Chapter 688
Qin Tian and He Huan also listened carefully to these things because they came to Shengcheng for the first time, but after waiting for the basic introduction, when Shen Jun asked where they wanted to go first, the four of them all said they would go. Shopping in the business district!
Natural scenery To be honest, the small bridges and flowing water in the south just look elegant and exquisite, but they are not as magnificent as the cliffs and high mountain waterfalls, which can make people feel surging and amazed. Relatively speaking, they prefer to be able to actually buy something they like. , eat some specialty snacks in Shengcheng, and Qin Shuang will buy some southern medicinal materials by the way.

When others go to a certain place, they always play first, and start buying some local specialties two days before leaving, but Qin Shuang does the opposite, play?That's inevitable, but something?I want to buy the same!It's not that I plan to buy it first and then play it, but to play it while buying it. When I have played enough, I will stop buying it and plan to go back to Liangyi County.

Hearing Qin Shuang's plan, Shen Zheng pulled Shen Jun a little puzzled and said, "Didn't you say that Ruyizhuang is a restaurant? I didn't hear you say it was a medicine village. Why are Qin Shuang and his wife so interested in medicinal materials?"

Shen Jun was actually a little puzzled in his heart. If it was because Ruyi Village had a herbal diet hospital that needed medicinal materials, the supply of medicinal materials in Fengtai Mountain should be sufficient. There was no need to buy a large amount of medicinal materials. He once asked Qin Shuang As for how long she planned to stay in Shengcheng, Qin Shuang's answer at the time was as little as one or two months, as long as three or four months or more.

Purchasing medicinal materials for several months is enough to empty out the stock of medicinal materials in many medicine halls, right?No matter how good the business of the Medicinal Food Institute is, they probably won’t need so many medicinal materials. If the medicinal materials are not well preserved, they will be easily spoiled, and their efficacy may be lost after a long time. Instead of buying now, if you really need it, you can remember it first. After coming down, it will be transported directly from here to Liangyi County in the future. Well, of course, this does not rule out the possibility that the medicinal materials on the road are not properly preserved and also lose their medicinal properties.

Shen Jun pondered for a long time but couldn't figure it out, so he could only say: "I don't know too well, maybe it's to add some medicinal materials to Ruyi Village's Medicinal Food Institute. It’s also relatively rare on Fengtai Mountain, so it’s not too strange to come here to collect more once in a while...?” Speaking of the latter, Shen Jun himself was not sure.

Shen Zheng hummed, glanced at Qin Shuang and the others who were talking in front of them while looking at the shops on both sides, shrugged and said, "Forget it, whatever the reason is, since they want to buy more medicinal materials, let's Let’s take them to Qianyaotang to have a look.”

Shen Jun paused slightly, "Isn't there Renxin Hall closest to here? There are also a complete range of medicinal materials there. Let's go there first and have a look." He didn't forget that Ah Chen had met the Su family on Fengtai Mountain back then. Su Mei, the second young lady, is said to be interested in Ah Chen.

Thousand Medicine Hall is the property of the Su family, and it is usually taken care of by the ladies of the Su family in turn. Who knows if it just happens to be Su Mei's turn?If it happened, Qin Shuang and A Chen's interest in playing would probably be wiped out.

"Alright." Shen Zheng nodded without thinking too much.

Qin Shuang and the other four in front didn't pay much attention to the conversation between the Shen brothers. At this time, Qin Tian was staring at Qin Shuang and A Chen in puzzlement, and said in amazement, "Sister, brother-in-law, Why do you always feel that there seems to be something wrong with you today?"

Qin Shuang and A Chen, who were walking side by side with their fingers clasped together, looked at each other, not quite understanding what Qin Tian was referring to, right?What could be wrong with them?
Ah Chen raised his eyebrows and asked, "What's wrong?"

"I can't say it, I just feel..." Qin Tian frowned in confusion, racking his brains on how to describe that indescribable feeling, "It seems to be more...intimate? join you?"

(End of this chapter)

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