pastoral beggar woman

Chapter 523 Level 4

Chapter 523: Level 1 ([-])
The two newly bought Zhuangzi were replaced with new plaques on the third day after the change of ownership. Qin Shuang didn't deliberately give the two Zhuangzi names as nice as Ruyi Zhuang, but it wasn't like other Zhuangzi named after the Zhuangzi's owner's surname. The model of "Zhangzhuang" and "Wangzhuang" made a "Qinzhuang", only a "Zuozhuang" and a "Rightzhuang". The corner of the plaque is engraved with Ruyi pattern, which means that this is the subsidiary village of Ruyizhuang .

All the unfinished food in the village was emptied by the former owner, and the bedding was covered with old ones. In order to show that Zhuangzi had changed hands, Qin Shuang asked Xuan Huan to replace all the food and clothing needed with new ones. At the same time, the original shift schedule in Ruyi Zhuang was adjusted again. Every day, two people from each Zhuangzi group stared at each other in the dark. On the surface, there are three groups of people and one group of two people watching, nominally saying that if the long-term workers have something that they can’t decide on their own, or if there is a lack of living needs, they should ask these two people, and they will report to them. Scrophulariaceae processing.

Ruyi Village moved a lot of supplies to the villages on both sides. The guests who came to dinner found out that Ruyi Village had bought two more Zhuangzi. Therefore, Zhao Da and Huang Ying, who also lived in the village, could not know ?
He spends money non-stop, 1000 taels per day, and one more treatment in the first half month, which makes the price of 39 taels become 40 taels, which hurts. Can't sleep well at night!The results of it?The results of it!Qin Shuang spent the money he earned from him to the fullest!Buying two Zhuangzi directly with a large sum of money, at least four to five thousand taels?That's all his money!

Although the prices of the two Zhuangzi are not as expensive as his one-time treatment, they are still so angry that their liver hurts!Don't mention how depressed you are!His family property is getting less and less, but Ruyizhuang is getting richer and richer. Can he balance his mind?
What made him want to vomit blood the most was that after the news spread that Qin Shuang had bought two more small villages in Ruyi Village, Qin Shuang specially reminded him when he checked his pulse at the end of the treatment that he should try to maintain a good mood, and only with a good attitude can the treatment effect be better. good!

Damn, is he in a good mood?If he didn't directly die of anger, it would be regarded as his first-class endurance skills!

Do you still have to convince yourself that the money has already been spent anyway, and the money belongs to Qin Shuang. She can spend it as she wants, and she doesn't need to take it to heart. Anyway, his health is getting better after the money is gone. Yet?The frequency of the attack is not so high. Before, it happened every day, but now it happens once every other day. Although the treatment process is equivalent to the attack, the average number of pain endured seems to be the same, but it is finally effective, right?It's worth it, it's worth it—

Worth ass!Zhao Da smashed the third teacup today with a gloomy face!

spend money?sure!But can you stop making such a big fuss that everyone knows that he can't even pretend he doesn't know?Qin Shuang really didn't mean to anger him on purpose, in order to make him suffer from several illnesses and treatment several times, he wiped out his family fortune?
He only has a total of 45 taels of silver bills, and there is still some money left for his family members in the house, but it is only a few thousand taels, plus the prices of other real estate, land, shops, and even residential houses. All counted, it will not exceed 3 taels at most. If you really spend all the money here, you will definitely not have a good time when you go back!

His stomach throbbed like a spasm, Zhao Da was so shocked that he quickly suppressed the anger on his head, picked up a new teacup and poured himself some herbal tea from the teapot. The herbal tea was also specially prepared by Qin Shuang. It is said that although the painkillers he used are good, but if you take too much, your body will develop resistance, and it will be harmful to her treatment. If the pain is severe, deliberately drink this herbal tea, it will not affect the treatment. The effect is not bad.

(End of this chapter)

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