pastoral beggar woman

Chapter 504 The Treatment Begins

Chapter 504 The Treatment Begins (9)
Not to mention, for Zhao Da who values ​​money very much, this trick is actually more useful than the word 'survival'!The more and more unbearable pain in the back made Zhao Da listen to it abruptly. Apart from sweating profusely from the pain, he didn't move for a moment. Even Qin Shuang was surprised, and mistakenly thought that the old man still had some perseverance. .

She has never experienced that kind of pain, but she has seen many cancer patients, and she has also seen the reaction during or after treatment. She can imagine how much pain they endured, but she never thought that Zhao Da could endure it. live.

After almost half an hour, Hehuan began to pull out the needle, this time it was much faster, but it took nearly [-] to pull out the silver needle in a cup of tea, when Qin Shuang said, "This is the end of the first treatment" At that time, Huang Ying, who couldn't bear it for a long time, finally pushed Bai Shu hard and rushed over.

Bai Shu patted the chest touched by Huang Ying in disgust, frowning so much that a fly could be crushed to death.

"Master! Master, how do you feel!?" Huang Ying asked anxiously.

Zhao Da hadn't changed his strength because of the pain before, and he didn't speak for a long time, but pointed at the clothes on the side with trembling fingers. Seeing this, Huang Ying quickly dressed him first, and then helped her turn around and flatten her Lying on the couch, he wiped his sweat with a handkerchief very carefully.

He Huan took the silver needle bag and stepped back, took the half-wet towel handed over by Bai Zhu and wiped his hands very carefully, the action was very similar to Bai Zhu's chest slap just now.

Zhao Da was still in a daze, Qin Shuang was not in a hurry, he and A Chen sat and drank tea leisurely, and asked He Huan how he felt for the first time. Feeling, seriously and carefully speak out your own experience and other ideas.

Qin Shuang listened patiently. Occasionally, when He Huan was uncertain or puzzled, he would raise a few words, and the two asked for advice and answered in a harmonious atmosphere.

After another cup of tea, Zhao Da came to his senses, asked Huang Ying to help him sit on the vacant seat beside Qin Shuang, and asked expectantly, "After today's treatment, will the old man be able to relax in the next few days?" Some? Fewer episodes?"

Qin Shuang rolled his eyes and said speechlessly: "Master Zhao, we are not gods, just a few random injections can immediately relieve your pain and see the effect. I said earlier that the treatment will take at least a month, maybe more than half a month. Your situation will improve in the future, but you can't see anything now."

Zhao Da was obviously very disappointed, but probably this answer was also within his expectations, he just overreported a little bit and looked forward to asking casually.

After getting the answer, Zhao Da nodded slightly to Qin Shuang and said, "Mrs. Laochen is here today."

"It's okay, anyway, I'm not a freelancer, and what I really did was Acacia." Qin Shuang smiled and said to Zhao Da: "One treatment is 1 taels, please pay, thank you."

Zhao Da: "..."

"Huang Ying, give the bank note to Mrs. Chen."

Huang Ying took out a banknote worth 1 taels from her bosom with a sullen expression and put it on the table with a 'slap'.

You don't need to guess, Huang Ying probably thinks that they are greedy for money, and they talk about money, right?Obviously she followed Zhao Da for money, but the money she could get was far less than what Qin Shuang could get by asking He Huan to give Zhao Da an injection.

Well, she must be jealous.

Qin Shuang accepted the bank note without changing his expression, pointed to the three medicine packs on the table, and said, "This is the medicine for the next three days. Mr. Zhao can ask your maid to take the medicine to Bei Er The courtyard’s small kitchen decocts medicine.”

(End of this chapter)

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