pastoral beggar woman

Chapter 2763 Interstellar Family Searching Records Occupy the Star Thief Group

Chapter 2763 Interstellar Family Searching Records Occupy the Star Thief Group (3)
There is a precedent of Xuan Jinglin, just in case, Ah Chen asked Xiao Qi specifically: "Aren't Jing Qi and Jing Xi in their lair?" But it's not good.

"Don't worry, they are not here." Xiao Qi said firmly.

Qin Shuang looked at the star thief's lair that looked a bit like a beehive through the glass cabin of the starship's operating room, moved his fingers, and said, "In this case, then get ready and do it."

The people from the Star Thief's lair also discovered their fleet at this time. It's strange that these guys came back not long after leaving. Could it be that they found some rare treasures and couldn't wait to come back early?
Thinking of this greatest possibility, the star thieves in charge of patrolling the surroundings immediately excitedly sent out signals to the approaching fleet.

The contact method between the Star Thief Group, Ah Chen had already set it out from the mouths of those Star Thieves, and now he calmly asked Xiao Qi to react accordingly. Sure enough, the other party opened the closed An entrance to the lair opens to let their fleet in.

There is a special place to hear starships in the Star Thief's Nest. This 'hive' is like a closed fortress. You will only find it after you enter it. It seems to be a dilapidated planet that has been abandoned by people and has had some big explosions. , after modification by the star thieves, it became a nest for them to shelter from wind and rain.

The fleet was not in a hurry to land, but hovered over the lair for a while. According to the information provided by the star thieves, and the layout of the lair that Xiaoqi found from a secret folder in the gradual system, he compared some of the buildings below. , Several people started the method they had discussed before to deal with the enemy.

There were only three of them, if they really had a head-to-head encounter with a large star bandit group of nearly a thousand people left behind, it would be pure brain teasing!

The method is not afraid of old-fashioned methods. How did you take down the star thieves in the ship before? Use the same method, strong tear gas bombs, hypnotic bombs, and buy a few hundred pills of them that make people laugh out loud and feel itchy all over the body. The pills are processed in a special way, turning the pills into a colorless and odorless spray, which is sprinkled directly over the old nest!
Many star thieves who heard the news of their early return ran out and stood near the starship dock, looking up at the fleet, completely unaware that the air was filled with many things that would bring them bad luck.

Not long after, the first person suddenly fell down inexplicably, and before the others were surprised what happened, more people fell down, and some people began to cry and laugh like a dead father. It was convulsing on the ground as if suffering from epilepsy, and it kept scratching its body until it bled all over. The strange scene made some people who reacted slowly turn pale with fright, and were in chaos.

"What's going on! What's wrong with them!"

"Damn it! I was plotted against!"

"Ah—it's itchy, my body is itchy—hahahahaha—"

"Tears, tears can't stop—————"

"Enemy attack! There must be an enemy sneaking in!"

"Is it a member of the Federation or the Empire? Quickly inform the leader—" Before he could finish speaking, the man fell down with a 'bang'.

There were dozens of people who came out to join in the fun, and more people came out after hearing the movement, and these people were also dragged down and fell down.

There was chaos below for about two to three minutes, and finally someone sounded the alarm!Buzzing sounds like air defense sirens began to sound over the entire star thief lair, and more and more people rushed out with weapons on their bodies. They sent out video requests to see if they were responsible for the chaos on the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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