Chapter 229
Qin Fugui said: "One catty and one tael, isn't it?"

"Yes, that's right." Qin Shuang was relieved. Fortunately, Tian Xiuhua was not stupid enough to say the price indiscriminately. "How much sauce do you plan to buy? Both or just one?"

"One catty of sauce is enough." Given the situation of the Qin family, it is not easy to be willing to spend a couple of dollars to buy sauce, let alone Qin Lishi and Tian Xiuhua disagree, he himself thinks it is inappropriate.

Qin Fugui hesitated for a moment and asked, "My idea is to focus on selling only one type, but I don't know which one makes more money, egg pancakes or finger pancakes, so I want to ask your opinion."

Qin Shuang thought for a while, "If you want me to say, let's sell egg pancakes. When we set up a stall, the sales of the two pancakes were about the same, but egg pancakes are relatively easier to make than finger pancakes." It is said that it is much less troublesome to prepare flour-based dishes that only need to be made into egg pancakes.

Qin Fugui didn't hesitate too much, and directly gritted his teeth and said, "Then bring me the sauce that has already been made into an egg pancake." Although Qin Shuang's relationship with the Qin family is not good, he didn't think she would deliberately stand on this side To put them in a stumbling block, to put it bluntly, he also knew in his heart that Qin Shuang hadn't done anything wrong to them, but in the end, it was difficult to understand, and he felt more sad and unbalanced in comparison.

Qin Shuang gave Qin Tian a wink, and the latter went directly to the kitchen to pack a catty of sauce. Qin Fugui handed Qin Tian the prepared tael and wanted to leave. Qin Shuang suddenly called him to stop.

"I'll ask Xiaotian to show Qin Cheng a demonstration, and I'll get you a discus, so you don't have to go to the iron shop to make it." For Qin Cheng's sake, Qin Shuang decided to help.

Qin Fugui's face was slightly moved, and Qin Cheng nodded gratefully to Qin Shuang, "Thank you, Qin Shuang."

"It's nothing. The recipe for egg pancakes is very simple. You have to read it twice and then make it yourself. Once you're sure there's nothing wrong with it, you can prepare the ingredients and sell them in the town. The taste won't be worse than others."

"Hey!" Qin Cheng's simple face raised a smile of joy, and his face, which could only be said to be ordinary, was particularly pleasing to the eye.

In fact, Qin Cheng's appearance is not too bad, but because of the poor conditions in his family, he has to think about how to work more to make ends meet every day, and nothing good happens and he rarely laughs, which makes him look dull , if you smile more, there will definitely be more people who are willing to say goodbye to him, and there will be more choices.

Qin Cheng wasn't too smart, but he wasn't stupid either. He watched Qin Tian make two egg pancakes, and then he got started after making two more. Presumably it will.

Qin Shuang generously gave them a discus and a matching spatula. By the way, he reminded them about the heat to be used, because they were going to burn firewood directly. Muddy, but no one is willing to spend money to buy mushy pancakes.

When they left, Qin Tian and Qin Cheng asked them to take back the four egg pancakes they made by themselves, and Qin Fugui's expression became better, but he didn't know that the main reason why Qin Shuang gave them the pancakes was that even if they stayed, they would not be able to eat. No one ate it, they had had enough for themselves, and even the crazy old man lost interest in other more delicious dishes after tasting it twice.

This kind of snack is meant to be eaten fresh. If it weren't for this, she wouldn't have stopped immediately after the stall was smashed. Even if there was no such incident, she originally planned to wait for the first person to come to the door and then sell the sauce. Yes, in fact, the time when Shen Jun appeared was not much different from the time when the stall was smashed, wasn't it?The person who brought the passenger could still find a reason for her to change her name and quit.

(End of this chapter)

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