Reborn daughter against the world

Chapter 709 They Definitely Did It On Purpose

Chapter 709 They Definitely Did It On Purpose
He looked up and looked around, and saw a stick like a broomstick in a corner, got up and took it, and then used the stick to stir the hole vigorously.

At the moment when he was exerting force, the hazy eyes that had been hidden on the wall just now reappeared faintly, and there was still a look of extreme pain in the eyes.

[Dead mouse, see if you can get out? 】Xiaozuo's stick is more ruthless than a stick, and he has to use more force.

Boom!Boom!Boom! ...

The eyes on the wall became more and more painful with his rhythm, and finally when he couldn't bear it anymore, a brick next to him was slowly deforming and approaching Xiao Zuo.

"Xiao Zuo, what are you doing?"

Leng Qianxun was so disturbed by this voice that she couldn't calm down, she frowned and looked back at Xiao Zuo.

In an instant, the big deformed hands heard the sound and returned to their original brick shape.

Turning her head, Leng Qianxun's eyes flashed a gleam of coldness, which disappeared quickly, as if she hadn't seen anything.

【Didn't the master say that this is a rat's nest?I'd like to see what kind of mouse is able to live so tenaciously in a place where there are no ants here? 】

Xiao Zuo said that he never stopped his hands, and was still stirring the stick as hard as he could in the hole.

"..." Hearing his words, Leng Qianxun seemed to understand something?The words that I wanted to stop came to my lips, "I'll wait and see."

In the end, she didn't do anything, just stood not far behind Xiao Zuo and waited for a good show.

And the "wall" at this time, under Leng Qianxun's undivided gaze, tried his best to endure it. Although the bricks that tried to deform a few times were slightly distorted, if you didn't pay attention, you still couldn't see the change.

A sneer flickered at the corner of Leng Qianxun's mouth, his seemingly relaxed body was always on guard, fearing that if it didn't make a move, as long as it made a move, it would definitely be caught.

"Xiao Zuo, did you not eat? Why do you feel that you are not strong enough?" Leng Qianxun was very dissatisfied with Xiao Zuo's strength at this time, with a look of disgust.

【Master, when did you take care of my meal? 】

To be honest, since he took shape, where has he eaten rice?
The master occasionally rewards him with some barbecued meat, and usually he eats spiritual fruits, spiritual water, and elixir in the space to live.

"That's fine. Next time, replace the elixir with rice, and you can eat as much as you want." Those who have no conscience dare to say that about her, even if they give him the best things, they still feel like abusing him.

[Don't... Master, I was wrong, I don't like to eat, I want pills. 】Xiao Zuo's face changed when he heard it, and he immediately admitted his mistake.

Trading elixir for rice is something a fool would do.

[I'm smashing, I'm smashing, I'm smashing, I'm stirring, I'm stirring, I'm stirring...] At this time, Xiao Zuo worked very hard, and finally hummed these two sentences into a song.

Leng Qianxun saw it, hum!She couldn't believe it could stand it this time.

It didn't show up, facing a wall, she really couldn't do anything.

At this time, the shadow on the wall looked desperate, looking at the beasts in front of them, they definitely did it on purpose.

If you think about it, you have to know that after so long of messing around, the word of rats would have come out long ago, but they still intensified their efforts to mess around there.Apparently, they definitely did it on purpose.

In an instant, the wall that Xiao Zuo was tinkering with changed its shape in an instant, which shocked Xiao Zuo who was working hard, and quickly retreated to the owner's side without even pulling out the stick in the hole.

 Fourth more!

(End of this chapter)

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