Chapter 995
I don't know if she really figured it out, or because she couldn't see, she acted very talkative in front of Li Dalong and his wife, and said that they would go back when her eyes were cured.

No matter what, after hearing her words, Xianyu was very relieved, and they could leave with peace of mind.

The child's parents became a secret among them for the time being. Li Erkui and his wife, thinking that Li Muhan might return to Anshun as the general soldier, treated them with every kind of hospitality, which made Li Dalong very angry.

"Second brother, we are not Yang Xiaomei, so we don't need you to be so attentive."

"Brother, why are you talking like that? As a younger brother, I just hope that your family can be reunited and be harmonious and beautiful. Look at us, in order to report to you, we secretly offended Xiaomei."

These two flattering faces made the atmosphere very awkward.

Li Dalong said unhappily: "If you still recognize me as a brother, you can take your grandson back with us. The old ancestral house is still yours, and we will return your land to you. Although the life is poorer, it is easier. I am here to suffer from Yang Xiaomei's bird spirit."

Li Erkui and his wife looked at each other, and they shook their heads decisively.

Mrs. Chen supported her waist and said, "No way, big brother, it's not that we don't want to go back, the main reason is... the main reason is that we are too old to grow land."

Li Erkui said: "That's right, we can't plant land anymore."

How could they go back to Yeyu Village to farm again?

Following Yang Xiaomei, they don't have to do anything, they just need to coax their grandson and take care of Yang Xiaomei.

Yang Xiaomei is not at home all the time, she still has an escort agency to take care of, so it is rare for her to go home.

Compared with working hard on the land, they prefer their present life.

These words happened to be heard by Li Yuantu who came in from the outside. He was heartbroken and helpless towards his parents.

He just sighed: "If you are still unwilling to go back, I will not persuade you anymore. I am leaving and will never come again, so I can take care of myself."

"Where are you going?" Chen asked anxiously.

Li Yuantu turned around and said calmly: "I'll come to persuade you whenever I have time. After all the good words, you are still willing to spoil yourself in exchange for glory and wealth. What can I do? Everyone has their own ambitions, and parents really have good ambitions."

Whoever said they were spineless would do, but their son said that it brought out the last shame of Li Erkui and his wife.

Li Erkui blushed and said angrily: "You bastard, I am your father, and we did this for you. If I don't stay here, who cares about your son? If your wife finds another What should I do? Look at her, she doesn't look good towards you, she doesn't have to be with you, if it weren't for us to guard her, she would have recruited a son-in-law long ago, aren't you satisfied?"

This remark was jaw-dropping.

Seeing his blushing face, he thought he was a bit bloody, and dared to feel shameless, and dragged his own son into the water.

As the name suggests, they endured humiliation for the sake of their son, right?
Mrs. Chen chimed in: "Your father is right. We did this for you, and your brother, your son. If we hadn't put up with Yang Xiaomei, your brother wouldn't even be able to go to school. He will be just like you in the future. know one."

Li Yuantu's heart was cold, and he finally decided that his parents were hopeless, no matter how many times he came, it was useless.

He was so angry that he turned around and left without saying a word.

(End of this chapter)

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