pastoral beggar woman

Chapter 560 A Chen Injured

Chapter 560 A Chen Injured (2)
"It's best to be so natural." Qin Shuang said lightly.

Zhao Da winked at Huang Ying. The latter had a look of unwillingness in his eyes, but he still took out the last 1 taels of silver notes he had prepared and put them on the table.

Zhao Da said: "This is today's consultation fee."

Qin Shuang put away the bank note, took out another prescription that had been prepared, and said, "Although the condition is stable at present, it will need to be recuperated frequently in the future. There is a prescription on it, as well as dietary precautions. Taboo, etc. After returning home, decoct the medicine at least once every half a month and take it in the morning and evening, and take it for three years in a row, after that it will be useless.”

Zhao Da carefully put away the prescription, and asked reflexively, "What's the price of this prescription?"

The smile on Qin Shuang's mouth widened a bit. From Zhao Da's slightly changed expression, it can be seen that after a month and a half of charging for any treatment, he has become used to it, but this time he can breathe a sigh of relief.

"This is what I gave to Mr. Zhao. After all, I have spent a lot of effort to allow you to live for a few more years. I don't want to make your condition worse in the future because you don't take good care of your body."

To put it bluntly, the treatment in the past one and a half months is to first restore the basic functions of the organs that have been invaded by cancer cells, and then find a way to suppress the speed of cancer cell proliferation, so that the stomach cancer that is already in the advanced stage can be controlled within the early stage.

Generally, cancer develops from early stage to late stage, as fast as a month, as slow as one or two years, and rarely grows. This is especially true for cancers of major organs such as lung cancer and liver cancer, but gastric cancer is relatively better. If you can do it Surgery, removal of part of the cancer cell spread, and hope to cure it, but the conditions here are not allowed, even if Qin Shuang is allowed, so he can only control it, for the sake of 40 taels of silver, give him an extra five years live head.But since there is such a time limit, it will be a matter of time before his condition deteriorates again, and Zhao Da should know this better than he does.

Qin Shuang was generous for the first time, but Zhao Da, who had already designated her and the people in Ruyizhuang as "greedy for money", looked at her with a bloody expression, as if seeing the sun coming out from the west. Everyone on Qin Shuang's side felt quite upset.

Look at their eyes?Isn't it just to charge them less money?As for such an exaggeration, if she really asked them for money again, Zhao Da might have been rich a month and a half ago, but now?hehe.

"The treatment is over now, Mr. Zhao, do you think you should inform the family members of the news as soon as possible, so that they can be happy together?"

Zhao Da heard that it was Qin Shuang's secret order to chase away the guests. He had been away from home for more than a month, and the treatment had come to an end. He should really go back and stay longer... Zhao Da's face darkened.

"What Mrs. Chen said is that I originally planned to leave in the afternoon if my health is fine after today's treatment, and my luggage is packed." The environment in Ruyizhuang is good, and the taste of the medicinal food is also very good. Yue has never been tired of it, but if he stays for one more day, there will be more expenses. Even if those expenses can't be compared with the treatment fee, he can't afford it right now.

"Then, I'll be here to wish you a smooth journey, old man. I have something to do in the afternoon, so I won't go see you off." Qin Shuang nodded to him after speaking, and left the room with Ah Chen and He Huan.

not yet.

Zhao Da's master and servant got into the carriage with their luggage, and what came out to send them was Scrophulariae, and Danshen, who regretted not being able to continue beating people.

As soon as Huang Ying saw Danshen's face and got into the carriage without saying a word, she didn't show her face again. She was really scared of being beaten, and the negotiation with Ruyizhuang was also handed over to the old doctor.

(End of this chapter)

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