pastoral beggar woman

Chapter 593 I owe a lesson

Chapter 593 I owe a lesson (1)
All the people who wanted to watch the theater were dumbfounded when they heard the old lady's astonishing words, including other people in Ruyizhuang in the open room.

grandmother! ?Great aunt! ?Cousin -! ?This is what God unfolds! ?What about finding fault?It was agreed to eat the overlord meal, why did it suddenly become a relative to find someone?Still looking for, who are you looking for?The guy's master?Could it be a relative of Ruyi Zhuang's master's family! ?

Many guests looked at each other in blank dismay, all in a delicate mood.

If these women are really relatives of Master Ruyi Zhuang, then what they did just now is...

Some people began to mutter in their hearts, why does the owner of Ruyizhuang have such relatives who are not on the table?Never heard of it before!
The girl in the third group probably didn't expect such a development, she was stunned for a long time, only to know that the middle-aged woman who claimed to be the aunt of Ruyi Zhuang urged her, she came back to her senses, and looked at the two of them hesitantly. He winked, and winked with other people in the same group in the open room, telling them to keep an eye on it, and hurriedly ran to call for someone.

But just to be on the safe side, she didn't go directly to the main courtyard to find her owner. She belonged to the third group, and she couldn't go beyond the authority of the Scrophulariaceae head steward to go to the main courtyard without notification. The rules in Ruyizhuang are actually quite strict. If Scrophulariaceae goes out to do errands or goes to the left and right villages for a while, you can also find a group of people, Tiandong, Danshen, or Pinellia are all fine.

But today, the girl was lucky. She found Scrophulariae not long after leaving the Sichuan Cuisine Court. Scrophulariae has a lot of things to do every day, such as staff discussing shift schedules, inspections of various courtyards, weeding and pest control in Ruyi Village and the fields on the left and right, etc. Pay attention to things, the purchase of ingredients, the replenishment of supplies, and the distribution of wages and bonuses for the three groups are all handed over to Qin Shuang directly. Report on the basic matters in the village. Other times, I would fight with Ah Chen in the main courtyard. When Ah Chen was not going up the mountain, he would teach Kai Xiaozao some Scrophularia scrophulariae that they hadn’t learned, or once a month. I will personally participate in the fertilization of the orchard, which is quite busy.

Speaking of Scrophulariae, because Scrophulariaceae handles all the affairs in the village, so that other people can find him when they encounter problems, he has an 'office' assigned to him by Qin Shuang at the fast food restaurant. Most of the customers in the fast food courtyard buy food and then leave. The food they stay is not as much as in other courtyards. There are still [-] rooms in the entire courtyard to spare. There is also a lounge for them to take a nap.

The girls in the three groups were in the "office" of Scrophulariae in the fast food restaurant. Everyone in the village directly called Scrophulariae in the accountant's room to find Scrophulariae and explained the situation.

"Go and have a look." Scrophulariae put down everything in his hand, got up decisively and walked out.

People in the second and third groups of my master's natal family may not know, but most of the people in the land group know it. He, and Hehuan Baishu, among the cronies, were personally sent by Qin Shuang to the Qin family, including Liu. Uncle Lang's family, even Qin Fugui and Qin Shuang's mother who didn't know whether she was dead or alive and where she went were also told in detail, so that they would know what to do if they met these people in the future. attitude towards.

It's simple to say, except for Uncle Liu Lang's family who are now in Ruyizhuang, the rest... don't need to be treated as relatives of the master. In the words of the master, they are just a group of familiar strangers. It's useless, it's not as cute as the guests.

(End of this chapter)

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