pastoral beggar woman

Chapter 570: Ah Chen Shows His Power

Chapter 570: Ah Chen Shows His Power (3)

"I actually met a tiger!"

"It's lucky to be able to escape when you meet a tiger!"

"It's really dangerous in the deep mountains. There are wolves and tigers. It's not a place where we ordinary people can come and go casually."

"Isn't it! It's scary just listening to it, let alone going in person!"

"This Ruyizhuang is also working hard to get us some good medicinal materials."

"It's so easy to make money these days. If those medicinal diets don't work well, no one will buy them. Why does Ruyi Village make so much money? Isn't it because they really put their minds into cooking good dishes for us guests?"

Hearing that the topic was showing signs of going off track, Ah Chen continued to bring it back calmly, saying: "It doesn't matter how many times we have gone to the mountains. With experience, it is inevitable that we will come back with the whole tail every time, and there is no guarantee Every time there must be a good harvest, although the people in the village are all people who have signed the contract of sale, and life and death are determined by us, but it must be human life, and we don't want to see the guys in the village really die. What's wrong, in order to reduce casualties, we never bring people who have no self-protection ability into the mountains. We will consider their safety when we treat people who have no blood relationship, so I ask, this person cried so much just now Madame, how could you agree to let your son enter the mountain? Can you tell me what you think?"

Ah Chen asked Liu Wangshi whose complexion suddenly changed with a wry smile.

And the people who were still quite sympathetic to the Liu Wang family and the eldest brother of the Wang family gradually came to their senses after hearing what Ah Chen said, and felt that the Liu family's behavior of allowing their children to enter the mountain itself was extremely unreasonable. When Chen said this, he also specially emphasized the word "crying heartbreakingly". Everyone looked at Liu Wang, because he shouted loudly before, and looked emotional, and his face was quite red, but seeing Those eyes were not red and swollen at all, so dare she cry for a long time without any tears?
At this time, someone remembered that this woman kept covering her face when she was crying, and they thought it was just her distraught, because she was a woman, and subconsciously did not want others to see the instinct of crying so miserable and ugly behavior, but now looking at those normal eyes, I am afraid that people are covering their face just to hide that she is not crying so sad at all!

Now everyone saw Liu Wang's expression changed. It is true that people subconsciously sympathize with the weak, but if they find that the person they sympathize with actually just wants to take advantage of their sympathy, no matter how pitiful they were at that time, then From time to time, they hated the person who cheated their feelings.

"What's the matter with Mrs. Liu? It doesn't look like she has a dead son at all. Look at her face. I think there are traces of rouge on her face. Her son is dead and she still wants to dress herself up." What!" This was an elderly lady.

"Just now I heard her crying so badly, and she thought she really didn't want to live because of the loss of her son. It turns out that she was just fooling people!"

"I let my child go up the mountain, but now I come here to make Ruyizhuang responsible. How can I be responsible? I can see that these people are probably trying to blackmail people and want money!"

"It's definitely true! It's well known that Ruyizhuang's business is good. These people must be thinking about the money earned from Ruyizhuang and want to cheat money!"

"Why are these people doing this? Could it be that what the people in Ruyizhuang said was true? These people deliberately got into the mountains to be bitten by wild beasts so that they could ask Ruyizhuang for money, right?"

"No way!" The people around were taken aback by the man's words just now, "There won't be such vicious relatives! Isn't this woman the mother of the dead child? How can a mother intentionally kill herself?" Son, what a poisonous heart."

(End of this chapter)

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