Chapter 624


The nuns and maids who were waiting outside the Meilin saw Xiang Chenxiang behind their princess, their expressions changed drastically, and they shouted tremblingly: "Princess..."

Although the matter between my master and Young Master Xiang Er is a foregone conclusion, but the queen mother's will to grant the marriage has not yet been made, if the princess and Young Master Xiang Er do something outrageous, those who serve them may not be able to escape by then .

"It's not what you think, it's a misunderstanding." Ouyang Wanruo knew very well what Mammy and the others were thinking, so she had to explain aloud.

Seeing that the expressions on the faces of the three of them were all normal, the nanny and the maid heaved a sigh of relief.

Back in the yard, Yihong and the two maids had already set up the stove, and placed ingredients such as hare meat, pheasant meat, fish, fungi, and vegetables on a long wooden table brought out from the house. The fire was already burning hot.

"Ma'am, the things are ready, we can start baking." After Yihong finished speaking, she and Su Mu Suye stepped aside.

Ouyang Wanruo stared blankly at Xiang Chenxiang who naturally walked to a wooden chair in front of the long oven and sat down, picked up a few meat skewers skillfully, then brushed them with a brush and put them on the stove It seems that this is not the first time I have done this barbecue.

Seeing that the nuns and maids around Ouyang Wanruo came forward to help after recovering, Su Kefang couldn't help but said, "Princess, it's more interesting to do the barbecue yourself."

Seeing Su Kefang walking towards the oven, he also skillfully grabbed two bunches of mushrooms, brushed them with oil, sprinkled them with seasonings and put them on the oven to roast, Ouyang Wanruo's eyes turned cold again.

This uncle and sister-in-law are too understanding!

"Princess," Su Kefang could guess Ouyang Wanruo's expression even if he didn't turn his head back. He grabbed two handfuls of skewered leeks and brushed them with oil. There will be a barbecue party during the holidays, and on that day, everyone in our house eats the barbecue skewers that we have grilled by ourselves, even my mother-in-law and my children are no exception."

Speaking of this, Su Kefang looked back at Ouyang Wanruo: "Princess, why don't you give it a try?"

When the first barbecue party was held, it was to make the two children happy. Later, the mother-in-law saw that the barbecue party was not only lively, but also the whole house was very happy, so she decided to hold it every year and festival. Now the whole house loves this Barbecue is no stranger.

The barbecue in the Huguogong Mansion will make the servants in the mansion have a sense of belonging to the Huguogong Mansion, but it is an incredible thing for Ouyang Wanruo and the people around her.

"Madam Marshal, what you said is true? Both you and Mrs. Xiang baked food by yourself?" The nurse next to Ouyang Wanruo glanced at the black smoke floating above the stove, and asked suspiciously.

If the master has done all the dirty work, what are the servants doing?
In fact, Mammy was very skeptical, did Yao and the others live in the countryside for too long, and subtly acquired the lowly habits of the country people?
But this is just the thought in Mammy's heart, and she dare not show it on the surface.

"Can I still lie to the princess?" Su Kefang didn't know what Mammy was thinking, otherwise her attitude wouldn't be so good: "The princess just doesn't believe it, just try it and you'll know."

During the conversation, Xiang Chenxiang had already roasted a few bunches of leeks and fungi, and upon hearing Su Kefang's words, he couldn't help saying: "Sister-in-law, the princess has golden branches and jade leaves, let's forget it."

Xiang Chenxiang put the cooked leeks and a few bunches of mushrooms into plates, and asked Su Mu to bring them to Ouyang Wanruo.

Xiang Chenxiang was actually worried that Ouyang Wanruo, whose fingers were not touched by Yang Chunshui, would be scalded by the fire, so he thought that he would help her bake it for her to eat, but his good intentions turned into irony in Ouyang Wanruo's ears.

Ouyang Wanruo was irritated all of a sudden, she didn't even look at the plate that Su Mu handed over: "Try it!"

Seeing Ouyang Wanruo walking towards the stove, the mother said worriedly: "Princess, let the old slave come, what if you get burned?"

"Mother, you all go away, don't come over!" Ouyang Wanruo ordered sullenly.

She didn't believe it, Xiang Chenxiang, the Su family and the servants of Duke Huguo's mansion could do it, but she wouldn't!
Seeing Ouyang Wanruo approaching angrily, Su Kefang was startled.

"Princess, be careful, this stove is very hot." Su Kefang grabbed her in time, pushed her to sit on the chair next to her, and said, "Princess, I'd better teach you how to handle the skewers and brush oil first."

Su Kefang didn't dare to have too much hope for this princess who opened her mouth for food and stretched out her hands for clothes, and planned to teach from the simplest place.

Xiang Chenxiang who was sitting opposite Ouyang Wanruo hesitated to speak, Su Kefang raised his eyes and glanced at him, then he lowered his head and continued to grill his skewers.

Su Kefang patiently taught Ouyang Wanruo how to hold the skewers, how to brush the oil and the things that need to be paid attention to when grilling skewers. Ouyang Wanruo really started to learn it seriously.

Su Kefang pursed his lips and smiled, feeling happy for Xiang Chenxiang.

Although this Ouyang Wanruo is cold and arrogant, she is willing to put down her figure and learn how to grill skewers for her second uncle, which is especially rare.

As long as Ouyang Wanruo doesn't act like a princess, Su Kefang believes that she will be able to integrate into their family soon. Now he only hopes that the second uncle can also discover this advantage in Ouyang Wanruo and give them a little response.


Su Kefang explained it to Ouyang Wanruo carefully, and was about to satisfy his craving for grilled mushrooms when he heard Ouyang Wanruo beside him cry out in pain.


The nanny and the maid rushed over, and hurriedly took Ouyang Wanruo's hand to check: "Princess, where is it hot?"

Hearing Ouyang Wanruo's cry of pain, Xiang Chenxiang stood up reflexively, and after seeing the nanny and the maid rushing over, he sat back down again.

Su Kefang also hurriedly put down the skewer in his hand and stepped forward: "Princess, let me see, where is the injury?"

"Princess's hands are blistering!" After seeing the blisters on Ouyang Wanruo's hands, Mammy got angry and scolded Su Kefang in a very angry tone.

The other two court ladies also blocked Su Kefang with their bodies, preventing her from approaching Ouyang Wanruo.

If it weren't for this Su's instigation, their master wouldn't do such a servant!

Before Su Kefang could make a sound, Xiang Chenxiang frowned, put down the skewer in his hand and walked over: "Princess, I know some medical skills. If you don't mind, let me take a look at it for you?"

Ever since she met Xiang Chenxiang, Ouyang Wanruo hadn't said a few words to him, but now she could hear the faint anger in Xiang Chenxiang's words, and she couldn't help but look up at him.

Su Kefang also sensed that something was wrong, and didn't want the two of them to leave a bad impression on each other, so he hurriedly said, "Second Uncle, the princess has a burn, and I have scald medicine here, just apply it."

Su Kefang just took out the scalding medicine, and before he applied it on Ouyang Wanruo, he saw a maid from "Luomei Pavilion" bring in an old woman with an anxious expression.

Su Kefang took a closer look, and his heart skipped a beat. Isn't this old lady from the old mother-in-law Pine Age Hall?

 PS: updated today

(End of this chapter)

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