pastoral beggar woman

Chapter 668 Arriving in Shengcheng

Chapter 668 Arriving in Shengcheng (8)
Qin Shuang smiled and said, "It will be difficult for Mr. Wei Er to find Wei Yu now." Unless they take the initiative to let Wei Yu show up, otherwise, if they enter the city, it means that half of Wei Liang's plot has failed. When Wei Zhifu comes back, his good days will come to an end.

Now that they have successfully entered the city, the two of them did not continue this topic. Instead, they focused their attention on the crowded streets around them. The car curtains hanging on the small windows on both sides were lifted, and the two looked at A bustling street.

Shengcheng is worthy of being the prefecture of Fengtian Prefecture. After entering the city, the width of the main street is almost four or five times that of the main street of Liangyi County. It can accommodate at least five carriages at a time. The counties and counties are quite different. More than half of the shops on both sides of the streets in the county have only one floor, but the sights on both sides of the streets in Shengcheng are almost neat small buildings with two or three floors. Occupying a small building, there is no one building that is used by several shops of different industries at the same time. The only difference between shops of different sizes is the width of the small building. From the outside, these small buildings look unusual. Neat, not only because they are neatly arranged in a row, but also because the architectural style of most of the small buildings is exactly the same, just like mass production. Look but there is not much difference.

The most amazing thing is that their carriage traveled tens of meters without seeing a single person who was setting up a stall on the side of the road. Except for many pedestrians passing by on the spacious and flat road, there were only occasional passing carriages or There is no sign of a bullock cart or a small street vendor, and because there are no messy vendors selling everything, the street looks very clean and tidy. Looking at the city, no, the city is very good!It can be seen that the prefect of Wei in Shengcheng manages Shengcheng very well.

Although he didn't see a small street vendor, Qin Shuang didn't think that there were no people who set up stalls for a living in Shengcheng. No matter how bustling a big city is, there are always many people with average living standards. The more prosperous the city, the more expensive the local ruffians. Not everyone can afford to set up a shop in a place where every inch of land is expensive to do business, so those who can't afford it and want to do some small business can't make a living?Naturally impossible.

If you want to come to the city, there should be other places specially reserved for small vendors to set up their stalls, and because this is the main street directly opposite to the city, anyone who enters the city can see it at first sight, and what they see will become the right place. The first impression of Shengcheng naturally needs to be carefully planned to show the best side of Shengcheng.

She doesn't know what other people are like, anyway, as soon as she enters the city, she will see such a lively, clean and tidy street, and almost every shop has a considerable number of customers. The passers-by are obviously better dressed than the people in Liangyi County. Dressing up made her have a good impression of Shengcheng, although the first impression has been settled because of Wei Yu's matter, compared with the two, this good has to drop a few percentage points.

How should I put it, there is always such a rat shit that wants to ruin a whole pot of porridge, and Mr. Wei Er, as the son of the prefect of Wei who manages Shengcheng into such a prosperous and prosperous city, is even more like a porridge. Rat feces that can't be ignored, the presence is too strong!It's hard to ignore!

Qin Shuang observed the shops on the street along the road, not only paying attention to the customer flow of these shops, but also the attitude of the shop assistants, the interior decoration of the shops, and even which businesses and industries were better than the business on a street. The pavement and the most and so on are all secretly kept in her heart. Although she planned to stay in Shengcheng for a while, it is good to have some things in mind earlier.

(End of this chapter)

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