Chapter 483 Is It Wrong?

"Oh~~" Su Kefang replied meaningfully, a trace of unnaturalness flashed in Xiang Zi's moist eyes.

Wenwen curled her lips in displeasure, and reluctantly followed Mother Jing out.

The next day, Su Kefang fell asleep until noon, and when she woke up, she was the only one left in the room.

"Ma'am, are you awake?" Su Mu who was guarding the door shouted when he heard the movement in the room.

Su Kefang responded, and Su Mu quickly came in with washing water.

"Where are Yue Ze and Wen Wen?" Su Kefang asked strangely.

Last night, we agreed to take that girl out to play today, but she overslept, and that girl didn't come to make trouble for her?

"Miss is flying a kite with some children in the village. The young master ate half a bowl of porridge, and was taken by the young master to watch the young lady fly a kite."

Su Kefang smiled: "No wonder!"

That girl will forget everything as long as she has something to play with.

After Su Kefang finished washing, he slightly twisted his head and arms.

Seeing this, Su Mu asked, "Ma'am, do you want me to squeeze it for you?"

Su Kefang froze, and suddenly thought that Zhuangzi's sound insulation was not good, and his ears couldn't help burning.

She even forgot whether Su Mu and Su Ye were guarding outside the house last night?
Su Kefang glanced at Su Mu, seeing that she looked the same, and then said: "No, go and bring me breakfast."

The stewards in the Zhuangzi knew that Su Kefang didn't mind eating whole grains, and Su Kefang had also ordered them not to prepare breakfast separately, so what Su Mu brought was steamed buns and sweet potatoes.

Su Kefang broke open a bun and took a bite, and asked while eating, "Does Wenwen dislike the food here?"

Hearing this, Su Mu gave a rare smile: "Miss is not disgusted, she even ate two steamed buns and a sweet potato. The young master also said that he would reward the young lady, but the young lady refused."

After hearing this, Su Kefang became interested: "It seems that this girl is really sensible."

That girl was not picky eaters at home before, but she would lose her temper when she left the house. She thought she would definitely lose her temper if she ate these whole grains today.

"Miss said that when she went out with Master Rao, sometimes she couldn't eat for a whole day, and it would be nice to have steamed buns." Su Mu said again.

Neither Su Kefang nor Su Mu knew that Rao Kaiyi took Zheng Wenwen to live in a very poor village for nearly half a month in order to break Zheng Wenwen's bad temper, and let her eat, drink and sleep with the children there. , Wenwen was not used to it at first, but after being hungry for two days, she had to eat those unpalatable wild vegetables and sweet potato skins.

Not only did they not have enough to eat there, but they had to go to the fields with other children to do some simple tasks, such as weeding and so on. I have never wasted a grain of grain since then.

Su Kefang was taken aback, then pursed his lips and said, "Wenwen said these words?"

Su Kefang had already discovered that although her daughter was still rambunctious after she came back this time, she was much better behaved. Except for the meal she cooked herself when she came back, her daughter's appetite was much smaller than before. Could this girl be trying to save money? Did you eat less food on purpose?
Thinking of this, Su Kefang was angry and funny, but at the same time his heart ached.

"Yes, Miss has said a lot about her going out with Master Rao this time." Su Mu said.

Su Kefang pinched the bun, lost in thought.

The daughter probably knew that she didn't like Rao Kaiyi, so she hardly mentioned Rao Kaiyi in front of her, but she mentioned it several times in front of Zirun. Once she overheard her daughter saying Rao Kaiyi in an adoring tone, At that time, the daughter quickly changed the topic when she saw her face sinking.

Now Su Kefang suddenly felt that she seemed to be wrong, she should listen to her daughter's voice seriously, and should not deny Rao Kaiyi in general.

Rao Kaiyi's practice of taking Wenwen away behind their backs is indeed abominable, but it cannot be denied that his way of educating Wenwen still has merit.

Su Kefang put down the bun and went out of the house to look for the child.

From a distance, Su Kefang saw a few kites flying in the air, and bursts of children's crisp laughter came from not far away. Su Kefang laughed along with him unconsciously, and walked towards the children at a faster pace.

Seeing that familiar figure, Xiang Zirun smiled and shouted to his daughter, "Wenwen, do you see who's here?"

Wenwen, who was having fun, saw her mother, holding the kite string in one hand, and beckoning to her mother with the other: "Mom, come and watch me fly the kite!"

"Be careful, don't fall." Su Kefang walked to Xiang Zirun with a smile, and took his son over.

Seeing his son looking up at the kite flying in the sky, Su Kefang said pleasantly, "Zi Run, has Ze'er been looking at this kite for a long time?"

Xiang Zi raised his lips: "It's been a while."

Su Kefang's eyes flashed, and he coaxed softly: "Ze'er, let's learn to walk, shall we? When you can walk, you can fly a kite with your sister."

Seeing that his son was still looking up at the sky, ignoring his own words, Su Kefang sighed a little uncomfortable.

Children are not stupid, but will they be autistic?

This is one year old and still refuses to learn to walk. Every time he is put on the ground, he just sits on the ground with his buttocks. His legs and feet are fine. Why is he not willing to learn to stand and walk?
"Thinking wild again?" Seeing her frowning, Xiang Zirun raised his hand to help her smooth it out: "I told you that the child is fine, so why don't you believe me?"

He didn't know how many times he had told her that this child was smart, but he didn't like to talk or care about others, but she was always worried from time to time.

Su Kefang glared at him angrily: "I can't explain it to you!"

This man doesn't understand the heart of a mother at all. After the child is one year old, he can only sit, he can't even crawl, and he refuses to walk. Can she not worry?
"Mom, hurry up and hug Ze'er!" Wenwen shouted excitedly.

With a thought in his heart, Su Kefang hugged his son and walked towards his daughter.

"Ze'er, I'll hold this for you." Seeing her mother squatting down with her brother in her arms, Wenwen stuffed the ball of thread into his brother's hand, and taught him how to untie the line: "Ze'er, if you put it like this, the more you put the thread, Longer, the kite can fly higher."

After Wenwen finished speaking, she happily kissed her younger brother on the cheek, and looked up to the sky with a smile.

Suddenly, Wenwen screamed, looked down at the ball of thread in her younger brother's hand suddenly, and jumped up angrily in the next second.

"Mom, Ze'er is good or bad, he tore all the strings of the kite, and my kite flew away!" Wenwen yelled angrily.

Su Kefang looked down at his son in astonishment, and saw that his son was still staring straight at the kite flying farther and farther in the sky, and he didn't look back until the kite landed in the distance.

Seeing that her daughter was about to cry, Su Kefang hurriedly coaxed, "It's okay, if you can't pick it up, I'll let daddy make you a new kite later."

(End of this chapter)

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