pastoral beggar woman

Chapter 322 Tongfu Village

Chapter 322 Tongfu Village (4)
Cows are much better-looking than horses, and there are many buyers here. It didn't take long for Qin Shuang to spend six taels of silver to pick a well-grown cow. The bull is too violent and not suitable for pulling carts. , Wait until spring to buy bulls to plow the fields and breed cows at the same time.

After buying cattle and horses, I go to buy a car. The two places are not far away. I usually sell the cattle here. When I go out and turn a corner, I can see the place where the car is bought. I buy the car and add the cattle to make a cart. Or a carriage, which is very convenient.

When we arrived at the place to buy a car, Ah Chen made a point of emphasizing it, "You must buy a car with a compartment. It's cold and can block the wind."

Qin Shuang naturally understood that he was speaking for his own sake, and smiled, not caring whether there was anyone around, and directly kissed Ah Chen on the face, and then said under the stunned eyes of everyone: "Then Just buy two cars with carriages, and another one that only pulls goods."

Qin Shuang didn't need to show up in person, the number two next to her consciously helped her negotiate with the store owner, picked three cars that were not too outstanding in appearance, but were absolutely solid, and number four came up to bargain with the store owner with a smile, and occasionally The two of them also interjected, with the tone and the choice of words, it was obvious that they were applying the eloquence learned from Qin Shuang's essay test course to life.

Qin Shuang didn't stop her either, as they played freely, she wasn't short of the money, but she didn't hinder giving them a chance to perform.

When buying cows and horses before, if Qin Shuang hadn't paid too quickly, he could have bargained to save some money. In order not to miss the opportunity, No. [-] Peach Blossom Eye specially mentioned it to others on the way here. Only then did he finally have a chance to share his worries with his master.

In the end, the car that was originally priced at ten taels was overwhelmed by them. Even though the one tael saved didn’t sound like much, selling grain at least could buy two hundred catties!
"Good performance!" Qin Shuang praised without hesitation, which further increased the enthusiasm of a group of people.

A Chen said: "Next, I'll leave it to you to negotiate prices when purchasing. You can talk as much as you can, and buy you more food and drink if you save!"

"Thank you, master!" The four said in unison, except for No. [-], whose expression remained unchanged, the eyes of the other three were all tinged with joy, not necessarily because of the little food and drink, but because they could play their role just after staying The place makes them feel that they have self-worth, instead of eating nothing.

Although Qin Shuang had no idea and regarded it as an initial investment, these people thought in their hearts that not only did they learn a lot in the previous month, but they also ate and drank for free, which was too much of a bargain. I always feel guilty for not helping my master to do more.

The three carts I bought were because Qin Shuang and Ah Chen were going to make an ox cart when they returned to the village. Comparing the carriage without carriage with the ox cart, it looked quite weird, but Qin Shuang didn't think it was anything special, and bought the carriage, so it was time to buy it officially.

The four of Qin Shuang wanted to bring back food to Tongfu Village. There were more than 100 people in Ruyi Village to eat and drink. There were a lot of things to buy, and the first thing to do was food. There were too many people in Ruyi Village, and the food was consumed very quickly. It cost nearly a hundred catties a day. For food, at least a thousand catties of food must be supplemented for them during the Chinese New Year. There are rice, corn flour, and it’s expensive to buy only rice, and you have to change their taste occasionally, right?
A group of people went to the grain store to search first, and bought more than 1000 catties of rice and flour, and a dozen big sacks to fill half of a carriage. Every year and festivals, people in Ruyizhuang will give gifts. This time, because they haven't officially started working, she didn't plan to give them too much gifts, so they gave each of them new clothes.

(End of this chapter)

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