pastoral beggar woman

Chapter 298 Screening Rules

Chapter 298 Screening Rules (6)
"so good!?"

"No.1 has a tael of silver!"

"Even if you can't get No.1, No.10 is fine! One hundred Wen is enough to buy twenty catties of rice!" The crowd couldn't help erupting a lot of discussions, with uncontrollable excitement and excitement in their voices. joy.

Those few with good grades finally have a stronger sense of competition. Originally, there were at least ten people with perfect scores, so as long as they stay in the top ten, it can be guaranteed that the final score will be the best group. There are rewards for different rankings, but that's a different matter, it's just a matter of deciding which one to compete with!

If you can win No.1 in the four assessments, you will be rewarded with four taels of silver!What a windfall!Even No. [-] Wuming's eyes, with a calm expression on his face, showed a gleam of determination, which showed that Qin Shuang's move was quite effective.

Ah Chen is also very proud of his daughter-in-law's mind for the time being. Besides Shuangshuang, who else has such an ability to easily influence so many people's minds, get excited if you want them to be excited, and get nervous if you make them nervous!

Qin Shuang still didn't think it was enough and continued to throw down the benefits, "Not only will there be bonuses for each small assessment, but those with higher final scores will have better wages and other benefits in the future. Those who stay will be divided into different wages according to different wages. Three groups, one group of [-] points or more, two groups of [-] points or more, three groups of [-] points or more, the first group has the highest wages, the third group has the lowest wages, and the third group's wages are - one tael. "

"One or two—!?" The sound of inhaling one after another sounded in the middle of the team, and everyone looked at Qin Shuang with a look of picking up gold.

Ah Chen stood in front of her dissatisfied, blocking the unbridled sight of these people, did his wife just let others see it casually!Look at all failed!Unqualified!
Some people knew about the relationship between Qin Shuang and Ah Chen when they were in the slums. Seeing Ah Chen's appearance, they hurriedly looked away, but they couldn't suppress the surge in their hearts. That was a tael of silver!One or two every month, this is still the group with the least wages!How many will be the most?

Calculated on the low side, the second group is two taels, and the third group is three taels, which is also three times!The people with better grades turned their minds faster and thought more than the others. He vaguely guessed that since Qin Shuang had such high demands on them, he purposely divided them into three groups, and the treatment between the three groups should be comparable. The obvious difference is not only one tael, maybe the first group's treatment can be ten taels or even more!

If they really guessed it right, then Qin Shuang is really rich and powerful!

Just imagine, even if there are only 90 people left in the end, the monthly salary alone will have to be sent out several hundred taels!What courage!Which shop owner has such a big hand!At this moment, no one would find it unbearable to sign a deed of selling their lives. If they can get so much wages, selling themselves is nothing!They all wished that Qin Shuang would sign them immediately, at least this meant that they would have at least one tael of silver a month in the future!How many freelancers can get so much wages!
Moreover, if there are ninety people left in the end, will these people all become ordinary fellows?Same guy getting different wages?No matter how you think about it, it’s not quite right. Therefore, the greatest possibility is that people in different groups have different job content. For example, people with a higher group can be responsible for managing some people with a lower group. What about being a small manager? of?The taller ones may have the opportunity to be the shopkeeper?
According to the level of the staff in the general shop, such a guess is absolutely reasonable!
Qin Shuang didn't know that someone had already guessed quite a few of her plans, so she added one more sentence just to reassure some people: "Today's running is because everyone doesn't know the rules, and maybe some people didn't use their full strength, so just It is not counted in the daily score, but it will be counted starting tomorrow."

(End of this chapter)

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