Chapter 730
"Then where do you think this woman is so confident that you will want her?"

Ah Chen snorted, "Maybe she wants to use the large dowry that the Su family prepared for her, plus the name of the Su family? You really treat the Su family as something, thinking that everyone will be rare."

"Oh, I think the Su family and she also know that if there is no huge dowry, no one will want such a slut for nothing, so they can only give money to others, right? Otherwise, as you said, such a dowry How many cuckolds will you wear to your husband's family? If you have a child, you may not even know who the biological father is. Who is willing to marry back and put it on display? It's disgusting to look at."

Ah Chen echoed and said: "The nonsense she said just now has already made me feel sick to my stomach. I felt like throwing up after dinner the night before. It's so disgusting. She's still a flat wife. I think she's dirty even if she lifts my shoes."

"Isn't it? Just find a little beggar on the street who is much cleaner than her, and her mind is much more normal." Qin Shuang said coolly: "I don't know what this brain is thinking all day long. I think about men and demons. I was stunned, I really thought that anyone who saw her would look at her appearance and accept it with joy. We have already shown our dislike for her so clearly, and we still go up. Is it because we are born to like to be scolded and scolded by others? People dislike it and post it? I have heard that some people do have weird hobbies, and they like to be beaten, scolded and humiliated. This will make them feel unspeakable in their hearts. It seems that this woman is such a person. I really can't see that the Su family would teach such a person, could it be that the other young ladies of the Su family also have such hobbies? Then those who brought the young lady of the Su family back home will cry."

The Shen family: "..." Poison, these words are too poisonous!Not only scolded Su Mei, but also scolded the other young ladies of the Su family, this is absolutely daring!And what she said...

Among the people behind the screen, only Shen Jun was unmarried, and the others were, well, experienced in that area. The three female family members of the Shen family heard the hidden meaning of Qin Shuang's words, and they were shocked and ashamed Tong Hong didn't dare to look up from her husband's arms.

The other children of the Shen family looked at each other, with a bit of embarrassment on their faces. They never expected that Qin Shuang would be so bold that he could say such words casually. What surprised them even more was that her tone was very calm, and she hesitated a little when she spoke. She didn't even mean to be shy, she frankly seemed to be talking about what to have for lunch today, if she really had the guts, Qin Shuang was much more powerful than Su Mei!

At first, they thought that Su Mei's shameless side, which they had never seen before, was amazing, but they didn't expect that when Qin Shuang opened her mouth, she would also show another unexpected side, which opened their eyes and made them discover for the first time that this There are still such, such... indescribable women in the world.

This is the real long experience!From the perspective of dealing with the vixen who wants to hook up with her man, this kind of sharp words and attitude can really make the female relatives can't help but applaud her in their hearts!
While demoting Su Mei to nothing, Qin Shuang and A Chen both felt indescribably refreshed, compared to Su Mei, who was miserable and stunned. Listening to those insulting words that made her even more unbearable even though she didn't use many dirty words, she almost exploded with anger, her chest heaved violently, and she almost passed over directly. After a long time, when Qin Shuang said While talking, she was thirsty, and because the teacup was crushed by her bare hands, Ah Chen thoughtfully handed over his own teacup, and the two shared a teacup intimately and secretly to stimulate Su Mei, so that she finally found her own teacup. sound.

(End of this chapter)

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