675 Empty City
At this time, Dongfang Yi also felt this, took a look at Leng Qianxun, and gave her a calm look.

At this moment, Leng Qianxun raised her thin eyebrows, is she so vulnerable?

She doesn't seem to be scared, does she?
Why, in his eyes, he seemed to see that she was a vase.

The two were on full alert, and walked forward for more than 100 meters, only to faintly see some old tall buildings in front of them, followed by the second and third buildings... It turns out that this is still a city.

When they walked to the first building, they saw that the outer walls of these tall buildings were covered with moss.

It seems that these houses have been unoccupied for a long time, just like an empty city.

But the sky is gray, as if someone deliberately covered the sky.

The two walked on the street and looked at two rows of ancient buildings. In fact, every building here is unique and beautiful.

It can be seen from it that the people who lived here before were all rich families, and it can be seen from some glazed tiles that they were all rich.

It's just that it may be due to the weather, coupled with some moldy smell caused by no one living in it, it lacks popularity and becomes a dead city.

If Leng Qianxun broke in alone, maybe she would still feel a little palpitation.

At this time, there were more people beside him, and he became more courageous.

Looking at the wooden doors in front of each building, none of them are locked. Does that mean that they can be opened with a push?

Strange, where are the people here?
At this time, Dongfang Yi had already thought of a place in his mind. Could this be the "White Domain"?It is known as "ghost domain" outside.

Looking at the dusty wooden doors on both sides, one can tell that no one has pushed through them for a long time.

Gu, is this the hidden family's revenge on them, making them live in darkness all day long?

When they walked along this street and walked straight to the middle, they finally saw a concealed door.

Dongfang Yi and Leng Qianxun stood there, looking into the crack of the door.

Although I was prepared in my heart, I still couldn't help but thump.

At this moment in the main hall of the house, they saw a gray old man sitting there stiffly, saying that she was alive, but she didn't move at all; saying that she was dead, and seeing that her eyelashes moved slightly.

Whether it's his hair, skin, lips, or everything else on his body, it's gray.

It can be said that standing there is mingled with this weather.

Leng Qianxun turned around and asked Dongfang Yi with his eyes, finally seeing a living person, do you want to go in and ask?
Dongfang Yi shook his head slightly at her, Gu is not something that can be controlled, if they touch something they shouldn't, then the two of them may not be able to afford the following series of consequences.

Seeing him shaking his head, Leng Qianxun didn't insist. When he was away from home, especially in a dangerous situation, the two of them had to have a discussion before they could get along.

He raised his feet and continued to walk forward, looking at the closed doors, maybe behind the doors, there was someone like the gray old man he saw just now.

Walking and walking, at this moment, in the corner of the door of a building, there was a little gray boy huddled there with his head down, motionless.

Leng Qianxun and Dongfang Yi were standing opposite him, perhaps sensing a stranger.At this time, the little boy who was shrunk in this corner slowly raised his head.

Just like the koala on TV, slowed down by more than a hundred times.

When he raised his head and met their eyes, both Leng Qianxun and Dongfang Yi were shocked.


  Thank you "Xunshang" for rewarding 100+100 book coins!

(End of this chapter)

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