filled with tears.

(End of this chapter)

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