pastoral beggar woman

Chapter 598 I owe a lesson

Chapter 598 I owe a lesson (6)
Faced with Tian Xiuhua and Qin Lian'er's pretentious gestures, he just said coldly when everyone thought he would argue for his master, "Ruyizhuang is a restaurant that is open for business. Since you come here to eat, why don't you Asking you to pay, it is useless to set up friendship and relationships. It is only natural to pay for meals, and there will be no exceptions just because your surname is Qin. "

"You!" The three of Qin Li's family looked at Scrophulariaceae in astonishment, and Tian Xiuhua said angrily, "You don't understand people's words! We are Qin Shuang's relatives! We are also your masters! No matter what you are, you dare Talk to us like that! You are just a dog bought by Qin Shuang! Even if we beat you to death, you can't say a word!"


There was a sudden deathly silence in the open room where some people had been talking in low voices.

After a while, there was a sudden burst of breathing, and among them, Ruyizhuang's own people reacted the most. The reason was that Scrophulariaceae was stronger than a group of people. Hearing someone scold him like this, he just Enough to scare them!
This woman simply does not know how to live or die!

The other guests were also shocked, and soon there were several curses for Scrophulariaceae.

"Can you accumulate some virtue in your mouth, woman! Didn't you rinse your mouth when you went out? Your mouth smells so bad!"

"That's right! Even if you are relatives of the owner of Ruyi Village, you can't scold people so casually, don't treat people like human beings!" Although Scrophulariaceae is relatively cold, it has always been very polite to guests, even if there is no expression on its face. It makes the guests feel that they have been neglected, so the regular customers are quite respectful and polite to Scrophulariae, and they don't look down on him just because they know he is a slave.

"I've been talking about it for so long and I haven't heard that the owner of Ruyizhuang has such a relative. What kind of good thing can such a cheap person be? Just now he was pretending to be pitiful, but now he is so arrogant, where is it? Like being bullied?"

"I don't think the reason why the owner of Ruyizhuang left was because he couldn't stand these relatives who love to take advantage of him!" He didn't even want to pay for the meal, and even cursed at others. What kind of good could such a person be?
These first scoldings are basically women who come to eat with their own heads. Women and men see things from different angles. From the very beginning, it is expected that these three women who come with three generations will not be of good character What a good man, they have seen a lot of women who are putting on airs, they are really pitiful or they are just pretending to know it!No, listen to what they said, first you don’t treat yourself as an outsider and dictate to the guys in the village, then when Scrophulariaceae came, you openly and secretly buried his master in front of the big housekeeper, Scrophulariaceae What's wrong?Isn't it a matter of course to pay for meals?They actually insulted Scrophulariaceae among them just to repay their debts!

Calling Scrophulariaceae as a dog, what are they themselves!
If the three of Qin, Li, Tian and Xiuhua had pretended to be better from the beginning to the end, maybe some people who didn't know the truth would really sympathize with them and question the character of the owner of Ruyizhuang more or less, but now?Hehe, you can't expect a fool to not show her brain damage for a long time, can you?It's pretty good to be able to almost fool some people.

As soon as Tian Xiuhua's mindless curses came out, the faces of the guests became stinky, and they looked at them with scrutiny and dissatisfaction, without any sympathy.

Compared with those who seemed to be scolded as if they were excited and angry, Scrophulariaceae, the person being insulted, seemed much calmer, without the annoyance and disapproval of others on his face, or the humiliation that ordinary people would have after being scolded With grief and indignation, he first thanked those present who spoke up for him, and then asked them to be quiet for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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