This year's great god is getting more and more soothing

Chapter 1333 Good-looking and preferential treatment

Chapter 1333 Good-looking and preferential treatment

After listening to Su Mokai's words, Mu Mu had a general understanding.

No wonder the players scolded them at first, and later praised them for their broad-mindedness on the forum. It turned out to be because of this situation.

It's really stupid, whoever is strong will fall to whoever is.

"But God, can I ask a little silly question?" Mu Mu knew that he was wrong, and his voice was much lower.

"You also know that I was brought to the full level by you. The low-level cities have only been to Maple Leaf City and my lonely city, and then jumped into the main city, but there are high-level cities and intermediate cities under the main city. It belongs to us, can't the grass-roots players enter there?"

"Yes, but it's useless to go in. The monsters near the high-level city are around level [-], not suitable for current players to fight. The NPCs inside are also level [-], and they won't sell the pills needed by level [-] players, and they can't repair them. A level [-] weapon. Even if you go in, you can only buy some low-level pills, and you have to spend four hours on the road, which is not even worth occupying."

In other words, it is useless to enter a high-level city, supplies and medicines cannot be replenished, and no one can repair equipment, and it takes time to travel.

Mu Mu nodded, and suddenly realized: "So that's the case. Forgive me for being a child raised by others. I don't understand these things."

"It's okay, I'm the one who will take care of you." Su Mokai smiled, and stroked Mu Mu's long hair.

If it wasn't for his beautiful smile, Mu Mu would have knocked his hand off his head!
"In other words, the players are now exhausted and regretful, right?" Mu Mu raised his head and said with a smile: "It seems that now is the time for me, the little fairy who saved the world, to make an appearance. Just go out of town and rescue them."

Su Mokai nodded dotingly, and didn't tease a certain Guliang's rapidly changing expression.

Fleeing away in the morning, within an hour, Mu Mu walked out with a smile. Before leaving the secret room, Mu Mu suddenly thought of a question.

"Great God, have you found the person who instigated those scumbags? Is it the person who is my overlord?"

"Miao Yanqiong." Su Mokai uttered three words lightly, as if talking about someone he didn't know, his voice was cold and there was no warmth at all.

"So it's her..." Mu Mu's eyes darkened slightly.

She felt that I would not be able to cause such a big disturbance as the overlord. After all, no matter how eloquent he is, his crimes are obvious to all. There should be no players in the country who will listen to his smooth talk.

But Miao Yanqiong is different. As the former Goddess of War, although she is in an alliance with me as the overlord, she is a woman and she is still very beautiful.

This face-seeking world already gives preferential treatment to people with good looks, not to mention that Miao Yanqiong was killed by them and returned to Xinshou Village.A beautiful woman in distress can arouse sympathy from others. As long as Miao Yanqiong is a little cute and pretends to be pitiful, there will be a large number of people with evil intentions who will be seduced by her.

If one person believes in her, more and more people will believe in her, and the bewitched people will grow bigger and bigger like a snowball, and it will evolve into what it is today.

Knowing that Miao Yanqiong did it, Mu Mu didn't say anything, she believed that Su Mokai must have dealt with this matter, and she didn't need to worry any more.

The only thing she needs to do now is to give the grassroots players a step down.

Mu Mu walked out of the secret room and headed out of the city. Just as he flew to the edge of the city lord's mansion, he saw two familiar figures.

Han Youqian and Youyou smiled, why are they together?
(End of this chapter)

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