pastoral beggar woman

Chapter 2730 Out of the Interstellar

Chapter 2730 Out of the Interstellar (2)
Xichi and Achen also agreed to a share. Mo and Saqi countries are not so cheap. If their emperor really wanted it, he would not fail to provide them with a share, but it was cheaper than Yunliang and Xichi. The price paid was even more expensive, enough to make it difficult for the emperor to make a decision.

For example, open your mouth and ask them for one-fifth of the land directly. This is a country where half of the land in Mozambique itself is uninhabitable and cannot be farmed. The people in the country change!
It is said that Chen is the lion's mouth, he does not mean to deny it, but what if the lion opened his mouth?

I didn't force you to change, isn't it the monarchs of Mo and Saqi who can finally decide whether to change or not?

As for whether the prince who has sat on the throne for more than ten or twenty years or even longer, and there is Babaer waiting for them to abdicate, will they come up with some outrageous ideas to cause civil strife because they want to change the evolution potion? It has nothing to do with Ah Chen.

Qin Shuang thought to himself, if the current way of development continues, in the future, even if Xuantian Kingdom does not deliberately fight, relying on the good things from the mall and the more attention-grabbing evolution potion, it will be easy to conquer Many large and small countries on the entire continent are unifying, and people from many countries are gradually sending them up to unify them.

However, even if Qin Shuang and A Chen greatly promoted the historical process of this era, it would probably take at least several decades or even hundreds of years.

Not only because it takes a lot of time for a big country to encroach a little bit with a soft policy, but also because the current four big countries and 22 small countries are not the total number of all countries on this huge continent.

Let’s say that if you go out to sea from the pier in Liancheng, there are dozens of islands in the offshore area, and there are some small island countries or tribes among them. What about the far sea?How many countries and populations are still unknown on the other side of the ocean. Will people go to other countries in the future, and will people from other countries come to them with some ulterior purpose?
If you really want to rule the world, you have to figure out how many people there are in the world first.

Speaking of going back to Mo and Saqi.

Even though the emperors of the two countries showed dissatisfaction with Ah Chen taking advantage of the fire at the beginning, but less than a month after Ah Chen’s conditions were released, the emperors of the two countries unified and exchanged their conditions. Evolution medicine, the premise is that the medicine must be really effective.

Qin Shuang and A Chen had expected this answer a long time ago. Judging from the mentality of the two emperors, they should think that if they can live another 200 years, they will always find a way to get back the lost land in the future. Bar?

You can’t get it back from Xuantian Kingdom, you can also go to conquer other surrounding countries, even if most of the small countries have become Xuantian Kingdom’s vassal states, or are merged into Xuantian Kingdom, as mentioned above, this continent is very vast, not necessarily boundless Boundless, but with the level of transportation in this era, there are still many places that have not been explored. It is not impossible to spend more time expanding the territory.

If they give up the next few hundred years of life for the sake of a little effort in front of them, they will face death in another 20 years. Seeing that the emperors of other big countries are rejuvenated and can still enjoy the glory and power for so long, what do they think? Can you be willing?
Qin Shuang and Ah Chen are not worried that the longevity of the emperors of these other countries will have a bad impact on Xuantian Kingdom. At any time, it is the Xuantian Kingdom that is ahead of the times. They develop first, and then it is the turn of other countries. , it depends on whether Qin Shuang and A Chenle are willing to take things out.

(End of this chapter)

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