Immortals return

Chapter 693 Exchange Conditions

Chapter 693 Exchange Conditions
Ye Fei used the teleportation talisman to distance himself from the demon king, but he soon felt a strong wind coming from behind him. He looked back and saw that this guy was actually catching up. Ye Fei raised his eyebrows: "The late fusion The speed is really terrifying."

Afterwards, he took out another talisman, coupled with a step-moving Wanfa, and instantly opened the distance again. For a while, the demon king really couldn't catch up with Ye Fei, which made the demon king stunned: " This kid has a bit of ability, it seems that he can't catch up with him without changing his form."

The demon king just smiled, and turned into the original form of a blood wolf. He was covered in fiery red, and he was also very big. He was nearly ten feet long in his bare body, and his height had reached the height of an adult. Looking from a distance, it looked like a red horse. sweat BMW.

It looked at the direction in which Ye Fei was fleeing, and suddenly moved its feet. If anyone saw it, they would be surprised. It turned into an afterimage and disappeared in place in an instant.

Ye Fei was wondering just now, why did the demon king suddenly stop chasing him?But he hadn't relaxed yet, he saw a red afterimage rushing towards him, and before Ye Fei could use the next teleportation talisman, he saw that the red shadow had already rushed in front of him.

"If you don't have a purple talisman, don't run away!" The demon king said to Ye Fei in the human language he still used after turning into a blood wolf.

After seeing it clearly, Ye Fei was stunned. It turned out that it was catching up, and to Ye Fei's surprise, when this guy turned into its original form, its speed was astoundingly fast. Not as fast as it is.

Ye Fei also knew that it didn't lie to him. If there was no purple talisman teleportation talisman, I'm afraid there was really no way to get rid of it. Helplessly, Ye Fei had no choice but to say: "It seems that I really have to fight with you today."

"How many tricks do you think you can survive in my hands?" The demon king asked unexpectedly.

Ye Fei shrugged, put the green fox aside, and said to the demon king: "If you don't try, how will you know?"

"The tone is very strong, I hope your ability is also as strong as the tone, otherwise I will be disappointed." The demon king said coldly.

Ye Fei didn't speak anymore, he suddenly sacrificed the Zijin Zhong, and threw it at the Demon King, and at the same time, he quickly synthesized the Overturning Seal, intending to send it a blow when the Demon King was attacked by the Zijin Zhong. Shaking India.

But the next moment, Ye Fei was dumbfounded, and the demon king actually shouted: "This clock is not bad, it can attack the consciousness, if you don't know it, you were really attacked by you."

"This guy is not simple, he can see the difference of Zijinzhong at a glance." Ye Fei was secretly startled.

However, his Fantian seal has been synthesized. Since he couldn't attack the opponent, Ye Fei had to directly hit the Fantian seal. The demon king didn't go to pick up Ye Fei's purple golden bell. It wasn't that he was afraid, but that he also sensed Ye Fei. The sky-shattering seal in his hands is too powerful. If he is attacked by surprise, he may be injured.

So it moved away from the purple golden bell, but with a strong fighting spirit, it took over Ye Fei's overturning seal, and saw the demon king stand up, and when he closed his front paws, he also released a ball of light, which was hitting Ye Fei The earth-shattering seal.


A strong wave of air spread out with the loud noise. Ye Fei, who was blown out, hadn't landed on the ground when he saw the red figure of the demon king jumping over and pinned Ye Fei from mid-air to the ground with one claw. The giant claws with thick arms stepped on Ye Fei's chest and said, "You are too weak."

The corner of Ye Fei's mouth twitched, and a mouthful of blood spewed out. Although he knew that the blood wolf's own combat power was very powerful, he did not expect it to be so strong. Anyway, the Fantian Seal is a combination of two big handprints, even if it is not afraid , but it’s not like nothing happened, right?

"I admit that you are strong, and I, Ye Fei, also admit that I will not frown if you want to kill me, but please let Qinghu go, she has destroyed Daoji now, she is just an ordinary monster .” Ye Fei looked at its pair of red eyes and said.

The demon king turned his head to look at the green fox over there, and when the green fox heard Ye Fei's words, she was also moved for a while, and she ran towards this side quickly.

Looking at the demon king, he said, "King, this human being is innocent, can you let him go?"

"It's interesting, you actually pleaded with each other. It seems that there is a love between humans and foxes. I, the blood wolf, is the majestic shadowless demon king. I don't bother to kill you, a weak human being, let alone fight with you." Such a little green fox, but today you must die." When the demon king finished speaking, there was a murderous intent in his eyes.

"Why?" Qinghu asked with a tight heart.

The demon king said: "Because their human monks often use our monsters to practice, this demon king doesn't say anything. After all, we often kill their human monks, but not long ago, I don't know whether they killed my son or took them away. After killing my son, do you think I will let humans go?"

"Your son?"

At this moment, Ye Fei was taken aback again. Yesterday, he heard Qinghu talk about it, but it doesn't seem to have anything to do with him, does it?

Maybe it wanted to make Ye Fei understand clearly, it said: "My son is still very young, he is so cute, but because of his playfulness, he ran to the outskirts of the Demon Valley, and just happened to meet you human monks coming to practice, these were not done by you ?"

After finishing speaking, it was about to move towards Ye Fei, but Ye Fei's mind suddenly flashed the appearance of the little blood wolf, and he quickly said, "I have seen your son."


The demon king was about to take a picture, but when he heard Ye Fei's words, his paws immediately stayed in the air, with an excited expression on his face: "Have you seen my son? Where is it?"

"Last time I saw it in a sect, but they said they saw the little blood wolf running away, so they brought it back to the sect to raise it, but... that sect was taken over by another sect. It was wiped out, and I didn't see the little blood wolf again, but I didn't see its body either, so I think it must have run away again." Ye Fei definitely guessed right, the little blood wolf from Yujianmen last time The wolf must be its son.

"You won't lie to me?" The demon king stared at Ye Fei tightly and said.

Ye Fei said: "What is there to lie to you? Before your son was lost, was he only one and a half feet long? And he just opened up his spiritual intelligence, and he can't even transmit sound with spiritual consciousness?"

These length units in the world of cultivating immortals are actually not much different from the plane of the earth, and Ye Fei has stayed here before, so he naturally knows this, so he gave the demon king a general idea based on the appearance of the little blood wolf in his impression.

After hearing this, the demon king quickly let go of Ye Fei: "It's it, it's it, it's it, my son, little blood wolf!"

After finishing speaking, it rushed towards the green fox, and then turned into a human figure, saying: "You help me find my son, and then come and exchange Qinghu, otherwise you will never want to see her again. Come find me in the depths of the Demon Valley."

"This can't be done..."

Before Ye Fei finished speaking, the demon king grabbed the green fox and flew towards the deepest mountain in the demon valley, completely ignoring Ye Fei.

Ye Fei gritted his teeth and stood up. He wanted to chase after him, but found that the true qi in his body was completely messed up. As soon as he moved, the qi and blood rushed up, and another mouthful of blood spurted out.

"Why is this demon king so powerful? I am afraid that among the monks in the late stage of fusion, no one can be its opponent. It took Xiaoqing away, what should I do?" Ye Fei looked at the direction it flew away, thinking To chase, but can't do it.

Helpless, Ye Fei had no choice but to sit down and adjust his breathing. It was not until noon that he returned to his original state. This is also the reason for his strong physique. If it were someone else, he might not be able to get up.

"I hope you can keep your promise. If not, I will flatten your entire Demon Valley! Then I will roast you and eat you." Ye Fei also said, looking at the depths of Demon Valley with killing intent in his eyes.

Although he is worried about Qinghu now, he knows his own strength. At this time, not only could he not save Qinghu in the past, but he would also anger the demon king. At that time, both he and Qinghu would die.

Instead, help it find the little blood wolf by himself, I'm afraid it can save Qinghu. After all, it is a demon king and a strong man, so it shouldn't regret what it says, and Qinghu should be safe at this time.

After thinking this through, Ye Fei felt relieved. It wasn't that he was afraid of death, but that he felt that this was the only way. After one last look, he flew out of Demon Valley.

But just outside the Demon Valley, he saw Sect Master Wang and senior brother flying towards this side. Ye Fei was taken aback, and hurriedly greeted him: "Sect Master, Senior Brother, why are you here?"

(End of this chapter)

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