pastoral beggar woman

Chapter 509 A New Trick

Chapter 509 A New Trick (5)
How much is the box lunch mentioned above?An average of twenty texts, what's the difference between breakfast?That is to say, there are not so many customers during the day, and the sale is only for an hour, so the income is limited, but as long as the appetite of the customers is whetted, let them eat side dishes, soy milk fritters, tofu brains, etc. , I don’t know how to cook, there will always be someone who doesn’t bother, people in the surrounding villages also get up early, and they are reluctant to eat too well, there must be money to buy a warm soy milk to refresh their stomachs, when the time comes There is no pressure to keep the income of breakfast at more than ten taels of silver per day!
After Qin Shuang told Zhuangli and Zhang Qiaoting about the above considerations, people who did not understand the low price of breakfast, the people in Zhuangli admired her even more!

It was also from this day that Shen Jun's Xi Le Lou and several other restaurants in the city also launched their own point cards, and the food and other benefits they gave were adjusted according to the situation. After having Ru Yi Zhuang, they have become accustomed to points. The people in the counties where the card exists easily accept the point cards of other restaurants, and they are also happy to think that thanks to Ruyizhuang, they will get a little advantage when they go to other restaurants in the future. Those restaurants and restaurants that offer point cards As expected, business has picked up a lot.

It's just that some people think that this is more or less thanks to Ruyi Zhuang's blessing, and they feel a little complicated and entangled.

The news of the breakfast was quickly spread back to the county town by the guests. On the second day when the sales officially started, a lot of guests came as expected. Compared with other time periods, it must be incomparable. About 40 to [-] people came. Fortunately, the weather is much warmer now, otherwise, it is estimated that few people would be willing to travel so far in such an early morning just to have a casual breakfast at home.

In ancient times, most ordinary people had a casual breakfast to fill their stomachs, and their main meal was eaten properly at noon, and the three meals of rich families would be well prepared. Qin Shuang was already very satisfied to have these people come to eat.

Breakfast is actually served in the fast food restaurant, because the fast food restaurant has a special counter, on which are placed samples of every kind of food. It is said that the samples are also edible, but it is only because the function is to let people know what the food looks like. It doesn't matter if you waste one portion of every kind of food every day.

The same method is used for breakfast, steamed buns, ordinary steamed buns and flower rolls, and other pies that everyone is familiar with do not need to be specially displayed, but the rest such as milk steamed buns, egg steamed buns, spring onion flower rolls, steamed dumplings, fried dumplings, soybean milk fried dough sticks The tofu brains are all on display, and the most important thing is Zhang's small pickles!
There are five kinds in total, and each one is filled with a pot of five catties. There are several stacks of small dishes beside them. The small dishes are specially bought to hold side dishes. One stack can only hold one kind of side dish. Small dishes count money.

It was the first time for all the guests. Looking at the dozen or so types of breakfast that made it difficult to choose, they were dazzled for a while, unable to make up their minds about which one to eat. It's delicious, I want to try it!They all woke up early and came here, so they can't just eat one or two things and leave!

The guests discussed with each other, and finally everyone decided to buy more of them, at worst, just buy less of each, since there is not much money anyway!

"Give me a stack of steamed dumplings, three deep-fried dough sticks, a bowl of tofu nao, and two different side dishes. By the way, you have to make it yourself, right? Then I will do it myself."

"I want milk steamed buns, which are the same as meat buns and cost two cents apiece? It's a bit expensive, but it's quite big. Yes, give me two! What about two more spring onion rolls? And fried dumplings for me too Try it on the plate, and finally have a bowl of soy milk, and I will pick up the side dishes myself."

(End of this chapter)

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